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Created January 3, 2020 07:00
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Andress-MBP:geewalletFRONTEND knocte$ ./scripts/
+ RUST_VERSION=nightly-2019-11-25
+ curl -sSf
+ sh -s -- -y --default-toolchain nightly-2019-11-25
info: downloading installer
info: profile set to 'default'
info: default host triple is x86_64-apple-darwin
info: updating existing rustup installation
Rust is installed now. Great!
To get started you need Cargo's bin directory ($HOME/.cargo/bin) in your PATH
environment variable. Next time you log in this will be done
To configure your current shell run source $HOME/.cargo/env
Andress-MBP:geewalletFRONTEND knocte$ ./ && make
checking for a working F# REPL... found
checking for cargo... found
checking for make... found
checking for fsharpc... found
checking for mono... found
checking for curl... found
checking for msbuild... found
Configuration summary for gwallet ((HEAD detached at andrewFork/build-geelightning)/053bb60)
* Installation prefix: /usr/local
Configuration succeeded, you can now run `make`
git submodule update --init
cargo build --manifest-path=geelightning/ffi/Cargo.toml
Compiling serde v1.0.104
Compiling futures-util-preview v0.3.0-alpha.18
error[E0554]: `#![feature]` may not be used on the stable release channel
--> /Users/knocte/.cargo/registry/src/
4 | #![cfg_attr(feature = "async-await", feature(async_await))]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: aborting due to previous error
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0554`.
error: Could not compile `futures-util-preview`.
warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
error: build failed
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