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Created May 28, 2015 09:25
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use lists::{count, new_list};
mod lists {
use std::fmt;
use lists::List::{Cons, Nil};
use std::sync::Arc;
#[derive(PartialEq, Clone)]
pub enum List<T> {
Cons(T, Arc<List<T>>),
impl<T> fmt::Display for List<T> where T : fmt::Display {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match *self {
Cons(ref head, ref tail) =>
write!(f, "{head} :: ", head = head);
write!(f, "{tail} ", tail = tail)
Nil => write!(f, "Nil")
pub fn contains<T>(list: &List<T>, e: T) -> bool where T: PartialEq {
match *list {
Cons(ref head, ref tail) => if *head == e { true } else { contains(tail, e) },
Nil => false
pub fn flat_map<T, U>(list: &List<T>, f: &Fn(T) -> List<U>) -> List<U> where T: Copy, T: Sized, T: Copy, T: PartialEq, U: Copy, U: Sized, U: PartialEq {
match *list {
Cons(ref head, ref tail) => concat(&f(*head), flat_map(tail, f)),
Nil => Nil
pub fn count<T>(list: &List<T>, f: &Fn(T) -> bool) -> u32 where T: Copy {
fold_right(list, 0, &|x, y| if f(x) { y + 1 } else { y })
pub fn filter<T>(list: &List<T>, f: &Fn(T) -> bool) -> List<T> where T : Copy {
fold_right(list, Nil, &|x, y| if f(x) { Cons(x, Arc::new(filter(&y, f))) } else { filter(&y, f) })
pub fn concat<T>(list: &List<T>, b: List<T>) -> List<T> where T: Copy, T: Sized {
fold_right(list, b, &|x, y| Cons(x, Arc::new(y)))
pub fn fold_right<T, U>(list: &List<T>, result: U, f: &Fn(T, U) -> U) -> U where T: Copy, T: Sized {
match *list {
Cons(ref head, ref tail) =>
f(*head, fold_right(tail, result, f)),
Nil => result
pub fn fold_left<T, U>(list: &List<T>, result: U, f: &Fn(U, T) -> U) -> U where T: Copy, T: Sized {
match *list {
Cons(ref head, ref tail) => fold_left(tail, f(result, *head), f),
Nil => result
pub fn map<T, U>(list: &List<T>, f: &Fn(T) -> U) -> List<U> where T: Copy , U: Copy {
fold_right(list, Nil, &|x, y| Cons(f(x), Arc::new(y)))
pub fn new_list<T>(args: Vec<T>) -> List<T> where T: Copy {
let mut vec = args;
let mut x: List<T> = Nil;
while vec.len() > 0 {
match vec.pop() {
Some(e) => x = Cons(e, Arc::new(x)),
None => {}
fn main() {
let list = new_list(vec![1, 2, 1, 4, 1]);
println!("count of 1 in {list} == {result}", list=list, result=count(&list,&|x| x == 1));
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