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Last active September 20, 2017 02:32
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import Vapor
import HTTP
import Foundation
extension Node {
var backDoorToRealValues: Any {
return self.wrapped.backDoorToRealValues
extension StructuredData {
internal var backDoorToRealValues: Any {
switch self {
case .array(let values):
return { $0.backDoorToRealValues }
case .bool(let value):
return value
case .bytes(let bytes):
return bytes
case .null:
return NSNull()
case .number(let number):
switch number {
case .double(let value):
return value
case .int(let value):
return value
case .uint(let value):
return value
case .object(let values):
var dictionary: [String: Any] = [:]
for (key, value) in values {
dictionary[key] = value.backDoorToRealValues
return dictionary
case .string(let value):
return value
case .date(let value):
return value
extension Node {
func toJSON() throws -> JSON {
return JSON(node: self)
public struct JSONError: ExternallyVisibleError, AbortError, Error {
public let status = Status.badRequest
public let metadata: Node? = nil
public var code: Int {
return status.statusCode
public var reason: String
public var externalMessage: String {
return reason
public init(reason: String) {
self.reason = reason
public static func missingKey(_ missingKey: String) -> JSONError {
return self.init(reason: "This endpoint expects the JSON key \(missingKey), but it wasn't present.")
public static func typeMismatch(key: String, expectedType: String, actualType: String) -> JSONError {
return self.init(reason:"This endpoint expects the JSON key '\(key)'. It was present, but did not have the expected type \(expectedType). It had type '\(actualType).'")
public static func jsonMissing() -> JSONError {
return self.init(reason: "The endpoint requires a JSON body and a \"Content-Type\" of \"application/json\".")
public static func missingChildKeys(key: String, fetchedValue: Any) -> JSONError {
return self.init(reason: "The value '\(fetchedValue)' at key '\(key)' could not be transformed. It may be missing child keys.")
public class NiceJSON {
let json: JSON?
public init(json: JSON?) {
self.json = json
var dictionary: [String: Any]? {
return json?.wrapped.backDoorToRealValues as? [String: Any]
public func fetch<T>(_ key: String) throws -> T {
guard let dictionary = dictionary else { throw JSONError.jsonMissing() }
let fetchedOptional = dictionary[key]
guard let fetched = fetchedOptional else {
throw JSONError.missingKey(key)
guard let typed = fetched as? T else {
throw JSONError.typeMismatch(key: key, expectedType: String(describing: T.self), actualType: String(describing: type(of: fetched)))
return typed
public func fetchOptional<T>(_ key: String) throws -> T? {
let fetchedOptional = dictionary?[key]
guard let fetched = fetchedOptional else {
return nil
if fetched is NSNull {
return nil
guard let typed = fetched as? T else {
throw JSONError.typeMismatch(key: key, expectedType: String(describing: T.self), actualType: String(describing: type(of: fetched)))
return typed
public func fetch<T, U>(_ key: String, transformation: (T) -> U?) throws -> U {
let fetched: T = try fetch(key)
guard let transformed = transformation(fetched) else {
throw JSONError.missingChildKeys(key: key, fetchedValue: fetched)
return transformed
public func fetchOptional<T, U>(_ key: String, transformation: (T) -> U?) throws -> U? {
let fetchedOptional: T? = try fetchOptional(key)
return fetchedOptional.flatMap(transformation)
public func fetchIntUIntOrDouble(_ key: String) throws -> Double {
if let valueAsUInt = try? (self.fetch(key) as UInt) {
return Double(valueAsUInt)
} else if let valueAsInt = try? (self.fetch(key) as Int) {
return Double(valueAsInt)
} else if let startDateAsDouble = try? (self.fetch(key) as Double) {
return startDateAsDouble
} else {
if let value = self.dictionary?[key] {
throw JSONError.typeMismatch(key: key, expectedType: "Number", actualType: String(describing: type(of: value)))
} else {
throw JSONError.missingKey(key)
public func fetchDate(_ key: String) throws -> Date {
let double = try self.fetchIntUIntOrDouble(key)
return Date(timeIntervalSince1970: double)
extension Request {
public var niceJSON: NiceJSON {
return NiceJSON(json: json)
extension JSON {
static var success: JSON {
return try! JSON(node: ["success": true])
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