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Last active August 21, 2018 13:45
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open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Sum
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import RSC
-- Basic data-types
data AssignState : Set where
Available : AssignState
Assigned : AssignState
ToRecycle : AssignState
ToDisable : AssignState
Disabled : AssignState
UserId : Set
UserId = ℕ
data User : Set where
NoUser : User
JustUser : UserId → User
someOne : ℕ
someOne = zero
IpState : Set
IpState = AssignState × User
_∧_ : Set → Set → Set
_∧_ = _×_
conj : {A : Set} {B : Set} → A → B → A ∧ B
conj = _,_
_∨_ : Set → Set → Set
_∨_ = _⊎_
-- Inductive specifications
infix 4 _⟹_
-- state transition
data _⟹_ : IpState → IpState → Set where
AssignChunk : (Available , NoUser) ⟹ (Assigned , NoUser)
AssignUser : ∀ (uid : _) → (Assigned , NoUser) ⟹ (Assigned , JustUser uid)
AssignTimeout : ∀ (uid : _) → (Assigned , JustUser uid) ⟹ (ToRecycle , JustUser uid)
DisableAvail : (Available , NoUser) ⟹ (Disabled , NoUser)
DisableAssigned : ∀ (uid : _) → (Assigned , JustUser uid) ⟹ (ToDisable , JustUser uid)
DisableTimedout : ∀ (uid : _) → (ToRecycle , JustUser uid) ⟹ (ToDisable , JustUser uid)
UnassignDisable : ∀ (uid : _) → (ToDisable , JustUser uid) ⟹ (Disabled , NoUser)
{- this transition cause loop -}
Unassign : ∀ (uid : _) → (ToRecycle , JustUser uid) ⟹ (Available , NoUser)
WellFormedTransition : IpState → IpState → Set
WellFormedTransition = _⟹_
transitionStateUpdate : ∀ {s t} → s ⟹ t → s ≢ t
transitionStateUpdate = update
update : ∀ {s t} → s ⟹ t → s ≢ t
update AssignChunk ()
update (AssignUser uid) ()
update (AssignTimeout uid) ()
update DisableAvail ()
update (DisableAssigned uid) ()
update (DisableTimedout uid) ()
update (UnassignDisable uid) ()
update (Unassign uid) ()
data WS : IpState → Set where
IpUnassigned : WS (Available , NoUser)
IpChunkAssigned : WS (Assigned , NoUser)
IpUserAssigned : ∀ (uid : _) → WS (Assigned , JustUser uid)
IpTimedout : ∀ (uid : _) → WS (ToRecycle , JustUser uid)
IpDisabled : WS (Disabled , NoUser)
IpToDisable : ∀ (uid : _) → WS (ToDisable , JustUser uid)
WellFormedState : IpState → Set
WellFormedState = WS
transitionWS : ∀ {s t} → s ⟹ t → WS s ∧ WS t
transitionWS = tws
tws : ∀ {s t} → s ⟹ t → WS s ∧ WS t
tws AssignChunk = IpUnassigned , IpChunkAssigned
tws (AssignUser uid) = IpChunkAssigned , (IpUserAssigned uid)
tws (AssignTimeout uid) = (IpUserAssigned uid) , (IpTimedout uid)
tws DisableAvail = IpUnassigned , IpDisabled
tws (DisableAssigned uid) = (IpUserAssigned uid) , (IpToDisable uid)
tws (DisableTimedout uid) = (IpTimedout uid) , (IpToDisable uid)
tws (UnassignDisable uid) = (IpToDisable uid) , IpDisabled
tws (Unassign uid) = (IpTimedout uid) , IpUnassigned
data StateStart : IpState → Set where
AvailableIsStart : StateStart (Available , NoUser)
startWS : ∀ {s} → StateStart s → WS s
startWS AvailableIsStart = IpUnassigned
data StateEnd : IpState → Set where
DisabledIsEnd : StateEnd (Disabled , NoUser)
