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Last active May 16, 2024 14:47
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Craft CMS 5 content migration that will create a functional index for custom fields, which are now stored as a JSON column in element_sites.content. Also handles dropping the index if the migration is reverted.
* Craft CMS 5 content migration that will create a functional index for custom fields, which
* are now stored as a JSON column in element_sites.content. Also handles dropping the index if
* the migration is reverted.
* @licence MIT
* @link
* @copyright Copyright (c) nystudio107
namespace craft\contentmigrations;
use Craft;
use craft\base\FieldInterface;
use craft\db\Migration;
use craft\db\Table;
use craft\helpers\Console;
use Throwable;
use yii\db\Exception;
* m240515_172552_add_index_to_demo_data migration.
class m240515_172552_add_index_to_demo_data extends Migration
// The field handles we want to add database indexes for
public const FIELD_HANDLES = [
* @inheritdoc
public function safeUp(): bool
$entries = Craft::$app->getEntries();
$entryTypes = $entries->getAllEntryTypes();
foreach ($entryTypes as $entryType) {
$customFields = $entryType->getCustomFields();
foreach ($customFields as $customField) {
if (in_array($customField->handle, self::FIELD_HANDLES, true)) {
return true;
* @inheritdoc
public function safeDown(): bool
$entries = Craft::$app->getEntries();
$entryTypes = $entries->getAllEntryTypes();
foreach ($entryTypes as $entryType) {
$customFields = $entryType->getCustomFields();
foreach ($customFields as $customField) {
if (in_array($customField->handle, self::FIELD_HANDLES, true)) {
return true;
* @param FieldInterface $field
* @throws Exception
protected function addIndexForField(FieldInterface $field): void
$db = $this->getDb();
$tableName = Table::ELEMENTS_SITES;
$sql = $field->getValueSql();
$indexName = $this->getIndexNameForField($field);
$cmd = null;
// MySQL
if ($db->getIsMysql()) {
// If there is no CAST returned (as there wont be for text and other types), add it
if (!str_starts_with($sql, 'CAST')) {
$sql = "CAST($sql AS CHAR(255))";
$cmd = $db->createCommand("ALTER TABLE $tableName ADD INDEX $indexName (( $sql COLLATE utf8mb4_bin )) USING BTREE;");
// Postgres
if ($db->getIsPgsql()) {
$cmd = $db->createCommand("CREATE INDEX $indexName ON $tableName ( $sql );");
// Execute the command, swallowing any errors
if ($cmd) {
try {
Console::output(Console::ansiFormat("Executing the following SQL to add the index:", [Console::FG_GREEN]));
Console::output(Console::ansiFormat($cmd->getRawSql(), [Console::FG_YELLOW]));
} catch (Throwable $e) {
// That's fine
} finally {
// If we got to here, we don't support this database type
throw new Exception("Database type not supported");
* @param FieldInterface $field
* @return void
protected function dropIndexForField(FieldInterface $field): void
$indexName = $this->getIndexNameForField($field);
try {
$this->dropIndex($indexName, Table::ELEMENTS_SITES);
} catch (Throwable $e) {
// That's fine
* @param FieldInterface $field
* @return string
protected function getIndexNameForField(FieldInterface $field): string
return $field->handle . '_' . str_replace('-', '_', $field->layoutElement->uid);
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