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Last active September 28, 2023 15:53
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Script to retrieve Magnetic declination data from Retrieves specified latitude and longitude ranges (CONUS by default) and stores them in a cfg style text file
# Script to retrieve magnetic declination data from
# Retrieves specified latitude and longitude ranges (CONUS by default)
# and stores them in a cfg style text file
# Usage: Run script with no arguments, it will output declination.cfg
# in the current directory
# Tested with Python 3.3.1
# Copyright (c) 2013 Kevan Ahlquist
import datetime
import re
import urllib.request
import urllib.parse
import xml.dom.minidom
# Change the following values for desired range
minLatitude = 24
maxLatitude = 50
minLongitude = -125
maxLongitude = -66
# ==============================================
latitudeRange = range(minLatitude, maxLatitude)
longitudeRange = range(minLongitude, maxLongitude)
recordsReceived = 0
totalRecords = abs((maxLatitude-minLatitude)*(maxLongitude-minLongitude))
percentDone = 0
print("Retrieving", totalRecords, "datapoints")
def getText(nodelist):
rc = []
for node in nodelist:
if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE:
return ''.join(rc)
print("Generating declination.cfg file...")
myFile = open('declination.cfg', 'w') # Delete current file, if it exists
myFile = open('declination.cfg', 'a') # Open new file in append mode
# Boilerplate info for config file
now =
month = now.month
dateString = now.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")
myFile.write('# Declination data from\n')
myFile.write('# lat:%d-%d, long:%d-%d updated %s\n' % (minLatitude, maxLatitude, minLongitude, maxLongitude, dateString))
for latitude in latitudeRange:
for longitude in longitudeRange:
#encode URL parameters
params = urllib.parse.urlencode({'lat1': latitude, 'lon1': longitude, 'resultFormat': 'xml', 'startMonth': month})
#Load XML file
f = urllib.request.urlopen("" % params)
#Process XML file into object tree and get only declination info
dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(
myString = getText(dom.getElementsByTagName("declination")[0].childNodes)
# At this point the string still contains some formatting, this removes it
declination = str(re.findall(r"[-+]?\d*\.\d+|\d+", myString)[0])
#Output formatting and append line to declination file
if latitude > 0:
latLabel = 'N'
latLabel = 'S'
if longitude > 0:
longLabel = 'E'
longLabel = 'W'
myFile.write('%s%s%s%s=%s\n' % (latLabel, abs(latitude), longLabel, abs(longitude), declination))
recordsReceived += 1
if recordsReceived % 50 == 0:
percentDone = float(recordsReceived) / float(totalRecords) * 100.0
print("Progress:", int(percentDone), "%", end="\r")
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