import { Kind } from 'graphql/language' import { resolver } from '../src/graphql/schema/types/scalar/email' /* eslint-disable no-underscore-dangle */ const email = 'test@test' const emailComplete = '' describe('Email scalar', () => { describe('when email is valid', () => { it('serialize correctly with complete email', () => { expect(resolver.Email.__serialize(emailComplete)) .to .eql(emailComplete) }) it('serialize correctly', () => { expect(resolver.Email.__serialize(email)) .to .eql(email) }) it('parseValue correctly with complete email', () => { expect(resolver.Email.__parseValue(emailComplete)) .to .eql(emailComplete) }) it('parseValue correctly', () => { expect(resolver.Email.__parseValue(email)) .to .eql(email) }) it('parseLiteral correctly with complete email', () => { expect( resolver.Email.__parseLiteral({ value: emailComplete, kind: Kind.STRING }, {}) ) .to .eql(emailComplete) }) it('parseLiteral correctly', () => { expect( resolver.Email.__parseLiteral({ value: email, kind: Kind.STRING }, {}) ) .to .eql(email) }) }) describe('when email is invalid', () => { describe('and not a string', () => { it('parseValue', () => { expect(() => resolver.Email.__parseValue(435)) .to .throw( 'Value is not string' ) }) it('parseLiteral', () => { expect(() => resolver.Email.__parseLiteral({ value: '453', kind: Kind.INT }, {})) .to .throw('Value is not string : IntValue') }) }) describe('and not an email address', () => { it('parseValue', () => { expect(() => resolver.Email.__parseValue('this is a test')) .to .throw('Value is not a valid email address: this is a test') }) it('parseLiteral', () => { expect(() => resolver.Email.__parseLiteral({ value: 'this is a test', kind: Kind.STRING }, {})) .to .throw('Value is not a valid email address') }) }) }) })