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Last active November 3, 2015 07:05
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An interpreter for isometric Tiled Editor JSON output.
Important: To work it requires to custom map properties:
`cartTilewidth` and `cartTileheight`. These are the Cartesian
(flat 2D) dimensions of the tile map array. These are needed
because it's common to have a 32x32 tile map array that displays
64x64 sprites.
It takes two arguments: the Tile Editor JSON outpur and the tileset png
export function makeIsoTiledWorld(tiledMap, tileset) {
if (!
&& ! {
throw new Error("Please set custom cartTilewidth and cartTileheight map properties in Tiled Editor");
//Create a group called `world` to contain all the layers, sprites
//and objects from the `tiledMap`. The `world` object is going to be
//returned to the main game program
let world = group();
world.tileheight = tiledMap.tileheight * 2;
world.tilewidth = tiledMap.tilewidth;
//Define the cartesian dimesions of each tile
world.cartTileheight = parseInt(;
world.cartTilewidth = parseInt(;
//Calculate the `width` and `height` of the world, in pixels
world.width = tiledMap.width * parseInt(;
world.height = tiledMap.height * parseInt(;
//Get a reference to the world's height and width in
//tiles, in case you need to know this later
world.widthInTiles = tiledMap.width;
world.heightInTiles = tiledMap.height;
//Create an `objects` array to store references to any
//named objects in the map. Named objects all have
//a `name` property that was assigned in Tiled Editor
world.objects = [];
//The spacing (padding) around each tile
//This is to account for spacing around tiles
//that's commonly used with texture atlas tilesets. Set the
//`spacing` property when you create a new map in Tiled Editor
let spacing = tiledMap.tilesets[0].spacing;
//Figure out how many columns there are on the tileset.
//This is the width of the image, divided by the width
//of each tile, plus any optional spacing thats around each tile
let numberOfTilesetColumns =
/ (tiledMap.tilewidth + spacing)
//A `z` property to help track which depth level the sprites are on
let z = 0;
//Loop through all the map layers
tiledMap.layers.forEach((tiledLayer) => {
//Make a PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer for this layer and copy
//all of the layer properties onto it.
let layerGroup = group();
Object.assign(layerGroup, tiledLayer);
//Translate `opacity` to `alpha`
layerGroup.alpha = tiledLayer.opacity;
//Add the group to the `world`
//Push the group into the world's `objects` array
//So you can access it later
//Is it a `tilelayer`?
if (tiledLayer.type === "tilelayer") {
//Loop through the `data` array of this layer, index) => {
let tileSprite, texture, mapX, mapY, tilesetX, tilesetY,
mapColumn, mapRow, tilesetColumn, tilesetRow;
//If the grid id number (`gid`) isn't zero, create a sprite
if (gid !== 0) {
//Figure out the map column and row number that we're on, and then
//calculate the grid cell's x and y pixel position.
mapColumn = index % tiledMap.width;
mapRow = Math.floor(index / tiledMap.width);
mapX = mapColumn * world.cartTilewidth;
mapY = mapRow * world.cartTileheight;
//Figure out the column and row number that the tileset
//image is on, and then use those values to calculate
//the x and y pixel position of the image on the tileset
tilesetColumn = ((gid - 1) % numberOfTilesetColumns);
tilesetRow = Math.floor((gid - 1) / numberOfTilesetColumns);
tilesetX = tilesetColumn * world.tilewidth;
tilesetY = tilesetRow * world.tileheight;
//Compensate for any optional spacing (padding) around the tiles if
//there is any. This bit of code accumlates the spacing offsets from the
//left side of the tileset and adds them to the current tile's position
if (spacing > 0) {
+= spacing
+ (spacing * ((gid - 1) % numberOfTilesetColumns));
+= spacing
+ (spacing * Math.floor((gid - 1) / numberOfTilesetColumns));
//Use the above values to create the sprite's texture from
//the tileset image
texture = frame(
tileset, tilesetX, tilesetY,
world.tilewidth, world.tileheight
//What kind of sprite do you want to make? I've decided that
//any tiles that have a `name` property will be MovieClip
//sprites. That gives me the option to add animated frames
//to them later. Tiles without a `name` property will be
//created as ordinary sprites
let tileproperties = tiledMap.tilesets[0].tileproperties,
key = String(gid - 1);
//If the JSON `tileproperties` object has a sub-object that
//matches the current tile, and it has a `name` property,
//create a MovieClip sprite
if (tileproperties[key] && tileproperties[key].name) {
//Make a MovieClip sprite by intializing the sprite
//with an array containing a texture
tileSprite = sprite([texture]);
//Copy all of the tile's properties onto the sprite
//(This includes the `name` property)
Object.assign(tileSprite, tileproperties[key]);
//Push the sprite into the world's `objects` array
//so that you can access it by `name` later
//The tile doesn't have a `name` property, so just use it to
//create an ordinary sprite (it will only need one texture)
else {
tileSprite = sprite(texture);
//Add properties to the sprite to help work between Cartesian
//and isometric properties
let addIsoProperties = (s, x, y, width, height) => {
//Cartisian (flat 2D) properties
s.cartX = x;
s.cartY = y;
s.cartWidth = width;
s.cartHeight = height;
//Add a getter/setter for the isometric properties
Object.defineProperties(s, {
isoX: {
get() {return this.cartX - this.cartY;},
enumerable: true, configurable: true
isoY: {
get() {return (this.cartX + this.cartY) / 2;},
enumerable: true, configurable: true
addIsoProperties(tileSprite, mapX, mapY, world.cartTilewidth, world.cartTileheight);
//Use the isometric position to add the sprite to the world
tileSprite.x = tileSprite.isoX;
tileSprite.y = tileSprite.isoY;
tileSprite.z = z;
//Make a record of the sprite's index number in the array
//(We'll use this for collision detection later)
tileSprite.index = index;
//Make a record of the sprite's `gid` on the tileset.
