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Created October 2, 2013 05:11
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R Script for face detection
# parameters
data.dir <- 'C:/Projects/KK/BigData/FacebookFaceDetection/data/'
patch_size <- 10
search_size <- 2
# read data and convert image strings to arrays
train.file <- paste0(data.dir, 'training.csv')
test.file <- paste0(data.dir, 'test.csv')
data.file <- paste0(data.dir, 'data.Rd')
d.train <- read.csv(train.file, stringsAsFactors=F)
d.test <- read.csv(test.file, stringsAsFactors=F)
im.train <- foreach(im = d.train$Image, .combine=rbind) %dopar% {
as.integer(unlist(strsplit(im, " ")))
im.test <- foreach(im = d.test$Image, .combine=rbind) %dopar% {
as.integer(unlist(strsplit(im, " ")))
d.train$Image <- NULL
d.test$Image <- NULL
# list the coordinates we have to predict
coordinate.names <- gsub("_x", "", names(d.train)[grep("_x", names(d.train))])
# for each one, compute the average patch
mean.patches <- foreach(coord = coordinate.names) %dopar% {
cat(sprintf("computing mean patch for %s\n", coord))
coord_x <- paste(coord, "x", sep="_")
coord_y <- paste(coord, "y", sep="_")
# compute average patch
patches <- foreach (i = 1:nrow(d.train), .combine=rbind) %do% {
im <- matrix(data = im.train[i,], nrow=96, ncol=96)
x <- d.train[i, coord_x]
y <- d.train[i, coord_y]
x1 <- (x-patch_size)
x2 <- (x+patch_size)
y1 <- (y-patch_size)
y2 <- (y+patch_size)
if ( (! && (! && (x1>=1) && (x2<=96) && (y1>=1) && (y2<=96) )
as.vector(im[x1:x2, y1:y2])
matrix(data = colMeans(patches), nrow=2*patch_size+1, ncol=2*patch_size+1)
# for each coordinate and for each test image, find the position that best correlates with the average patch
p <- foreach(coord_i = 1:length(coordinate.names), .combine=cbind) %dopar% {
# the coordinates we want to predict
coord <- coordinate.names[coord_i]
coord_x <- paste(coord, "x", sep="_")
coord_y <- paste(coord, "y", sep="_")
# the average of them in the training set (our starting point)
mean_x <- mean(d.train[, coord_x], na.rm=T)
mean_y <- mean(d.train[, coord_y], na.rm=T)
# search space: 'search_size' pixels centered on the average coordinates
x1 <- as.integer(mean_x)-search_size
x2 <- as.integer(mean_x)+search_size
y1 <- as.integer(mean_y)-search_size
y2 <- as.integer(mean_y)+search_size
# ensure we only consider patches completely inside the image
x1 <- ifelse(x1-patch_size<1, patch_size+1, x1)
y1 <- ifelse(y1-patch_size<1, patch_size+1, y1)
x2 <- ifelse(x2+patch_size>96, 96-patch_size, x2)
y2 <- ifelse(y2+patch_size>96, 96-patch_size, y2)
# build a list of all positions to be tested
params <- expand.grid(x = x1:x2, y = y1:y2)
# for each image...
r <- foreach(i = 1:nrow(d.test), .combine=rbind) %do% {
if ((coord_i==1)&&((i %% 100)==0)) { cat(sprintf("%d/%d\n", i, nrow(d.test))) }
im <- matrix(data = im.test[i,], nrow=96, ncol=96)
# ... compute a score for each position ...
r <- foreach(j = 1:nrow(params), .combine=rbind) %do% {
x <- params$x[j]
y <- params$y[j]
p <- im[(x-patch_size):(x+patch_size), (y-patch_size):(y+patch_size)]
score <- cor(as.vector(p), as.vector(mean.patches[[coord_i]]))
score <- ifelse(, 0, score)
data.frame(x, y, score)
# ... and return the best
best <- r[which.max(r$score), c("x", "y")]
names(r) <- c(coord_x, coord_y)
# prepare file for submission
predictions <- data.frame(ImageId = 1:nrow(d.test), p)
submission <- melt(predictions, id.vars="ImageId","FeatureName","Location")
example.submission <- read.csv(paste0(data.dir, 'IdLookupTable.csv'))
sub.col.names <- names(example.submission)
example.submission$Location <- NULL
submission <- merge(example.submission, submission, all.x=T, sort=F)
submission <- submission[, sub.col.names]
write.csv(submission, file="submission_search.csv", quote=F, row.names=F)
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