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Last active July 1, 2019 19:46
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Save kerrishotts/461a9057d3f40966e953dde3e441639b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. Daily Challenge #4 (July 1, 2019) (See:
const sanitize = str => str.replace(/[^0-9A-Za-z\.\s]/g, "");
const notBlank = str => str !== "";
const extract = str => {
const [ line, category, expense ] = str.split(/\s+/);
return { line: Number(line), category, expense: Number(expense) };
const byLineAndCategory = (a, b) => a.line < b.line
? -1 : a.line > b.line
? 1 : a.category < b.category
? -1 : a.category > b.category
? 1 : 0;
const balanceReducer = (
{openingBalance, totalExpenses, entries},
{line, category, expense}
) => {
const newTotal = totalExpenses + expense;
const newBalance = openingBalance - newTotal;
return {
totalExpenses: newTotal,
averageExpense: newTotal / (entries.length + 1),
entries: [ ...entries, {line, category, expense, balance: newBalance }]
const round2 = n => (Math.round(n * 100) / 100)
.toLocaleString(undefined, {
style: "decimal",
minimumFractionDigits: 2,
useGrouping: true
const balanceCheckbook = (checkbook) => {
const [openingBalanceStr, ...entries] =
const openingBalance = Number(openingBalanceStr);
const initialState = {
entries: [],
averageExpense: 0,
totalExpenses: 0
const report =
.reduce( balanceReducer, initialState );
return `
Original Balance: ${round2(report.openingBalance)}
${{line, category, expense, balance}) =>
`${line} ${category} ${round2(expense)} Balance ${round2(balance)}`
Total Expenses: ${round2(report.totalExpenses)}
Average Expense: ${round2(report.averageExpense)}
const tests = () => {
const assert = (fn, expect) => {
try {
const r = fn();
if (r !== expect) throw new Error(`Expected\n"${expect}"\nGot\n"${r}"`);
} catch(err) {
throw new Error(`${err.message}`);
// check average
assert( () => balanceCheckbook(`
100 EntryOne 50.00
101 EntryTwo 50.00
`), `Original Balance: 100.00
100 EntryOne 50.00 Balance 50.00
101 EntryTwo 50.00 Balance 0.00
Total Expenses: 100.00
Average Expense: 50.00`
// blank lines?
assert( () => balanceCheckbook(`
100 EntryOne 50.00
101 EntryTwo 50.00
`), `Original Balance: 100.00
100 EntryOne 50.00 Balance 50.00
101 EntryTwo 50.00 Balance 0.00
Total Expenses: 100.00
Average Expense: 50.00`
// Random characters?
assert( () => balanceCheckbook(`
100 EntryOne#() 50.00
101 EntryTwo;_ 50.00
`), `Original Balance: 100.00
100 EntryOne 50.00 Balance 50.00
101 EntryTwo 50.00 Balance 0.00
Total Expenses: 100.00
Average Expense: 50.00`
// what if there are no entries?
assert( () => balanceCheckbook(`
`), `Original Balance: 100.00
Total Expenses: 0.00
Average Expense: 0.00`
// negative?
assert( () => balanceCheckbook(`
100 Groceries 79.99
103 Transmission 4,999.39
`), `Original Balance: 1,000.00
100 Groceries 79.99 Balance 920.01
103 Transmission 4,999.39 Balance -4,079.38
Total Expenses: 5,079.38
Average Expense: 2,539.69`
// example checkbook
const checkbook = `
125 Hardware;! 24.8?;
123 Flowers 93.5
127 Meat 120.90
120 Picture 34.00
124 Gasoline 11.00
123 Photos;! 71.4?;
122 Picture 93.5
132 Tires;! 19.00,?;
129 Stamps 13.6
129 Fruits{} 17.6
129 Market;! 128.00?;
121 Gasoline;! 13.6?;
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