//This will also be useful for collision detection
tileSprite.gid = gid;
//Add the sprite to the current layer group
//Is this layer an `objectgroup`?
if (tiledLayer.type === "objectgroup") {
tiledLayer.objects.forEach((object) => {
//We're just going to capturei the object's properties
//so that we can decide what to do with it later
//Translate `opacity` to `alpha`
object.alpha = object.opacity;
//object.z = z;
//Get a reference to the layer group the object is in = layerGroup;
//Push the object into the world's `objects` array
//Add 1 to the z index (the first layer will have a z index of `1`)
z += 1;
//Search functions
//`world.getObject` and `world.getObjects` search for and return
//any sprites or objects in the `world.objects` array.
//Any object that has a `name` propery in
//Tiled Editor will show up in a search.
//`getObject` gives you a single object, `getObjects` gives an array
//of objects.
//`getObject` returns itself, so you
//can use this format to directly access single object:
//sprite.x = world.getObject("anySprite").x;
//sprite.y = world.getObject("anySprite").y;
world.getObject = function (objectName) {
this.searchForObject = () => {
let foundObject;
world.objects.some((object) => {
if ( && === objectName) {
foundObject = object;
return true;
if (foundObject) {
return foundObject;
} else {
console.log(`There is no object with the property name: ${objectName}`);
return this.searchForObject();
world.getObjects = function (...objectNames) {
let foundObjects = [];
world.objects.forEach((object) => {
if ( && objectNames.indexOf( !== -1) {
if (foundObjects.length > 0) {
return foundObjects;
} else {
console.log(`I could not find those objects`);
return foundObjects;
//Isometric collision and depth functions
//The `getIndex` helper function
//converts a sprite's x and y position to an array index number.
//It returns a single index value that tells you the map array
//index number that the sprite is in
world.getIndex = (x, y, tilewidth, tileheight, mapWidthInTiles) => {
let index = {};
//Convert pixel coordinates to map index coordinates
index.x = Math.floor(x / tilewidth);
index.y = Math.floor(y / tileheight);
//Return the index number
return index.x + (index.y * mapWidthInTiles);
//The `getPoints` function takes a sprite and returns
//and object that tells you what all its corner points are
//For isometric maps, make sure you use half of the sprite's `width`
world.getPoints = (s) => {
return {
topLeft: {x: s.cartX, y: s.cartY},
topRight: {x: s.cartX + (s.cartWidth) - 1, y: s.cartY},
bottomLeft: {x: s.cartX, y: s.cartY + s.cartHeight - 1},
bottomRight: {x: s.cartX + (s.cartWidth) - 1, y: s.cartY + s.cartHeight - 1}
//`hitTestTile` function
world.hitTestTile = (sprite, mapArray, collisionGid, world, pointsToCheck = "some") => {
//The collision object that will be returned by this functon
let collision = {};
//Which points do you want to check?
//"every", "some" or "center"?
switch (pointsToCheck) {
case "center":
//`hit` will be true only if the center point is touching
let ca = sprite.collisionArea,
point = {},
s = sprite;
if (sprite.collisionArea !== undefined) {
point = {
center: {
x: s.cartX + ca.x + (ca.width / 2),
y: s.cartY + ca.y + (ca.height / 2)
} else {
point = {center: {x: sprite.centerX, y: sprite.centerY}};
sprite.collisionPoints = point;
collision.hit = Object.keys(sprite.collisionPoints).some(checkPoints);
case "every":
//`hit` will be true if every point is touching
sprite.collisionPoints = world.getPoints(sprite);
collision.hit = Object.keys(sprite.collisionPoints).every(checkPoints);
case "some":
//`hit` will be true only if some points are touching
sprite.collisionPoints = world.getPoints(sprite);
collision.hit = Object.keys(sprite.collisionPoints).some(checkPoints);
//Loop through the sprite's corner points to find out if they are inside
//an array cell that you're interested in. Return `true` if they are
function checkPoints (key) {
//Get a reference to the current point to check.
//(`topLeft`, `topRight`, `bottomLeft` or `bottomRight` )
let point = sprite.collisionPoints[key];
//Find the point's index number in the map array
collision.index = world.getIndex(
point.x, point.y,
world.cartTilewidth, world.cartTileheight, world.widthInTiles
//Find out what the gid value is in the map position
//that the point is currently over
let currentGid = mapArray[collision.index];
//If it matches the value of the gid that we're interested, in
//then there's been a collision
if (currentGid === collisionGid) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
//Return the collision object.
//`collision.hit` will be true if a collision is detected.
//`collision.index` tells you the map array index number where the
//collision occured
return collision;
//Sort `byDepth` function
world.byDepth = (a, b) => {
//Calculate the depths of `a` and `b`
//(add `1` to `a.z` and `b.x` to avoid multiplying by 0)
a.depth = (a.cartX + a.cartY) * (a.z + 1);
b.depth = (b.cartX + b.cartY) * (b.z + 1);
//Move sprites with a lower depth to a higher position in the array
if (a.depth < b.depth) {
return -1;
} else if (a.depth > b.depth) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
//Return the `world` object back to the game program
return world;
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