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Last active September 8, 2018 17:43
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for i in `seq 1 100`
hashpump -s a0750196b7aa295dba2811b19107f65c -d "logged_in=1%26id%3dguest" -k $i -a "&id=Kana"
class P
static WebClient client = new WebClient();
static void Main()
WebClient client = new WebClient();
client.CachePolicy = new System.Net.Cache.RequestCachePolicy(System.Net.Cache.RequestCacheLevel.NoCacheNoStore);
client.Headers = new WebHeaderCollection();
//SendReq("logged_in=1&id=guest", "a0750196b7aa295dba2811b19107f65c");
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("data-signature.txt"))
while (!reader.EndOfStream)
string sig = reader.ReadLine();
string dataCookie = reader.ReadLine();
SendReq(DecodeStr(dataCookie), sig);
static void SendReq(string dataCookie,string signature)
var cookie = $"Cookie:DataCookie={dataCookie}; Signature={signature}";
var s = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(client.DownloadData(""));
if (s.Contains("Login failed : invalid signature!")) Console.WriteLine("fail");
else Console.WriteLine($"success : {s}");
static string DecodeStr(string s)
string res = "";
for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
if(s[i] != '\\')
res += s[i];
res += $"%{s.Substring(i + 2, 2)}";
i += 3;
res = res.Replace("%", "%25");
return res;
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