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Created September 14, 2016 13:35
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#Requires -version 2.0
# ***************************************************************************
# File: SCCM.psm1
# Version: 1.5
# Author: Michael Niehaus
# Purpose: Provides a set of PowerShell advanced functions (cmdlets) to
# interact with System Center Configuration Manager 2007.
# This requires PowerShell 2.0.
# Usage: Place this module into the proper PowerShell module folder. By default
# that would be one of these paths:
# $home\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\SCCM\SCCM.psm1
# $pshome\Modules\SCCM\SCCM.psm1
# Once the file has been placed in one of these locations, then it can
# be loaded simply by using the command:
# import-module SCCM
# After it has been imported, the indivual functions below can be
# used. For details on the parameters each one takes, you can
# use "get-help", e.g. "get-help New-SCCMConnection". Note that
# there is no detailed help provided on the cmdlets. Feel free to
# add your own...
# Notes: In this version, the Connect-SCCMServer cmdlet was renamed
# to New-SCCMConnection, and Prune-SCCMDrivers was renamed to
# Repair-SCCMDrivers to eliminate warnings that would occur
# when using non-standard verbs.
# ------------- DISCLAIMER -------------------------------------------------
# This script code is provided as is with no guarantee or waranty concerning
# the usability or impact on systems and may be used, distributed, and
# modified in any way provided the parties agree and acknowledge the
# Microsoft or Microsoft Partners have neither accountabilty or
# responsibility for results produced by use of this script.
# Microsoft will not provide any support through any means.
# ------------- DISCLAIMER -------------------------------------------------
# ***************************************************************************
function New-SCCMConnection {
[Parameter(Position=1)] $serverName,
[Parameter(Position=2)] $siteCode
# Clear the results from any previous execution
Clear-Variable -name sccmServer -errorAction SilentlyContinue
Clear-Variable -name sccmNamespace -errorAction SilentlyContinue
Clear-Variable -name sccmSiteCode -errorAction SilentlyContinue
Clear-Variable -name sccmConnection -errorAction SilentlyContinue
# If the $serverName is not specified, use "."
if ($serverName -eq $null -or $serverName -eq "")
$serverName = "."
# Get the pointer to the provider for the site code
if ($siteCode -eq $null -or $siteCode -eq "")
Write-Verbose "Getting provider location for default site on server $serverName"
$providerLocation = get-wmiobject -query "select * from SMS_ProviderLocation where ProviderForLocalSite = true" -namespace "root\sms" -computername $serverName -errorAction Stop
Write-Verbose "Getting provider location for site $siteName on server $serverName"
$providerLocation = get-wmiobject -query "select * from SMS_ProviderLocation where SiteCode = '$siteCode'" -namespace "root\sms" -computername $serverName -errorAction Stop
# Split up the namespace path
$parts = $providerLocation.NamespacePath -split "\\", 4
Write-Verbose "Provider is located on $($providerLocation.Machine) in namespace $($parts[3])"
$global:sccmServer = $providerLocation.Machine
$global:sccmNamespace = $parts[3]
$global:sccmSiteCode = $providerLocation.SiteCode
# Make sure we can get a connection
$global:sccmConnection = [wmi]"${providerLocation.NamespacePath}"
Write-Verbose "Successfully connected to the specified provider"
function Get-SCCMObject {
[Parameter(Position=1)] $class,
[Parameter(Position=2)] $filter
if ($filter -eq $null -or $filter -eq "")
get-wmiobject -class $class -computername $sccmServer -namespace $sccmNamespace
get-wmiobject -query "select * from $class where $filter" -computername $sccmServer -namespace $sccmNamespace
