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Created August 27, 2020 01:51
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YAML chunk for docfx issue
- uid: Cesil.CesilUtils.EnumerateAsync``1(TextReader,Cesil.Options,System.Nullable{System.Object},CancellationToken)
commentId: M:Cesil.CesilUtils.EnumerateAsync``1(TextReader,Cesil.Options,System.Nullable{System.Object},CancellationToken)
id: EnumerateAsync``1(TextReader,Cesil.Options,System.Nullable{System.Object},CancellationToken)
parent: Cesil.CesilUtils
- csharp
- vb
name: EnumerateAsync<TRow>(TextReader, Options, Nullable<Object>, CancellationToken)
nameWithType: CesilUtils.EnumerateAsync<TRow>(TextReader, Options, Nullable<Object>, CancellationToken)
fullName: Cesil.CesilUtils.EnumerateAsync<TRow>(TextReader, Cesil.Options, System.Nullable<System.Object>, CancellationToken)
type: Method
path: Cesil/Interface/CesilUtils.cs
branch: debug-docfx
id: EnumerateAsync
path: Cesil/Interface/CesilUtils.cs
startLine: 192
- Cesil
namespace: Cesil
summary: "\nLazily and asynchronously enumerate rows of type TRow from the given TextReader.\n\nAn optional Options object may be used, if not provided Options.Default\nwill be used.\n\nTakes an optional context object which is made available\nduring certain operations as a member on ReadContext.\n\nA CancellationToken may also be provided, CancellationToken.None will be used otherwise.\n"
example: []
content: public static IAsyncEnumerable<TRow> EnumerateAsync<TRow>(TextReader reader, Options? options = null, object? context = null, CancellationToken cancel = null)
- id: reader
type: TextReader
- id: options
type: Cesil.Options
- id: context
type: System.Nullable{System.Object}
- id: cancel
type: CancellationToken
- id: TRow
type: IAsyncEnumerable{{TRow}}
content.vb: Public Shared Function EnumerateAsync(Of TRow)(reader As TextReader, options As Options = Nothing, context As Object? = Nothing, cancel As CancellationToken = Nothing) As IAsyncEnumerable(Of TRow)
overload: Cesil.CesilUtils.EnumerateAsync*
nameWithType.vb: CesilUtils.EnumerateAsync(Of TRow)(TextReader, Options, Nullable(Of Object), CancellationToken)
- public
- static
- Public
- Shared
fullName.vb: Cesil.CesilUtils.EnumerateAsync(Of TRow)(TextReader, Cesil.Options, System.Nullable(Of System.Object), CancellationToken)
name.vb: EnumerateAsync(Of TRow)(TextReader, Options, Nullable(Of Object), CancellationToken)
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