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Created April 18, 2015 14:25
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(ns cina.tic-tac-toe)
(defn triple-winner?
(every? #{:x} triple) :x
(every? #{:o} triple) :o
:else nil))
(declare triples)
(defn winner?
(first (filter #{:x :o}
(map triple-winner? (triples board)))))
(defn triples
(partition-all 3 board)
(take-nth 3 board)
(take-nth 3 (drop 1 board))
(take-nth 3 (drop 2 board))
(take-nth 4 board)
(take-nth 2 (drop-last 2 (drop 2 board))))))
(defn full-board?
(every? #{:x :o} board))
(declare player-name)
(defn print-board
(let [board (map #(if (keyword? %) (player-name %) %) board)
print-piece (fn [x]
(let [p (nth board x)
p-to-print (if (= 2 (mod x 3))
(str p \newline)
(str p \space))]
(print p-to-print)))]
(map print-piece (range (count board)))))
(defn player-name
(subs (str player) 1))
(def starting-board
[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9])
(def player-sequence (cycle [:x :o]))
(defn get-move
(let [input (try (. Integer parseInt (read-line))
(catch Exception e nil))]
(if (some #{input} board)
(defn take-turn
[player board]
(loop [move (do
(println "Choose your move, " (str player))
(get-move board))]
(if move
(assoc board (dec move) player)
(println "Move was invalid. Choose again, " (str player))
(recur (get-move board))))))
(defn play-game
(loop [board starting-board
player-sequence player-sequence]
(let [winner (winner? board)]
(println "Current board:")
(print-board board)
winner (println "Player" (player-name winner) "wins!")
(full-board? board) (println "Game is a draw")
:else (recur (take-turn (first player-sequence) board)
(rest player-sequence))))))
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