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Introducing Guard-Catch


This proposal introduces a guard/catch statement to Swift. This statement is congruent to the existing guard/else statement while adding error catching support.

This proposal was first discussed on the Swift Evolution list in the [Pitch] Guard/Catch thread.


Swift's native error handling mechanisms are powerful and convenient when the user works in a throwing context, such as functions and closures that can throw. Outside a throwing context, the user's only recourse is to use Swift's do/catch syntax to catch, pattern match, and handle thrown errors.

The following example demonstrates the do-catch structure, demonstrating a critical gotcha with this syntax. Users must bind new symbols within the do-clause, causing code to nest one level deeper:

func nonThrowingFunction() {
    do {
        let value = try throwingFunction()
        // use `value`
    catch {
        // handle `error`
    // `value` can not be used here, because the scope in which `value` is created has been left
    // any work that requires `value` must be done inside the `do` block

To avoid deeper nesting, users can apply the try! and try? operators, which either trap or discard the error. Neither option offers direct error handling. The user must sacrifice error information for succinct syntax.

Fortunately, Swift offers an existing language construct to guarantee succesful conditions while handling the case where these fail. Introducing guard/catch will allow you to retrieve a value from a throwing call and handle any failure without discarding error information and or disrupting the happy path of a function.


The guard/catch statement is similar to the guard/else grammar. It substitutes a catch clause for else, which behaves like a standard catch clause, but as with guard/else, the catch clause must exit the scope after handling the error.

In A Non-Throwing Function

In a non-throwing context, thrown errors are implicitly bound to error within the catch clause:

func nonThrowingFunction() {
    guard let value = try throwingFunction() 
        catch { 
            // handle `error` here, then leave scope
            print(error) // for example
    // use `value` here

The catch clause can't rethrow this error because nonThrowingFunction() is not a throwing context. A similar theme occurs in non-throwing dispatch clauses.

Pattern Matching And Error Names

The catch clause will support pattern matching and binding errors to names other than error like other catch clauses:

guard let value = try throwingFunction() 
    catch let someError as ErrorType1 {
        // only triggered when someError is of type ErrorType1
    catch let error as ErrorType2 {
        // only triggered when someError is of type ErrorType2
    catch let catchAllError {
        // catches all errors that weren't caught elsewhere

Binding Variable References

Like a guard/else statement, values can be bound to var as well as let symbols. var references can be mutated in the enclosing scope.

guard var array = try throwingFunction() catch { return }

// `array` can be both used or mutated here

Non-Leading Try

As with the existing try operator in the language, it doesn't need to be used in the first position in the expression.

guard let x = foo(try bar()) catch { return }

Binding Multiple Variables

As with guard/else, multiple let bindings are allowed:

func nonThrowingFunction() {
        let value = try throwingFunction(),
        let secondValue = try secondFunction(with: value)
        catch let error {
            // handle error here, then leave scope
    // both secondValue and value can be used here

Each separate binding needs its own try and throwing function to be valid.

Throwing Functions That Return Void

guard/catch can also be used for side-effect-inducing functions that throw an error, but don't return a value:

guard try catch {

These can be mixed and matched with expressions that do return values and result in binding new variables.

Impact on Existing Code

This change is purely additive.

Alternatives Considered

Extend the existing guard/else construct for errors. In Swift, it is legal to write a function that can both throw and return an optional. Although this is not an ideal function signature, it is expressible. It may creep into a code path through optional chaining. Calling a throwing function on an optional value will result in either an optional or an error:

try optionalValue?.throwingFunction()

A combination guard could handle this like so:

guard let value = try optionalValue?.throwingFunction() 
    catch {
        // handle errors
    else { 
        // handle nil

This raises a few questions:

  • Does the presence of the else clause implicitly change the type of value from an optional to a non-optional?
  • Is there any prescription on the order of the clauses?
  • Can an else appear between two pattern-matching catch clauses?

For both implementation and cognitive simplicity, the authors of this proposal recommend guard/catch and guard/else be considered as completely separate units.

There is a second reason to disallow interplay between guard/else and guard/catch. In Swift, it is straightforward to lift the .none case of an optional to an error. Eliding a few niceties (like storing the #file and #line in the error), this can be done like so:

struct NilError: Error { }

extension Optional {
    func unwrap() throws -> Wrapped {
        guard let result = self else { throw NilError() }
        return result

While inclusion of this extension into the standard library is beyond the scope of this proposal, adding it to a project is easy. It enables bridging an expression that can either return both an optional and throw an error into an expression that only throws an error.

guard let value = try optionalValue.unwrap().throwingFunction() 
    catch { 
        // might be NilError, might be any of the original errors from the function

Pattern matching can be used to handle the NilError case separately from the other errors.

