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Created February 12, 2017 02:38
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APIs.json Tag Cloud
<script type="text/jscript">
var $apiurl = "";
var $Pallette = {};
var $FullCount = 0;
var $tagsforcloud = {};
$tagsforcloud['tags'] = [];
function processAPIsJSONTagCloud($apisjsonURL)
$apiHumanURL = "";
$FullCount = $FullCount + 1;
var loadIt = $.getJSON($apisjsonURL, function(apisJSON) {
$masterName = apisJSON['name'];
$masterDesc = apisJSON['description'];
$masterLogo = apisJSON['image'];
$masterURL = apisJSON['url'];
$masterTags = apisJSON['tags'];
$masterIncludes = apisJSON['include'];
$.each($masterIncludes, function(masterKey, masterValue) {
$includeName = masterValue['name'];
$includeRootUrl = masterValue['url'];
$FullCount = $FullCount + 1;
var loadIt2 = $.getJSON($includeRootUrl, function(apisJSON) {
$singleName = apisJSON['name'];
$singleDesc = apisJSON['description'];
$singleLogo = apisJSON['image'];
$singleURL = apisJSON['url'];
$singleTags = apisJSON['tags'];
$singleAPIs = apisJSON['apis'];
$.each($singleAPIs, function(apiKey, apiVal) {
$apiName = apiVal['name'];
$apiDesc = apiVal['description'];
$apiLogo = apiVal['image'];
$apiHumanURL = apiVal['humanURL'];
$apiBaseURL = apiVal['baseURL'];
$apiProperties = apiVal['properties'];
$.each($apiProperties, function(propertyKey, propertyValue) {
$type = propertyValue['type'];
$url = propertyValue['url'];
$FullCount = $FullCount + 1;
var loadIt3 = $.getJSON($url, function($openapispec) {
$paths = $openapispec['paths'];
$title = $openapispec['info']['title'];
$apiSlug = $title.replace(/ /g,"-");
$apiSlug = $apiSlug.toLowerCase();
// show the unique host
$host = $openapispec['host'];
$.each($paths, function(pathKey, pathValue) {
$path_name = pathKey;
$.each(pathValue, function(methodKey, methodValue) {
$method = methodKey;
$method_summary = methodValue['summary'];
$tags = methodValue['tags'];
$.each($tags, function($tagKey, $tagValue) {
$tag = $tagValue;
$tagslug = $tag.replace(/ /g,"-");
$tagslug = $tagslug.toLowerCase();
$tag = $tag.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + $tag.slice(1);
$Pallette[$tag] = [];
$T = {};
$T['summary'] = $method_summary;
$T['method'] = $method.toUpperCase();
$T['path'] = $path_name;
$T['url'] = $url;
$T['host'] = $host;
$M = {};
$M['tag'] = $tag;
$M['name'] = $tag;
$M['slug'] = $tagslug;
$M['count'] = 1;
$M['percentage'] = 0;
$TagExist = 0;
$.each($tagsforcloud['tags'], function(key, value) {
if(value['tag'] == $tag)
$TagExist = 1;
$verbcount = $tagsforcloud['tags'][key]['count'];
$verbcount = $verbcount + 1;
$tagsforcloud['tags'][key]['count'] = $verbcount ;
// Add It Because It Doesn't Exist
loadIt3.complete(function() {
$FullCount = $FullCount - 1;
//$viewer = JSON.stringify($Pallette, null, 4);
//document.getElementById("jsonViewerDetails").value = $viewer;
// Let's get max
$Max = 0;
$.each($tagsforcloud['tags'], function(key, val) {
$tagcount = val['count'];
if($tagcount > $Max){ $Max = $tagcount; }
// Set percentages
$.each($tagsforcloud['tags'], function(key, val) {
$tagcount = val['count'];
//$percentage = (($tagcount - 1) / ($Max - 1));
$percentage = ($tagcount / $Max) * 100;
//$percentage = ($percentage / 10) * 100;
$percentage = Math.round($percentage);
$tagsforcloud['tags'][key]['percentage'] = $percentage;
$.each($tagsforcloud['tags'], function(key, val) {
$tag = val['tag'];
$name = val['name'];
$slug = val['slug'];
$tagcount = val['count'];
$tagpercentage = val['percentage'];
//console.log("count/perc: " + $tagcount + "/" + $tagpercentage);
//html = '<span style="padding: 5px; text-align: center;"><a href="#" title="used ' + $tagcount + ' times">' + $name + '</a> (' + $tagcount + ' times)</span>';
html = '<span data-weight="' + $tagpercentage + '"><a href="#" name="' + $name + '">' + $name + '</a></span>';
"size" : {
"grid" : 35,
"factor" : 10
"options" : {
"color" : "random-dark",
"rotationRatio" : 0
"font" : "'Times New Roman', Times, serif",
"shape" : "square"
loadIt2.complete(function() {
$FullCount = $FullCount - 1;
loadIt.complete(function() {
$FullCount = $FullCount - 1;
$apisjsonURL = "";
//console.log("loading..." + $apisjsonURL);
<div id="stack-cloud-wrapper" style="width 75%; border: 0px solid #000; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px;">
<div id="stack-toc" style="text-align: center; width=100%; border: 0px solid #000;"></div>
<div id="stack-cloud" class="wordcloud" style="height: 400px;"></div>
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