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Last active September 16, 2018 06:01
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Use Numbers on MacOS to display Powershell Data similar to Out-GridView
function Out-Numbers {
Converts PowerShell Objects in CSV and opens in Numbers on macOS
Converts PowerShell Objects in CSV and opens in Numbers on macOS
TODO, maybe allow passing through a filename, an only using temp if not.
then allow certian parameters for export-csv like type, or no clobber or append..
.PARAMETER InputObject
Object to output
Title for the grid and dashboard.
Get-Command | Select commandtype , name , version | Out-Numbers
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
Begin {
$Script:Items = new-object -typename System.Collections.ArrayList
Process {
[void] $Script:Items.add($InputObject)
End {
$tempfilename = "/tmp/outnumber$([string](new-guid) -replace '-','').csv" #this path is deleted on reboot
$items | Export-Csv -Path $tempfilename
open /Applications/ $tempfilename
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klumsy commented Sep 16, 2018

Example Use:
get-process | group processname | Sort-Object count -Descending | select -first 20 | select name, count | Out-numbers

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klumsy commented Sep 16, 2018

Example with Screenshot
Get-Command | Select commandtype , name , version | Out-Numbers


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jcotton42 commented Sep 16, 2018

For large inputs you'll see perf issues as the += is rebuilding the array each time. You can use System.Collections.Generic.List<T> and $Items.Add($elem) instead.

Also slight nitpick, it's macOS not MACOS

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