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Last active December 18, 2015 08:29
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Crappy Automated summary using Coffee-Script. Requires natural and Sylvester
#!/usr/bin/env coffee
natural = require 'natural'
sylvester = require 'sylvester'
fs = require 'fs'
if process.argv[2]? and process.argv[3]?
# Read in the given file
fs.readFile process.argv[2], (err, data) ->
# Tokenize into sentences
tokenizer = new natural.RegexpTokenizer({pattern: /[\.!\?\r\n#]+/})
file = strip_markdown data.toString()
sentences = tokenizer.tokenize file
sentences = (sentence.trim() for sentence in sentences)
# Take the sentences and generate the tf-idf vectors
transition = [];
TfIdf = natural.TfIdf
tfidf = new TfIdf()
tfidf.addDocument(sentence) for sentence in sentences
for sentence in sentences
row = [];
tfidf.tfidfs sentence, (i, measure) ->
if sentence is sentences[i]
row.push(measure + 1)
# Find the page rank off the given
# Transition matrix...
trans_mat = $M(transition)
rank_vec = make_vec(sentences.length)
for i in [1..250]
rank_vec = rank_vec.x(trans_mat)
# Create an array of objects with sentences and scores
scored = []
for i in [1..sentences.length]
scored.push({score: rank_vec.e(1, i), sentence: sentences[i-1], idx: i})
scored.sort compare_scores
scored = scored.splice(0, process.argv[3])
scored.sort compare_idx
summary = []
summary.push(good.sentence) for good in scored
console.log(summary.join(". ") + ".")
console.log "Usage:"
console.log "\tsummary [file] [limit]"
compare_idx = (a, b) ->
a.idx - b.idx
compare_scores = (a, b) ->
b.score - a.score
make_vec = (len) ->
new_vec = [];
new_vec.push 1
new_vec.push(0) for i in [1...len]
transition_modified = (r) ->
divider = 0
divider += score for score in r
r = (score/divider for score in r)
strip_markdown = (str) ->
# Extra quotes
str = str.replace /"/g, ''
# Links and Images
str = str.replace /!\[(.*?)?\]\((.*?)?\)/g, '$1'
str = str.replace /!?\[(.*?)?\]\((.*?)?\)/g, '$1'
# Footnotes
str = str.replace /\[\^(.*?)\]:?/g, ''
# Bold and italics
str = str.replace /\*{1,3}([^\*]*?)\*{1,3}/g, '$1'
str = str.replace /_{1,3}([^\*]*?)_{1,3}/g, '$1'
# List and blockquotes
str = str.replace /^\s*[\*\s]+(.*?)/g, '$1'
str = str.replace /^\s*[\>\s]*(.*?)/g, '$1'
str = str.replace /^\s*[\*\s]+(.*?)/g, '$1'
str = str.replace /^\s*[\>\s]*(.*?)/g, '$1'
# Headings
str = str.replace /#/g, ''
# comments
str = str.replace /<!--(.*?)-->/g, ''
# Extra whitespace
str = str.replace /\s+/g, ' '
# Code
str = str.replace /```(.*?)```/g, ''
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