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def decode(arg):
eax = arg
ebp_38 = 0
ebp_34 = 0
while ebp_34 - 0x28 <= 0:
ebp_30 = 0
eax = ord(arg[ebp_34])
Private Function func1(arg_array As Variant, arg_int As Integer)
Dim local_str1, local_str2 As String, local3, local4
local_str2 = ActiveDocument.Variables("ppKzr").Value()
local_str1 = ""
local3 = 1
While local3 < UBound(arg_array) + 2
local4 = local3 Mod Len(local_str2): If local4 = 0 Then local4 = Len(local_str2)
local_str1 = local_str1 + Chr(Asc(Mid(local_str2, local4 + arg_int, 1)) Xor CInt(arg_array(local3 - 1)))
local3 = local3 + 1
import base64
work = []
flag = ""
base = base64.b64decode(x)
for i in range(0,len(base),2):
password = [171,184,42,184,88,26,47,154,20,219,203,130,52,19,180,214,156,94,186,74,30,248,119,235,139,130,175,141,179,197,8,204,252]
def decode(strings):
s = [178, 192, 199, 24, 97, 196, 254, 31, 188, 102, 214, 245, 205, 39, 211, 204, 21, 229, 253, 163, 115, \
194, 154, 63, 37, 46, 209, 88, 66, 103, 19, 73, 130, 114, 158,78, 49, 92, 119, 146, 32, 12, 153, 203, \
81, 242, 84, 239, 129, 34, 183, 43, 91, 171, 162, 71, 128, 218, 121, 137, 45, 85, 56, 233, 150, 151, \
255, 167, 42, 35, 17, 133, 107, 185, 117, 200, 215, 210,13, 28, 8, 104, 74, 108, 244, 227, 54, 9, 68, \
41, 64, 72, 106, 168, 61, 220, 186, 6, 93, 142, 157,57, 156, 248, 18, 232, 234, 181, 159, 110, 236, 126, \
62, 70, 76, 138, 105, 155, 251, 177, 247, 22, 89, 176, 0, 182, 52, 27, 29, 216, 100, 206, 15, 195, 202, \
import base64
import re
lmark = "eval MIME::Base64::decode"
sp = 'decode.\"(.+)\".;'
output = ""
count2 = 0
with open("","r") as f:
data =
import base64
import re
lmark = "eval MIME::Base64::decode"
sp = 'decode.\"(.+)\".;'
data = ""
output = ""
result = ""
p = re.compile(sp)
work = ["01010000","01000001",
void GetKernel32BaseAddress() {
PPEB pPeb; // PEB
import pefile
import sys
import os
def ror32(num,count):
num1 = (num >> count) & 0xFFFFFFFF
num2 = (num << (32 - count)) & 0xFFFFFFFF
return num1 | num2
rule Eicar_rule{
description = "Detects eicar file"
author = "kmdnet"
date = "2016/10/24"
hash = "8a8f36de82e1278abb02f"