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WTIME=$(expr $(date "+%s") - 60 \* $WARN)
CTIME=$(expr $(date "+%s") - 60 \* $CRIT)
(ホストID $HOST、ホストメトリック $METRIC でCRIT分前〜現在時刻のメトリック個数が0ならCriticalエラー(exit 2))
RET=$(mkr metrics -H $HOST -n $METRIC --from $CTIME -jq '. | length' 2>&1)
if [ "$RET" = "0" ]; then
echo "CRITICAL: no metric for $METRIC has been posted since at least $CRIT minutes ago"
exit 2
(同様に、ホストID $HOST、ホストメトリック $METRIC でWARN分前〜現在時刻のメトリック個数が0ならWarningエラー(exit 1))
RET=$(mkr metrics -H $HOST -n $METRIC --from $WTIME -jq '. | length' 2>&1)
if [ "$RET" = "0" ]; then
echo "WARNING: no metric for $METRIC has been posted since at least $WARN minutes ago"
exit 1
echo "OK: metric for $METRIC continues to post"
exit 0
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