endWS : ∀ {s} → StateEnd s → WS s
endWS DisabledIsEnd = IpDisabled
endDoesNotProgress : ∀ {es s} → StateEnd es → ¬ es ⟹ s
endDoesNotProgress DisabledIsEnd ()
fromWellFormedState :
∀ {s1} →
WS s1 →
(∃ λ s2 → WS s2 ∧ (s1 ⟹ s2)) ∨ StateEnd s1
fromWellFormedState = from
from :
∀ {s1} →
WS s1 →
(∃ λ s2 → WS s2 ∧ (s1 ⟹ s2)) ∨ StateEnd s1
from IpUnassigned =
inj₁ (_ , conj IpChunkAssigned AssignChunk)
from IpChunkAssigned =
inj₁ (_ , conj (IpUserAssigned someOne) (AssignUser someOne))
from (IpUserAssigned uid) =
inj₁ (_ , conj (IpTimedout uid) (AssignTimeout uid))
from (IpTimedout uid) =
inj₁ (_ , conj (IpUnassigned) (Unassign uid))
from IpDisabled =
inj₂ DisabledIsEnd
from (IpToDisable uid) =
inj₁ (_ , conj IpDisabled (UnassignDisable uid))
toWellFormedState :
∀ {s2} →
WS s2 →
(∃ λ s1 → WS s1 ∧ (s1 ⟹ s2))
toWellFormedState = to
to :
∀ {s2} →
WS s2 →
(∃ λ s1 → WS s1 ∧ (s1 ⟹ s2))
to IpUnassigned =
_ , conj (IpTimedout someOne) (Unassign someOne)
to IpChunkAssigned =
_ , conj IpUnassigned AssignChunk
to (IpUserAssigned uid) =
_ , conj IpChunkAssigned (AssignUser uid)
to (IpTimedout uid) =
_ , conj (IpUserAssigned uid) (AssignTimeout uid)
to IpDisabled =
_ , conj (IpToDisable someOne) (UnassignDisable someOne)
to (IpToDisable uid) =
_ , conj (IpTimedout uid) (DisableTimedout uid)
wellFormedStateTransition :
∀ s →
WS s →
(∃ λ t → WS t ∧ ((s ⟹ t) ∨ (t ⟹ s)))
wellFormedStateTransition s ws =
_ , conj (proj₁ to₂) (inj₂ (proj₂ to₂))
to : ∃ λ t → WS t ∧ (t ⟹ s)
to = toWellFormedState ws
to₂ = proj₂ (toWellFormedState ws)
-- Reflexive Step Closure of Transition
transitionPreserveWellFormedState : preserve1 _⟹_ WS
transitionPreserveWellFormedState _ _ tr _ = proj₂ (transitionWS tr)
infix 4 _⟹*_
_⟹*_ : IpState → IpState → Set
_⟹*_ = ReflStepClosure WellFormedTransition
Reachable : IpState → Set
Reachable s = ∃ λ ss → StateStart ss ∧ (ss ⟹* s)
wellFormedStateReachable : ∀ s → WS s → Reachable s
wellFormedStateReachable = wsr
wsr : ∀ s → WS s → Reachable s
wsr .(Available , NoUser) IpUnassigned =
_ , conj AvailableIsStart (RscRefl _)
wsr .(Assigned , NoUser) IpChunkAssigned =
_ , conj AvailableIsStart (RscStep _ _ _ AssignChunk (RscRefl _))
wsr .(Assigned , JustUser uid) (IpUserAssigned uid) =
_ , conj AvailableIsStart (RscStep _ _ _ AssignChunk
(RscStep _ _ _ (AssignUser uid) (RscRefl _)))
wsr .(ToRecycle , JustUser uid) (IpTimedout uid) =
_ , conj AvailableIsStart (RscStep _ _ _ AssignChunk
(RscStep _ _ _ (AssignUser uid)
(RscStep _ _ _ (AssignTimeout uid) (RscRefl _))))
wsr .(Disabled , NoUser) IpDisabled =
_ , conj AvailableIsStart (RscStep _ _ _ DisableAvail (RscRefl _))
wsr .(ToDisable , JustUser uid) (IpToDisable uid) =
_ , conj AvailableIsStart (RscStep _ _ _ AssignChunk
(RscStep _ _ _ (AssignUser uid)
(RscStep _ _ _ (DisableAssigned uid) (RscRefl _))))
reachableWellFormedState : ∀ s → Reachable s → WS s
reachableWellFormedState s (_ , (AvailableIsStart , rsc)) =
rscPreservation _⟹_ WS transitionPreserveWellFormedState _ s rsc IpUnassigned
wellFormedReachableToEnd :
∀ s es →