function Get-SCCMPackage {
[Parameter(Position=1)] $filter
Get-SCCMObject SMS_Package $filter
function Get-SCCMCollection {
[Parameter(Position=1)] $filter
Get-SCCMObject SMS_Collection $filter
function Get-SCCMAdvertisement {
[Parameter(Position=1)] $filter
Get-SCCMObject SMS_Advertisement $filter
function Get-SCCMDriver {
[Parameter(Position=1)] $filter
Get-SCCMObject SMS_Driver $filter
function Get-SCCMDriverPackage {
[Parameter(Position=1)] $filter
Get-SCCMObject SMS_DriverPackage $filter
function Get-SCCMTaskSequence {
[Parameter(Position=1)] $filter
Get-SCCMObject SMS_TaskSequence $filter
function Get-SCCMTaskSequencePackage {
[Parameter(Position=1)] $filter
Get-SCCMObject SMS_TaskSequencePackage $filter
function Get-SCCMSite {
[Parameter(Position=1)] $filter
Get-SCCMObject SMS_Site $filter
function Get-SCCMImagePackage {
[Parameter(Position=1)] $filter
Get-SCCMObject SMS_ImagePackage $filter
function Get-SCCMOperatingSystemInstallPackage {
[Parameter(Position=1)] $filter
Get-SCCMObject SMS_OperatingSystemInstallPackage $filter
function Get-SCCMBootImagePackage {
[Parameter(Position=1)] $filter
Get-SCCMObject SMS_BootImagePackage $filter
function Get-SCCMSiteDefinition {
# Refresh the site control file
Invoke-WmiMethod -path SMS_SiteControlFile -name RefreshSCF -argumentList $sccmSiteCode -computername $sccmServer -namespace $sccmNamespace
# Get the site definition object for this site
$siteDef = get-wmiobject -query "select * from SMS_SCI_SiteDefinition where SiteCode = '$sccmSiteCode' and FileType = 2" -computername $sccmServer -namespace $sccmNamespace
# Return the Props list
$siteDef | foreach-object { $_.Props }
function Get-SCCMIsR2 {
$result = Get-SCCMSiteDefinition | ? {$_.PropertyName -eq "IsR2CapableRTM"}
if (-not $result)
elseif ($result.Value = 31)
function Get-SCCMComputer
[Parameter(Position=1)] $filter
Get-SCCMObject SMS_R_System $filter
function New-SCCMCollection
[Parameter(Position=1)] $name,
[Parameter(Position=2)] $comment,
[Parameter(Position=3)] [ValidateRange(0, 59)] [int] $refreshMinutes,
[Parameter(Position=4)] [ValidateRange(0, 23)] [int] $refreshHours,
[Parameter(Position=5)] [ValidateRange(0, 31)] [int] $refreshDays,
[Parameter(Position=6)] $parentCollectionID
# Build the parameters for creating the collection
$arguments = @{Name = $name; Comment = $comment; OwnedByThisSite = $true}
$newColl = set-wmiinstance -class SMS_Collection -arguments $arguments -computername $sccmServer -namespace $sccmNamespace
# Hack - for some reason without this we don't get the CollectionID value
$hack = $newColl.PSBase | select * | out-null
# It's really hard to set the refresh schedule via set-wmiinstance, so we'll set it later if necessary
if ($refreshMinutes -gt 0 -or $refreshHours -gt 0 -or $refreshDays -gt 0)
# Create the recur interval object
$intervalClass = [wmiclass]"\\$sccmServer\$($sccmNamespace):SMS_ST_RecurInterval"
$interval = $intervalClass.CreateInstance()
if ($refreshMinutes -gt 0)
$interval.MinuteSpan = $refreshMinutes
if ($refreshHours -gt 0)
$interval.HourSpan = $refreshHours
if ($refreshDays -gt 0)
$interval.DaySpan = $refreshDays
# Set the refresh schedule
$newColl.RefreshSchedule = $interval
$path = $newColl.Put()
# Build the parameters for the collection to subcollection link
$subArguments = @{SubCollectionID = $newColl.CollectionID}
if ($parentCollectionID -eq $null)
$subArguments += @{ParentCollectionID = "COLLROOT"}
$subArguments += @{ParentCollectionID = $parentCollectionID}
# Add the link
$newRelation = set-wmiinstance -class SMS_CollectToSubCollect -arguments $subArguments -computername $sccmServer -namespace $sccmNamespace
# Return the collection
function Add-SCCMCollectionRule
[Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $collectionID,
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [String[]] $name,
