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Created February 9, 2021 17:20
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using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
namespace IsEvenSourceGenerator
public class SourceGenerator : ISourceGenerator
public void Initialize(GeneratorInitializationContext context)
context.RegisterForSyntaxNotifications(() => new IsEvenSyntaxReceiver());
public void Execute(GeneratorExecutionContext context)
if (!(context.SyntaxReceiver is IsEvenSyntaxReceiver syntaxReceiver))
foreach (var kvp in syntaxReceiver.MaxValue)
GenerateIsEven(kvp.Key, kvp.Value, context);
private void GenerateIsEven((string @namespace, string type) key, int value, GeneratorExecutionContext context)
var sourceBuilder = new StringBuilder(@"
namespace {namespace}
partial class {class}
public static bool IsEven(int number) => (number) switch
{evens} => true,
{odds} => false
var evens = string.Join(" or ", Enumerable.Range(0, value + 1).Where(i => i % 2 == 0));
var odds = string.Join(" or ", Enumerable.Range(0, value + 1).Where(i => i % 2 != 0));
var result = sourceBuilder.ToString()
.Replace("{namespace}", key.@namespace)
.Replace("{class}", key.type)
.Replace("{odds}", odds)
.Replace("{evens}", evens);
context.AddSource($"{key.@namespace}.{key.type}", SourceText.From(result, Encoding.UTF8));
public class IsEvenSyntaxReceiver : ISyntaxReceiver
public Dictionary<(string @namespace, string type), int> MaxValue { get; private set; } = new();
public void OnVisitSyntaxNode(SyntaxNode syntaxNode)
if (syntaxNode is InvocationExpressionSyntax invocationExpression && invocationExpression.Expression.ToString() == "IsEven")
foreach (var argument in invocationExpression.ArgumentList.Arguments)
if (argument.Expression.Kind() == Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.SyntaxKind.NumericLiteralExpression)
var value = int.Parse(argument.Expression.ToString());
// Find parent ClassDeclarationSyntax
var classDeclaration = syntaxNode.FirstAncestorOrSelf<ClassDeclarationSyntax>();
if (!classDeclaration.Modifiers.ToString().Contains("partial"))
var @namespace = classDeclaration.FirstAncestorOrSelf<NamespaceDeclarationSyntax>();
var key = (@namespace.Name.ToString(), classDeclaration.Identifier.ToString());
MaxValue.TryGetValue(key, out var maxValue);
if (value >= maxValue)
MaxValue[key] = value;
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