WS s →
StateEnd es →
s ⟹* es
wellFormedReachableToEnd = wsre
wsre : ∀ s es → WS s → StateEnd es → s ⟹* es
wsre .(Available , NoUser) _ IpUnassigned DisabledIsEnd =
RscStep _ _ _ DisableAvail (RscRefl _)
wsre .(Assigned , NoUser) _ IpChunkAssigned DisabledIsEnd =
RscStep _ _ _ (AssignUser someOne)
(RscStep _ _ _ (DisableAssigned someOne)
(RscStep _ _ _ (UnassignDisable someOne) (RscRefl _)))
wsre .(Assigned , JustUser uid) _ (IpUserAssigned uid) DisabledIsEnd =
RscStep _ _ _ (DisableAssigned uid)
(RscStep _ _ _ (UnassignDisable uid) (RscRefl _))
wsre .(ToRecycle , JustUser uid) _ (IpTimedout uid) DisabledIsEnd =
RscStep _ _ _ (DisableTimedout uid)
(RscStep _ _ _ (UnassignDisable uid) (RscRefl _))
wsre .(Disabled , NoUser) _ IpDisabled DisabledIsEnd =
RscRefl _
wsre .(ToDisable , JustUser uid) _ (IpToDisable uid) DisabledIsEnd =
RscStep _ _ _ (UnassignDisable uid) (RscRefl _)
wsReachable : ∀ s → WS s → Reachable s
wsReachable = wellFormedStateReachable
transitionStateReachable :
∀ s t →
s ⟹ t →
Reachable s ∧ Reachable t
transitionStateReachable = tsr
tsr : ∀ s t → s ⟹ t → Reachable s ∧ Reachable t
tsr .(Available , NoUser) .(Assigned , NoUser) AssignChunk =
conj (wsReachable _ IpUnassigned) (wsReachable _ IpChunkAssigned)
tsr .(Assigned , NoUser) .(Assigned , JustUser uid) (AssignUser uid) =
conj (wsReachable _ IpChunkAssigned) (wsReachable _ (IpUserAssigned uid))
tsr .(Assigned , JustUser uid) .(ToRecycle , JustUser uid) (AssignTimeout uid) =
conj (wsReachable _ (IpUserAssigned uid)) (wsReachable _ (IpTimedout uid))
tsr .(Available , NoUser) .(Disabled , NoUser) DisableAvail =
conj (wsReachable _ IpUnassigned) (wsReachable _ IpDisabled)
tsr .(Assigned , JustUser uid) .(ToDisable , JustUser uid) (DisableAssigned uid) =
conj (wsReachable _ (IpUserAssigned uid)) (wsReachable _ (IpToDisable uid))
tsr .(ToRecycle , JustUser uid) .(ToDisable , JustUser uid) (DisableTimedout uid) =
conj (wsReachable _ (IpTimedout uid)) (wsReachable _ (IpToDisable uid))
tsr .(ToDisable , JustUser uid) .(Disabled , NoUser) (UnassignDisable uid) =
conj (wsReachable _ (IpToDisable uid)) (wsReachable _ IpDisabled)
tsr .(ToRecycle , JustUser uid) .(Available , NoUser) (Unassign uid) =
conj (wsReachable _ (IpTimedout uid)) (wsReachable _ IpUnassigned)
reachableTransitionState :
∀ s →
Reachable s →
∃ λ t → WS t ∧ ((s ⟹ t) ∨ (t ⟹ s))
reachableTransitionState s r =
wellFormedStateTransition s (reachableWellFormedState s r)
progress : ∀ s1 → Reachable s1 →
(∃ λ s2 → WS s2 ∧ (s1 ⟹ s2)) ∨ StateEnd s1
progress s1 r = fromWellFormedState (reachableWellFormedState _ r)
endTransitionsIsRefl :
∀ es s →
StateEnd es →
∀ (ess : es ⟹* s) →
(ReflRsc _⟹_ es s ess)
endTransitionsIsRefl _ _ DisabledIsEnd (RscRefl .(Disabled , NoUser)) = RscIsRefl
endTransitionsIsRefl _ _ DisabledIsEnd (RscStep .(Disabled , NoUser) y _ () ess)
∃-loop : IpState → Set
∃-loop from = ∃ (λ s → ∃ λ (c : from ⟹* s) → RscLoop _⟹_ c)
fromStartHasLoop : ∃-loop (Available , NoUser)
fromStartHasLoop =
(Available , NoUser) ,
(RscStep _ _ _ AssignChunk
