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Last active September 3, 2024 02:52
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thirdweb custom extension: getOwnedERC721s
import {
type NFT,
type BaseTransactionOptions,
type Hex,
} from "thirdweb";
import { getOwnedTokenIds, isERC721 } from "thirdweb/extensions/erc721";
export type GetERC721sParams = {
owner: string;
// (optional) If pass `100` then the code will limit the RPC requests to 100 requests per second
requestPerSec?: number;
* thirdweb SDK's `getOwnedNFTs` extension only works if your contract has the extension `IERC721Enumerable > tokenOfOwnerByIndex`
* This custom extension works for the contracts that don't have such method
* It also allow you to set a limit on how many RPC requests should per called per second
* @param options
* @returns A list of NFTs (type: NFT[])
* @example
* // Usage with React
* const { data, error } = useReadContract(getOwnedERC721s, {
* contract,
* owner: "0x...",
* requestPerSec: 99, // limit RPC reqs to 99 reqs per sec to avoid missing/corrupted data
* });
* // Usage with TypeScript
* const nfts = await getOwnedERC721s({
* contract,
* owner: "0x...",
* requestPerSec: 99,
* });
export async function getOwnedERC721s(
options: BaseTransactionOptions<GetERC721sParams>,
): Promise<NFT[]> {
const { contract, owner, requestPerSec } = options;
const [is721, ownedTokenIds] = await Promise.all([
isERC721({ contract }),
getOwnedTokenIds({ contract, owner: options.owner as Hex }).catch(
() => null,
if (!is721) {
throw new Error("Contract is not an ERC721 contract");
if (ownedTokenIds !== null) {
if (!ownedTokenIds.length) {
return [];
return Promise.all( =>
contract: options.contract,
}).then((nft) => ({
owner: options.owner,
const { nextTokenIdToMint, startTokenId, totalSupply, ownerOf, getNFT } =
await import("thirdweb/extensions/erc721");
const [startTokenId_, maxSupply] = await Promise.allSettled([
]).then(([_startTokenId, _next, _total]) => {
// default to 0 if startTokenId is not available
const startTokenId__ =
_startTokenId.status === "fulfilled" ? _startTokenId.value : 0n;
let maxSupply_: bigint;
// prioritize totalSupply to save on resources
// since totalSupply should always be less than nextTokenIdToMint
if (_total.status === "fulfilled") {
maxSupply_ = _total.value;
// otherwise use nextTokenIdToMint
else if (_next.status === "fulfilled") {
// because we always default the startTokenId to 0 we can safely just always subtract here
maxSupply_ = _next.value - startTokenId__;
} else {
throw new Error(
"Contract requires either `nextTokenIdToMint` or `totalSupply` function available to determine the next token ID to mint",
return [startTokenId__, maxSupply_] as const;
const allTokenIds = Array.from(
{ length: Number(maxSupply - startTokenId_ + 1n) },
(_, i) => startTokenId_ + BigInt(i),
if (requestPerSec) {
let owners: string[] = [];
const tokenIdsArrays: bigint[][] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < allTokenIds.length; i += requestPerSec) {
const chunk = allTokenIds.slice(i, i + requestPerSec);
for (let i = 0; i < tokenIdsArrays.length; i++) {
const data = await Promise.all(
tokenIdsArrays[i].map((tokenId) =>
ownerOf({ contract, tokenId }).catch(() => ADDRESS_ZERO),
owners = owners.concat(data);
const ownedTokenIds = allTokenIds.filter(
(tokenId, index) => owners[index].toLowerCase() === owner.toLowerCase(),
let ownedNFTs: NFT[] = [];
const ownedTokenIdsArrays: bigint[][] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < ownedTokenIds.length; i += requestPerSec) {
const chunk = ownedTokenIds.slice(i, i + requestPerSec);
for (let i = 0; i < ownedTokenIdsArrays.length; i++) {
const data = await Promise.all(
ownedTokenIdsArrays[i].map((tokenId) =>
}).then((nft) => ({
ownedNFTs = ownedNFTs.concat(data);
return ownedNFTs;
// biome-ignore lint/style/noUselessElse: Code is cleaner this way
} else {
const owners = await Promise.all( =>
ownerOf({ contract, tokenId }).catch(() => ADDRESS_ZERO),
const ownedTokenIds = allTokenIds.filter(
(tokenId, index) => owners[index].toLowerCase() === owner.toLowerCase(),
const promises: ReturnType<typeof getNFT>[] = =>
}).then((nft) => ({
return await Promise.all(promises);
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