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Created December 21, 2018 03:15
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(この記事はFarmnote Advent Calendar 21 日目の記事です)

札幌オフィスの金井(@kn1kn1)です。主にFarmnote ColorのETLを担当しています。

私にとっての2018年は、RubyKaigiでの登壇Algorave Tokyoへの出演があり、そして何よりも第二子誕生があって多忙な日々でした。関係した皆様に感謝致します。



本日紹介するのはRockstarです。Rockstarはプログラミング言語で、 に仕様があります。


Midnight takes your heart and your soul
While your heart is as high as your soul
Put your heart without your soul into your heart

Give back your heart

Desire is a lovestruck ladykiller
My world is nothing
Fire is ice
Hate is water
Until my world is Desire
Build my world up
If Midnight taking my world, Fire is nothing and Midnight taking my world, Hate is nothing
Shout "FizzBuzz!"
Take it to the top

If Midnight taking my world, Fire is nothing
Shout "Fizz!"
Take it to the top

If Midnight taking my world, Hate is nothing
Say "Buzz!"
Take it to the top

Whisper my world






$ git clone
$ cd rockstar-ml
$ make
ocamlbuild -use-menhir rockstar.native
make: ocamlbuild: No such file or directory
make: *** [all] Error 1

git cloneしてmakeしますがエラーになってしまうので、必要なものをインストールして再度makeします。

$ brew install ocaml opam
$ opam init
$ eval $(opam env)
$ opam install menhir
$ make
ocamlbuild -use-menhir rockstar.native
+ menhir --ocamlc ocamlc.opt --infer parser.mly
Warning: 7 states have shift/reduce conflicts.
Warning: 44 shift/reduce conflicts were arbitrarily resolved.
+ ocamlc.opt -c -o lexer.cmo
File "lexer.mll", line 97, characters 15-31:
Warning 3: deprecated: Stdlib.String.lowercase
Use String.lowercase_ascii instead.
File "lexer.mll", line 97, characters 74-90:
Warning 3: deprecated: Stdlib.String.lowercase
Use String.lowercase_ascii instead.
+ ocamlopt.opt -c -o lexer.cmx
File "lexer.mll", line 97, characters 15-31:
Warning 3: deprecated: Stdlib.String.lowercase
Use String.lowercase_ascii instead.
File "lexer.mll", line 97, characters 74-90:
Warning 3: deprecated: Stdlib.String.lowercase
Use String.lowercase_ascii instead.
Finished, 24 targets (6 cached) in 00:00:01.



Bohemian is Rhapsody
Whisper Bohemian


$ ./rockstar.native b.rock





上の例では、Bohemianという変数をRhapsodyで初期化しています。8という数値になるのは、Rhapsodyが変数として定義されておらず、8文字だったからです。これは、Poetic Number Literalsと呼ばれているものです。


Tommy was a lovestruck ladykiller


A killer is on the loose

だと、A killerには235が入ります。



Put "Hello, I love you" into the door

the doorに"Hello, I love you"が入ります。ありがとうJim。


○○ takes △△で関数が定義できます。呼び出す際は、○○ taking △△です。

Axis takes a bold and your love
Put a bold without your love into your telling
Give back your telling

Put Axis taking 6, 9 into Exp
Say Exp

この例では、Axisが関数名でa boldyour loveが引数になります。


Wrap up


Dawn is confusion disillusion
Confusion is my epitaph
Word is carried

Sundown takes the outing and the starless
My world is nothing
The shrieking is us
Put the outing with the outing into the evening
Put the starless without the evening into your cruel
Put your cruel over the shrieking into the emptiness
Put "\n" into the tangle
Until my world is higher than the emptiness
Put " " into the yearns
Whisper the yearns
Build my world up

The completeness is nothing
Until the completeness is the evening
Put "*" into the dazzling
Whisper the dazzling
Build the completeness up

Whisper the tangle

Innocents is a je
Purred is scream neurosurgion

My greed is nothing
Until my greed is Innocents
Sundown taking my greed, Purred
Build my greed up

My tongue is nothing
Until my tongue is Innocents
Put my tongue with Word into the claw
Sundown taking the claw, Purred
Build my tongue up

My injury is nothing
Until my injury is Innocents
Put my injury with Innocents into the starving
Sundown taking the starving, Purred
Build my injury up

The shade is nothing
Until the shade is Word
Sundown taking Word, Purred
Build the shade up


$ ./rockstar.native t.rock



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