(RscStep _ _ _ (AssignUser someOne)
(RscStep _ _ _ (AssignTimeout someOne)
(RscStep _ _ _ (Unassign someOne)
(RscRefl _))))) ,
RscHasLoop AssignChunk _
(RscTailHas (λ ()) _ (AssignUser someOne)
(RscTailHas (λ ()) _ (AssignTimeout someOne)
(RscTailHas (λ ()) _ (Unassign someOne)
(RscHeadHas _ RscHeadReflIs))))
disabledDoesNotHaveLoop : ¬ ∃-loop (Disabled , NoUser)
disabledDoesNotHaveLoop (_ , (RscRefl (Disabled , NoUser)) , ())
disabledDoesNotHaveLoop (_ , (RscStep (Disabled , NoUser) y _ () c) , _)
toDisableDoesNotHaveLoop : ∀ uid → ¬ ∃-loop (ToDisable , JustUser uid)
toDisableDoesNotHaveLoop uid (_ , (RscRefl (ToDisable , JustUser .uid)) , ())
toDisableDoesNotHaveLoop uid
(_ ,
(ToDisable , JustUser .uid)
(Disabled , NoUser) _ _
(RscStep (Disabled , NoUser) _ _ () _)) ,
(UnassignDisable .uid)
(RscStep (Disabled , NoUser) _ _ () _)
(RscTailHas _ _ () _)) )
module RSC where
import Level as LV using (zero)
open import Relation.Binary using (Rel)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≢_)
-- Reflexive Step Closure
relation : ∀ {a} → Set a → Set _
relation X = Rel X
preserve1 : {X : Set} → relation X → (X → Set) → Set
preserve1 {X} R P = ∀ (x y : X) → R x y → P x → P y
data ReflStepClosure {X : Set} (R : relation X) : X → X → Set where
RscRefl : ∀ (x : X) →
ReflStepClosure R x x
RscStep : ∀ (x y z : X) →
R x y →
ReflStepClosure R y z →
ReflStepClosure R x z
rscR : ∀ {X : Set} (R : relation X) (x y : X) →
R x y →
ReflStepClosure R x y
rscR _ x y r = RscStep x y y r (RscRefl y)
rscTrans : ∀ {X : Set} (R : relation X) (x y z : X) →
ReflStepClosure R x y →
ReflStepClosure R y z →
ReflStepClosure R x z
rscTrans _ x .x z (RscRefl .x) cxz =
rscTrans _ x y z (RscStep .x x₁ .y rxx₁ cx₁y) cyz =
RscStep x x₁ z rxx₁ (rscTrans _ x₁ y z cx₁y cyz)
rscPreservation :
∀ {X : Set} (R : relation X) (P : X → Set) →
preserve1 R P →
∀ (x y : X) →
ReflStepClosure R x y →
P x → P y
rscPreservation R P p1 x .x (RscRefl .x) px =
rscPreservation R P p1 x y (RscStep .x x₁ .y rxx₁ cx₁y) px =
rscPreservation R P p1 x₁ y cx₁y (p1 x x₁ rxx₁ px)
data ReflRsc {X : Set} (R : relation X) (x : X) :
∀ (y : X) → ReflStepClosure R x y → Set where
RscIsRefl : ReflRsc R x x (RscRefl x)
data RscHeadIs {X : Set} (R : relation X) (x : X) :
∀ (z : X) → ReflStepClosure R x z → Set where
RscHeadReflIs : RscHeadIs R x x (RscRefl x)
RscHeadStepIs :
∀ {y z} (r : R x y) →
(c : ReflStepClosure R y z) →
RscHeadIs R x z (RscStep x y z r c)
data RscHas {X : Set} (R : relation X) (y : X) :
∀ {x z : X} → ReflStepClosure R x z → Set where
RscHeadHas :
{z : X} (hrsc : ReflStepClosure R y z) →
RscHeadIs R y z hrsc →
RscHas R y hrsc
RscTailHas :
{x x₁ z : X} →
x ≢ y →
(trsc : ReflStepClosure R x₁ z) →
(r₁ : R x x₁) →
RscHas R y trsc →
RscHas R y (RscStep x x₁ z r₁ trsc)
data RscLoop {X : Set} (R : relation X) :
∀ {x z : X} → ReflStepClosure R x z → Set where
RscHasLoop :
{x y z : X} →
(r : R x y) →
(hasC : ReflStepClosure R y z) →
RscHas R x hasC →
RscLoop R (RscStep x y z r hasC)
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