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Last active February 21, 2024 03:42
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How many yellow corners are oriented correctly already?

Only 1

Rotate top until solved corner is on the front and you can also see yellow on the other front corner, facing you.

Do "Sune" - R U R' U R U2 R'. Target the unsolved corner. Take that corner's f2l slot out. Rotate U one away. Then put it back using a U2 move.

No corners done

If 2 yellow headlights facing front and 2 facing back

Do "H" alg - F (R U R' U')3 F'. Pattern is front rotation, right alg 3x, then undo front rotation.

If 2 yellow headlights facing front, but back two face outwards (L and R)

Do a U until the outwards facing one faces front, at the right corner.

Do "Pi" - R U2 (R2 U' R2 U' R2 U') U' R. Pattern is (R2 U') repeats 3 times in the middle.

2 corners done, diagonal from each other

Rotate top so that one solved corner is front-right and you can see both other yellow corner stickers.

Do "L" - x (R' U R D') (R' U' R D). Pattern is R and R' alternate and top and bottom rotate in same direction one way, then other way.

2 corners done along the same edge

Other 2 stickers face outwards, L and R

Put the solved edge on the right.

Do "T" - x (L U R' U') (L' U R U')

Other two stickers face backwards

Turn top so headlights are on front.

Do "U" - R2 D (R' U2 R) D' (R' U2 R'). No pattern. It just sucks. :(

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