Omitting the guard keyword.

let value = try throwingFunction() catch { 
// ...

This alternative was proposed on the the Swift Evolution mailing list. The authors reject this, because without a guard keyword, it's less obvious that the user must exit the scope, and without exiting the scope, value would have to be bound as an optional, defeating the purpose of this proposal.

Requiring else before the catch keyword.

For example:

guard let value = try throwingFunction() else catch { 
    // `error` is already bound here, without a `let`
// ...

While this does read nicely, else adds noise without syntactical benefit. It is closer to the guard/else syntax, leading to potential confusion.

Implicitly binding the error variable in the existing guard/else statements.

guard let value = try optionalValue?.throwingFunction() 
    else {
        // `error` here is of type `Error?` and exists in every `guard try`/`else`
        return // or re-throw error

This should be rejected. It subtly alters the flow of existing code, as seen below:

func nonThrowingFunctions() throws {
    guard let value = try input.funcThatReturnsAnOptional() 
        else {
            throw MyError.implementationFlaw
    // compute with value

In this example, errors thrown by funcThatReturnsAnOptional() are implicitly swallowed and replaced with MyError.implementationFlaw.

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kuyazee commented Jul 9, 2019

Earlier I was playing around with some validation classes, and my methods always returned Result types so my code would look like this

struct EmailValidator {
    init() {}

    func validate(email originalEmail: String?) -> Result<String, EmailValidationError> {
        guard let email = originalEmail, !email.isEmpty else {
            return .failure(.init(email: originalEmail, reason: .cannotBeEmpty))
        guard email.isValidEmail else {
            return .failure(.init(email: originalEmail, reason: .invalidFormat))

        return .success(email)

The problem I have would be that if I would be using EmailValidator more than once on another validator either I'd have a pyramid of doom, or that the EmailValidationError would need to have some kind of identifier to signify that it's an error from this line or that other line.


func validate(oldPassword: String?, newPassword: String?, confirmNewPassword: String?) -> Result<[String: String], ChangePasswordValidationError> {
    switch self.passwordValidator.validate(oldPassword) {
    case .success(let oldPassword):
        switch self.passwordValidator.validate(newPassword) {
        case .success(let newPassword):
            switch self.passwordValidator.validate(confirmNewPassword) {
            case .success(let confirmNewPassword):
                guard confirmNewPassword == newPassword else {
                    return .failure(.newPasswordDoesNotMatchConfirmation)
                return .success([
                    "old_password": oldPassword,
                    "confirm_new_password": confirmNewPassword,
                    "new_password": newPassword
            case .failure(let confirmPasswordError):
                return .failure(.confirmNewPassword(confirmPasswordError))
        case .failure(let newPasswordError):
            return .failure(.newPassword(newPasswordError))
    case .failure(let oldPasswordError):
        return .failure(.oldPassword(oldPasswordError))

I believe this syntax can also be used with the Result type, using either the get() throws method.

guard let object = functionThatReturnsResult().get() catch {

Or by creating another syntax perhaps, an else failure or failure or even just use the catch itself

guard let object = functionThatReturnsResult() else failure {

guard let object = functionThatReturnsResult() catch {
    print(error) // but this time the `Error` is a concrete error type rather than a protocol

By doing so I believe the other method can be shortened like this

func validate(oldPassword: String?, newPassword: String?, confirmNewPassword: String?) -> Result<[String: String], ChangePasswordValidationError> {
    guard let resolvedOldPassword = self.passwordValidator.validate(oldPassword) catch {
        return .failure(.oldPassword(error))
    guard let resolvedNewPassword = self.passwordValidator.validate(newPassword) catch {
        return .failure(.newPassword(error)
    guard let resolvedConfirmPassword = self.passwordValidator.validate(confirmNewPassword) catch {
        return .failure(.confirmNewPassword(error))
    guard resolvedConfirmPassword == resolvedNewPassword else {
        return .failure(.newPasswordDoesNotMatchConfirmation)

    return .success([
        "old_password": resolvedOldPassword,
        "confirm_new_password": resolvedConfirmPassword,
        "new_password": resolvedNewPassword

And so I though maybe this could be improved by the guard syntax. Then when I searched for a SE proposal, there I found yours but for throwing methods. What do you think?

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