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Last active August 24, 2020 15:12
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using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using AngleSharp.Html;
namespace AtCoder
class Program
const int DebugLevel = 1;
static void Main(string[] args)
for (int id = 173; id >= 126; id--)
Console.WriteLine($"start calc abc{id}...");
const int PROBLEM_COUNT = 6;
const int CONTEST_TIME = 100;
string fstRow = $",{string.Join(",", Enumerable.Range(1, CONTEST_TIME))}\n";
string paperRes = fstRow;
string propRes = fstRow;
for (int i = 0; i < PROBLEM_COUNT; i++)
Console.WriteLine($"start calc problem[{i}]...");
List<double> paperDiffs = new List<double>();
List<double> propDiffs = new List<double>();
Console.Write($"|{string.Join("", Enumerable.Repeat('-', CONTEST_TIME))}|\n ");
for (int t = 60; t <= CONTEST_TIME * 60; t += 60)
paperDiffs.Add(PredictDifficulty($"abc{id}", i, thresholdSec: t, method: 0));
propDiffs.Add(PredictDifficulty($"abc{id}", i, thresholdSec: t, method: 1));
paperRes += $"{i},{string.Join(",", paperDiffs)}\n";
propRes += $"{i},{string.Join(",", propDiffs)}\n";
File.WriteAllText($@"~\res\abc{id}.csv", paperRes + propRes);
static double PredictDifficulty(string contestID, int problemInd, int thresholdSec = int.MaxValue, int thresholdRate = 5000)
var data = GetData(contestID, true).Where(x => x.IsRated).ToArray();
data = data.Select(x =>
var res = x;
res.Time = x.Time.Select(x => x is null || thresholdSec < x.Value ? null : x).ToArray();
return res;
var d = data
.Where(x => !(x.APerf is null || thresholdRate < x.APerf || x.Time[problemInd] is null))
.Select(x => ((double)x.APerf.Value, (double)x.Time[problemInd].Value)).ToArray();
return PaperPredictor(d);
return ProposedPredictor(d);
static double PaperPredictor((double aperf, double time)[] data)
int n = data.Length;
const int DIFF_MIN = -1000;
const int DIFF_MAX = 5000;
double maxL = double.NegativeInfinity;
int maxDiff = -1;
double t = double.NaN;
for (int diff = DIFF_MIN; diff < DIFF_MAX; diff++)
var probs = data.Select(x => 1 / (1 + Math.Pow(6, (diff - x.aperf) / 400))).ToArray();
var T = data.Zip(probs, (x, prob) => x.time * prob).Sum() / n;
var likelihood = probs.Sum(x => Math.Log(x)) - n * Math.Log(T) - n;
if (maxL < likelihood)
maxL = likelihood;
t = T;
maxDiff = diff;
if (1 <= DebugLevel) Console.WriteLine($"L(f_{{{maxDiff:0},{t:0.00}}}) -> {maxL}");
return maxDiff;
double ProposedPredictor((double aperf, double time)[] data)
int N = data.Length;
int End = 100 * 60;
double logEnd = Math.Log(End);
const double C = 350.671248852759; //200 * Math.PI * Math.Log(Math.E, 6);
const double CInv = 1 / C;
double[] logTs = data.Select(x => Math.Log(x.time)).ToArray();
double logTSum = logTs.Sum();
var constLTerm = N * Math.Log(Math.Sqrt(2 * Math.PI)) + logTSum;
var a = -C * N;
double c = C * logTs.Sum(logT => (logT - logEnd) * (logT - logEnd));
const int DIFF_MIN = -1000;
const int DIFF_MAX = 2500;
double maxL = double.NegativeInfinity;
int maxDiff = -1;
double maxSigma = -1;
for (int diff = DIFF_MIN; diff < DIFF_MAX; diff += 1)
var b = data.Select(x => x.aperf).Zip(logTs, (rate, logT) => (rate - diff) * (logT - logEnd)).Sum();
var D = Math.Sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c);
if (double.IsNaN(D)) continue;
List<double> sCand = new List<double>();
var s1 = (-b + D) / (2 * a);
var s2 = (-b - D) / (2 * a);
if (0 <= s1) sCand.Add(s1);
if (0 <= s2) sCand.Add(s2);
//var s3 = (b + D) / (2 * a);
//var s4 = (b - D) / (2 * a);
//if (s3 <= 0) sCand.Add(s3);
//if (s4 <= 0) sCand.Add(s4);
double calcLikelihood(double sigma)
static double calcSingleL(double sigma, double diff, double maxTime, double rate, double time)
var logT = Math.Log(time);
var tmp = logT - Math.Log(maxTime) - sigma / C * (diff - rate);
return -Math.Log(Math.Sqrt(2 * Math.PI) * sigma) - logT - tmp * tmp / (2 * sigma * sigma);
//return data.Sum(x => calcSingleL(sigma, diff, End, x.aperf, x.time));
sigma = Math.Abs(sigma);
var sigmaPerC = sigma * CInv;
var term = 0.0;
foreach (var (rate, time) in data)
var tmp = Math.Log(time) - logEnd - sigmaPerC * (diff - rate);
term += tmp * tmp;
term /= 2 * sigma * sigma;
var res = -(constLTerm + N * Math.Log(sigma) + term);
if (2 <= DebugLevel) Console.WriteLine($"L(f_{{{diff:0},{sigma:0.000}}}) -> {res:0.0}");
return res;
foreach (var s in sCand)
var l = calcLikelihood(s);
if (maxL < l)
maxL = l;
maxDiff = diff;
maxSigma = s;
if (1 <= DebugLevel) Console.WriteLine($"L(f_{{{maxDiff:0},{maxSigma:0.000}}}) -> {maxL:0.0}");
return maxDiff;
static Dictionary<string, Row[]> cache = new Dictionary<string, Row[]>();
static Row[] GetData(string contestID, bool useCache = false)
if (useCache && cache.ContainsKey(contestID)) return cache[contestID];
Standings standings = Standings.GetStandings(contestID, useCache);
var screenNames = standings.TaskInfo.Select(x => x.TaskScreenName).ToArray();
var aperfs = Scraping.GetAPerfs(contestID, useCache);
var standingsData = standings.StandingsData.Select(x => new Row()
ScreenName = x.UserScreenName,
IsRated = x.IsRated,
APerf = aperfs.ContainsKey(x.UserScreenName) ? (long?)aperfs[x.UserScreenName] : null,
Time = screenNames.Select(y => x.TaskResults.ContainsKey(y) && x.TaskResults[y].Elapsed != 0 ? (long?)(x.TaskResults[y].Elapsed / 1000000000) : null).ToArray()
if (!cache.ContainsKey(contestID)) cache.Add(contestID, null);
return cache[contestID] = standingsData;
static void Save(string contestID)
var standingsData = GetData(contestID);
StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter($@"C:\Users\akikuchi\Documents\notebook\data\{contestID}.csv");
foreach (var item in standingsData)
streamWriter.WriteLine($"{item.ScreenName},{item.IsRated},{item.APerf},{string.Join(",", item.Time)}");
struct Row
public string ScreenName;
public bool IsRated;
public long? APerf;
public long?[] Time;
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