[Parameter()] $queryExpression,
[Parameter()] $queryRuleName
# Get the specified collection (to make sure we have the lazy properties)
$coll = [wmi]"\\$sccmServer\$($sccmNamespace):SMS_Collection.CollectionID='$collectionID'"
# Build the new rule
if ($queryExpression -ne $null)
# Create a query rule
$ruleClass = [wmiclass]"\\$sccmServer\$($sccmNamespace):SMS_CollectionRuleQuery"
$newRule = $ruleClass.CreateInstance()
$newRule.RuleName = $queryRuleName
$newRule.QueryExpression = $queryExpression
$null = $coll.AddMembershipRule($newRule)
$ruleClass = [wmiclass]"\\$sccmServer\$($sccmNamespace):SMS_CollectionRuleDirect"
# Find each computer
foreach ($n in $name)
foreach ($computer in get-SCCMComputer -filter "Name = '$n'")
# See if the computer is already a member
$found = $false
if ($coll.CollectionRules -ne $null)
foreach ($member in $coll.CollectionRules)
if ($member.ResourceID -eq $computer.ResourceID)
$found = $true
if (-not $found)
Write-Verbose "Adding new rule for computer $n"
$newRule = $ruleClass.CreateInstance()
$newRule.RuleName = $n
$newRule.ResourceClassName = "SMS_R_System"
$newRule.ResourceID = $computer.ResourceID
$null = $coll.AddMembershipRule($newRule)
Write-Verbose "Computer $n is already in the collection"
function Import-SCCMComputer
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $name,
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $macAddress,
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $uuid
# Build the argument list: AdminPassword, FQDN, IsAMTMachine, MAC Address, MEBx password, NetBIOS name, overwrite, SMBIOS UUID
$arguments = @($null, $null, $false, $macAddress, $null, $name, $true, $uuid)
# Invoke the method
$result = Invoke-WmiMethod -path SMS_Site -name ImportMachineEntry -argumentList $arguments -computername $sccmServer -namespace $sccmNamespace
# Retrieve and return the imported computer
Get-SCCMComputer -filter "ResourceID = '$($result.ResourceID)'"
function Get-SCCMDriverCategory
[Parameter(Position=1)] $categoryName
# Build the appropriate filter to return all categories or just one specified by name
$filter = "CategoryTypeName = 'DriverCategories'"
if ($categoryName -eq "" -or $categoryName -eq $null)
Write-Debug "Retriving all categories"
$filter += " and LocalizedCategoryInstanceName = '" + $categoryName + "'"
# Retrieve the matching list
Get-SCCMObject SMS_CategoryInstance -filter $filter
function New-SCCMDriverCategory
[Parameter(Position=1)] $categoryName
# Create a SMS_Category_LocalizedProperties instance
$localizedClass = [wmiclass]"\\$sccmServer\$($sccmNamespace):SMS_Category_LocalizedProperties"
# Populate the localized settings to be used with the new driver instance
$localizedSetting = $localizedClass.psbase.CreateInstance()
$localizedSetting.LocaleID = 1033
$localizedSetting.CategoryInstanceName = $categoryName
[System.Management.ManagementObject[]] $localizedSettings += $localizedSetting
# Create the unique ID
$categoryGuid = [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
$uniqueID = "DriverCategories:$categoryGuid"
# Build the parameters for creating the collection
$arguments = @{CategoryInstance_UniqueID = $uniqueID; LocalizedInformation = $localizedSettings; SourceSite = $sccmSiteCode; CategoryTypeName = 'DriverCategories'}
# Create the new instance
set-wmiinstance -class SMS_CategoryInstance -arguments $arguments -computername $sccmServer -namespace $sccmNamespace
function New-SCCMDriverPackage
[Parameter(Position=1)] $name,
[Parameter(Position=2)] $description,
[Parameter(Position=3)] $sourcePath
# Build the parameters for creating the collection
$arguments = @{Name = $name; Description = $description; PkgSourceFlag = 2; PkgSourcePath = $sourcePath}
$newPackage = set-wmiinstance -class SMS_DriverPackage -arguments $arguments -computername $sccmServer -namespace $sccmNamespace
