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Created April 21, 2020 08:03
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;; From video lecture: stack-passing interpreters and continuation-passing style (CPS)
;; CEK. Stack-passing style interpreters
#lang racket
(require racket/trace)
(define my* (lambda (x y) (* x y)))
;; Direct-style implementation of the factorial function, n!
(define (factorial n)
(if (= n 0)
(my* n (factorial (- n 1)))))
(trace factorial)
(trace my*)
;;(factorial 5)
;; Trace is
;; >(factorial 2)
;; > (factorial 1)
;; > >(factorial 0)
;; < <1
;; < 1
;; <2
;; 2
(define (factorial-tail n acc)
(if (= n 0)
(factorial-tail (- n 1) (my* n acc))))
(trace factorial-tail)
;;(factorial-tail 5 1)
;; >(factorial 2)
;; > (factorial 1)
;; > >(factorial 0)
;; < <1
;; < 1
;; <2
;; 2
(define my= (lambda (x y) (= x y)))
(define my- (lambda (x y) (- x y)))
(define myif (lambda (guard true false) (if (guard) (true) (false))))
(trace my=)
(trace my*)
(trace my-)
(trace myif)
;; Exercise (optional): rewrite factorial and factorial-tail with
;; calls to my=, my*, my-, and myif. Observe how they work. Does this
;; confirm what you're feeling about whether each of the calls are
;; tail-calls or not?
;; helpers direct-style factorial function
(define (factorial-rewritten n)
(myif (lambda () (my= n 0))
(lambda () 1)
(lambda () (my* n (factorial-rewritten (my- n 1))))))
(trace factorial-rewritten)
;;(factorial-rewritten 2)
;; Challenge: can we write a version of factorial where *every* call
;; it makes is a tail-call?
;; Arguments are:
;; - n, the number of which we're computing the factorial
;; - acc, the accumulated factorial
;; - continuation, a function we call with the result
;; Rule is: we are only allowed to make tail calls
(define (factorial-cps-zero n acc k)
(if (= n 0)
(k acc)
(factorial-cps-zero (- n 1) (* n acc) k)))
(factorial-cps-zero 10 1 (lambda (x) (displayln (format "the result was ~a" x))))
(define (=k x y k) (k (= x y)))
(define (-k x y k) (k (- x y)))
(define (+k x y k) (k (+ x y)))
(define (*k x y k) (k (* x y)))
(define (factorial-cps-fixed n acc k)
(=k n 0
(lambda (x)
;; x gets filled in with (= n 0)
(if x
(k acc)
(-k n 1 (lambda (minus-value)
(*k n acc (lambda (times-value)
(factorial-cps-zero minus-value times-value k)))))))))
(factorial-cps-fixed 10 1 (lambda (x) (displayln (format "via CPS, we computed ~a" x))))
;; Something to study for the exam: practice how to convert very
;; simple functions to CPS.
(define (fib-tail n n0 n1)
(if (= n 0)
(fib-tail (- n 1) n1 (+ n0 n1))))
(define (fib-tail-cps n n0 n1 k)
(=k n 0 (lambda (eq)
(if eq
(k n0)
(-k n 1 (lambda (n-minus-1)
(+k n0 n1 (lambda (n0-plus-n1)
(fib-tail-cps n-minus-1 n1 n0-plus-n1 k)))))))))
;; Benchmarking of direct-style vs. tail-recursive style
(define (regfac n)
(if (= n 0) 1 (* n (regfac (- n 1)))))
(define (regfac-tail n acc)
(if (= n 0) acc (regfac-tail (- n 1) (* acc n))))
;; Perform these experiments on your own
;;(time (regfac 50000) (displayln "done"))
;;(time (regfac-tail 50000 1) (displayln "done"))
; Define interp-cek, a tail recursive (small-step) interpreter for the language:
;;; e ::= (lambda (x) e)
;;; | (e e)
;;; | x
;;; | (let ([x e]) e)
;;; | (call/cc e)
;;; | (if e e e)
;;; | (and e e)
;;; | (or e e)
;;; | (not e)
;;; | b
;;; x ::= < any variable satisfying symbol? >
;;; b ::= #t | #f
; You can use (error ...) to handle errors, but will only be tested on
; on correct inputs. The language should be evaluated as would the same subset
; of Scheme/Racket. In order to implement call/cc properly, your interpreter
; must implement a stack (as opposed to using Racket's stack by making the
; interpreter directly recursive) yourself and then allow whole stacks to be
; used as first-class values, captured via the call/cc form. Because your
; interpreter implements its own stack, it does not use Racket's stack,
; and so every call to interp-CEK must be in tail position!
; Use symbol 'halt for an initial, empty stack. When a value is returned
; to the 'halt continuation, that value is finally returned from interp-CEK.
; For first-class continuations, use a tagged `(kont ,k) form where k is the
; stack, just as in the CE interpreter you used a tagged `(closure ,lam ,env)
; form for representing closures.
;; defining what continuations could be
(define (continuation? k)
(match k
['halt #t]
[`(letk ,x ,body ,env ,(? continuation? kont)) #t]
[_ #f]))
; For example:
;;; (interp-CEK `(call/cc (lambda (k) (and (k #t) #f))) (hash) 'halt)
; should yield a value equal? to #t, and
;;; (interp-CEK `(call/cc (lambda (k0) ((call/cc (lambda (k1) (k0 k1))) #f))) (hash) 'halt)
; should yield a value equal? to `(kont (ar #f ,(hash 'k0 '(kont halt)) halt))
(define (interp-CEK cexp [env (hash)] [kont 'halt])
(displayln "The current stack is:")
(pretty-print kont)
(displayln "Current expression is:")
(pretty-print cexp)
;; How do I return from the current continuation?
;; Expect that kont is the stack and v is the value being returned
;; to the stack
(define (return kont v)
(match kont
['halt v]
[`(letk ,x ,body ,env ,kont)
;; Bind x to v within the environment `env`. Use that
;; environment to then compute the value of body.
(interp-CEK body (hash-set env x v) kont)]
[`(andk ,e1 ,env ,kont)
(if (not v)
(return kont #f)
[`(ar ,arg ,env ,kont)
(interp-CEK arg env `(fn ,v ,kont))]
[`(fn (closure (lambda (,x) ,body) ,env) ,kont)
(interp-CEK body (hash-set env x v) kont)]
[_ 'todo]))
(match cexp
[`(let ([,x ,rhs]) ,body)
;; How do we handle a let? First, compute the value of rhs.
(interp-CEK rhs env `(letk ,x ,body ,env ,kont))]
;; Return the boolean value b
[(? boolean? b) (return kont b)]
[`(lambda (,x) ,body)
(return kont `(closure ,cexp ,env))]
[`(and ,e0 ,e1)
(interp-CEK e0 env `(andk ,e1 ,env ,kont))]
[`(,fun ,arg)
(interp-CEK fun env `(ar ,arg ,env ,kont))]
[(? symbol? x) (return kont (hash-ref env x))]
[else (error (format "Exp not recognized: ~a" cexp))]))
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