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Last active June 27, 2020 10:05
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import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
type Nat = Natural
data NatListF a = Nil | Cons (Nat, a) deriving Show
newtype NatList = In (NatListF NatList) deriving Show
out :: NatList -> NatListF NatList
out (In x) = x
natlistF :: (a -> b) -> NatListF a -> NatListF b
natlistF _ Nil = Nil
natlistF f (Cons (n,x)) = Cons (n,f x)
fold :: (NatListF b -> b) -> NatList -> b
fold f = f . natlistF (fold f) . out
sumF :: NatListF Nat -> Nat
sumF Nil = 0
sumF (Cons (m,n)) = m + n
sumNL :: NatList -> Nat
sumNL = fold sumF
fromListNL :: [Nat] -> NatList
fromListNL = foldr cons (In Nil)
cons n ns = In (Cons (n, ns))
ex2 :: Nat
ex2 = sumNL $ fromListNL [1..5]
data Base a b = Nil | Cons (a, b) deriving Show
data List a = In (Base a (List a)) deriving Show
out :: List a -> Base a (List a)
out (In x) = x
fold :: (Base a b -> b) -> List a -> b
fold f = f . base id (fold f) . out
base :: (a -> c) -> (b -> d) -> Base a b -> Base c d
base _ _ Nil = Nil
base f g (Cons (x,y)) = Cons (f x, g y)
-- T f == fold (αY . B f id)
list :: (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
list f = fold (In . base f id)
sumF :: Base Int Int -> Int
sumF Nil = 0
sumF (Cons (m, n)) = m + n
sumL :: List Int -> Int
sumL = fold sumF
fromHaskList :: [a] -> List a
fromHaskList = foldr cons (In Nil)
cons x xs = In (Cons (x, xs))
sumEX :: Int
sumEX = sumL $ fromHaskList [1..5]
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
data Base a b = Nil | Cons (a, b) deriving Show
type ListF x a = Base a (x a)
newtype List a = In (ListF List a)
base :: (a -> c) -> (b -> d) -> Base a b -> Base c d
base _ _ Nil = Nil
base f g (Cons (x,y)) = Cons (f x, g y)
out :: List a -> ListF List a
out (In x) = x
hfold :: (forall a . ListF n a -> n a) -> List b -> n b
hfold f = f . listF (hfold f) . out
listF :: (forall a . x a -> y a) -> ListF x b -> ListF y b
listF f = base id f
list :: (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
list f = In . base f (list f) . out
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
data Base a b = Nil | Cons (a, b) deriving Show
type NestF x a = Base a (x (Pair a))
type Pair a = (a, a)
newtype Nest a = In (NestF Nest a)
-- data Nest a = Nil | Cons (a, Nest (a, a))
base :: (a -> c) -> (b -> d) -> Base a b -> Base c d
base _ _ Nil = Nil
base f g (Cons (x,y)) = Cons (f x, g y)
out :: Nest a -> NestF Nest a
out (In x) = x
hfold :: (forall a . Base a (n (Pair a)) -> n a) -> Nest b -> n b
hfold f = f . base id (hfold f) . out
nest :: (a -> b) -> Nest a -> Nest b
nest f = In . base f (nest (pair f)) . out
pair :: (a -> b) -> Pair a -> Pair b
pair f (x, y) = (f x, f y)
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