# Hack - for some reason without this we don't get the PackageID value
$hack = $newPackage.PSBase | select * | out-null
# Return the package
function Add-SCCMDriverPackageContent
[Parameter(Position=1)] $package,
[Parameter(Position=2, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $driver
# Get the list of content IDs
$idlist = @()
$ci = $driver.CI_ID
$ids = Get-SCCMObject -class SMS_CIToContent -filter "CI_ID = '$ci'"
if ($ids -eq $null)
Write-Warning "Warning: Driver not found in SMS_CIToContent"
foreach ($id in $ids)
$idlist += $id.ContentID
# Build a list of content source paths (one entry in the array)
$sources = @($driver.ContentSourcePath)
# Invoke the method
$package.AddDriverContent($idlist, $sources, $false)
catch [System.Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException]
$e = $_.Exception.GetBaseException()
if ($e.ErrorInformation.ErrorCode -eq 1078462229)
Write-Verbose "Driver is already in the driver package (possibly because there are multiple INFs in the same folder or the driver already was added from a different location): $($e.ErrorInformation.Description)"
function Import-SCCMDriver
[Parameter(Position=1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)][Alias("FullName","Path")] $infFile,
[Parameter()] $categoryName,
[Parameter()] $packageID
# Split the path
$driverINF = split-path $infFile -leaf
$driverPath = split-path $infFile
# Get the category if specified
if ($categoryName -eq "" -or $categoryName -eq $null)
Write-Verbose "No driver category specified"
$driverCategory = Get-SCCMDriverCategory -categoryName $categoryName
if ($driverCategory -eq $null)
$driverCategory = New-SCCMDriverCategory $categoryName
Write-Verbose "Created new driver category $categoryName"
$categoryID = $driverCategory.CategoryInstance_UniqueID
# Create the class objects needed
$driverClass = [WmiClass]("\\$sccmServer\$($sccmNamespace):SMS_Driver")
$localizedClass = [WmiClass]("\\$sccmServer\$($sccmNamespace):SMS_CI_LocalizedProperties")
# Call the CreateFromINF method
$driver = $null
$InParams = $driverClass.psbase.GetMethodParameters("CreateFromINF")
$InParams.DriverPath = $driverPath
$InParams.INFFile = $driverINF
$R = $driverClass.PSBase.InvokeMethod("CreateFromINF", $inParams, $Null)
# Get the display name out of the result
$driverXML = [XML]$R.Driver.SDMPackageXML
$displayName = $driverXML.DesiredConfigurationDigest.Driver.Annotation.DisplayName.Text
# Populate the localized settings to be used with the new driver instance
$localizedSetting = $localizedClass.psbase.CreateInstance()
$localizedSetting.LocaleID = 1033
$localizedSetting.DisplayName = $displayName
$localizedSetting.Description = ""
[System.Management.ManagementObject[]] $localizedSettings += $localizedSetting
# Create a new driver instance (one tied to the right namespace) and copy the needed
# properties to it.
$driver = $driverClass.CreateInstance()
$driver.SDMPackageXML = $R.Driver.SDMPackageXML
$driver.ContentSourcePath = $R.Driver.ContentSourcePath
$driver.IsEnabled = $true
$driver.LocalizedInformation = $localizedSettings
$driver.CategoryInstance_UniqueIDs = @($categoryID)
# Put the driver instance
$null = $driver.Put()
Write-Verbose "Added new driver."
catch [System.Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException]
$e = $_.Exception.GetBaseException()
if ($e.ErrorInformation.ErrorCode -eq 183)
Write-Verbose "Duplicate driver found: $($e.ErrorInformation.ObjectInfo)"
# Look for a match on the CI_UniqueID
$query = "select * from SMS_Driver where CI_UniqueID = '" + $e.ErrorInformation.ObjectInfo + "'"
$driver = get-WMIObject -query $query.Replace("\", "/") -namespace $sccmNamespace
# Set the category
if (-not $driver)
Write-Warning "Unable to import and no existing driver found."
elseif ($driver.CategoryInstance_UniqueIDs -contains $categoryID)
Write-Verbose "Existing driver is already in the specified category."
