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Created December 10, 2008 22:06
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-- tree.hs
module Main where
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo
import Canvas
import System.Random
main = do
gen <- getStdGen
let ns = randoms gen :: [Double]
canvas (draw ns) 600 600
draw ns w h t = do
color white
rectangle 0 0 w h
color black
drawTree ns w h t
drawTree ns w h t = do
translate (w/2) (h+5)
mapM_ strokeWidthLine tree
where tree = map (mapWidthLine (uscaleP 25)) $ branch ns 8 (pi/2*sin t)
branch _ 0 _ = []
branch (r1:r2:rs) n angle =
(thickness, points) : subBranches
da = angularDistance 0 angle
scale = r2 * 5 * ((1-(abs da / pi)) ** 2)
points = map (rotateP (angle + r1 * da) . uscaleP scale) [(0,0), (0, -1)]
thickness = n
(x,y) = last points
subBranches = map (mapWidthLine (translateP x y)) (left ++ right)
left = branch (takeOdd rs) (n-1) (angle-r1*pi/4)
right = branch (takeEven rs) (n-1) (angle+r2*pi/4)
takeOdd [] = []
takeOdd [x] = []
takeOdd (_:x:xs) = x : (takeOdd xs)
takeEven [] = []
takeEven [x] = [x]
takeEven (x:_:xs) = x : (takeEven xs)
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