$driver.CategoryInstance_UniqueIDs += $categoryID
$null = $driver.Put()
Write-Verbose "Added category on existing driver."
Write-Warning "Unexpected error, skipping INF $($infFile): $($e.ErrorInformation.Description) $($e.ErrorInformation.ErrorCode)"
# If a package was specified, add the driver to it
if ($packageID -ne $null)
$package = Get-SCCMDriverPackage -filter "PackageID = '$packageID'"
Write-Verbose "Adding driver $($driver.LocalizedDisplayName) to package $($package.Name)"
$null = Add-SCCMDriverPackageContent -package $package -driver $driver
# Hack - for some reason without this we don't get the CollectionID value
$hack = $driver.PSBase | select * | out-null
# Write the driver object to the pipeline
function Set-SCCMComputerVariable
[Parameter(Position=1, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $computer,
[Parameter(Position=2)] $name,
[Parameter(Position=3)] $value,
[Parameter(Position=4)] $masked
# See if there is an existing SMS_MachineSettings instance. If not, create one.
$machineSettings = Get-SCCMObject -class SMS_MachineSettings -filter "ResourceID = $($computer.ResourceID)"
if ($machineSettings -eq $null)
# Build the parameters for creating the machine settings
$arguments = @{ResourceID = $computer.ResourceID; SourceSite = $sccmSiteCode; LocaleID = 1033}
# Create the new instance
$machineSettings = set-wmiinstance -class SMS_MachineSettings -arguments $arguments -computername $sccmServer -namespace $sccmNamespace
# Re-get it
$machineSettings = Get-SCCMObject -class SMS_MachineSettings -filter "ResourceID = $($computer.ResourceID)"
# See if there is already a variable for this computer
foreach ($v in $machineSettings.MachineVariables)
Write-Host $v.Name
# Create a new computer variable instance
$variableClass = [wmiclass]"\\$sccmServer\$($sccmNamespace):SMS_MachineVariable"
$variable = $variableClass.CreateInstance()
$variable.Name = $name
$variable.Value = $value
$variable.IsMasked = $masked
# Add it to the array
$machineSettings.MachineVariables += $variable
# Save the updated machine settings
function Repair-SCCMDriver
if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("All SCCM drivers with invalid paths"))
Write-Host "The following drivers have been removed:"
Get-SCCMDriver | ? {-not (Test-Path $_.ContentSourcePath)} | remove-SCCMDriver
Write-Host "The following drivers have invalid paths and would have been removed:"
Get-SCCMDriver | ? {-not (Test-Path $_.ContentSourcePath)} | ft LocalizedDisplayName, ContentSourcePath
function New-SCCMPackageDP
[Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=1)] $PackageID,
[Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=2)] $NALPath,
[Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=3)] $siteCode
# Get the site name
if ($siteCode -eq $null -or $siteCode -eq "")
$siteCode = $sccmSiteCode
$site = Get-SCCMObject SMS_Site "SiteCode='$siteCode'"
$siteName = $site.SiteName
# Build the parameters for creating the collection
$arguments = @{PackageID = $PackageID; ServerNALPath = "$NALPath"; SiteCode = $siteCode; SiteName = "$siteName"}
$newDP = set-wmiinstance -class SMS_DistributionPoint -arguments $arguments -computername $sccmServer -namespace $sccmNamespace -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# Return the DP object if it isn't null
if ($newDP -ne $null)
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