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Created June 22, 2017 12:34
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export type HostConfig<T, P, I, TI, PI, C, CX, PL> = {
getRootHostContext(rootContainerInstance: C): CX {
// e.g. namespace of DOM
getChildHostContext(parentHostContext: CX, type: T, instance: C): CX {
// e.g. namespace of DOM
getPublicInstance(instance: I | TI): PI {
// e.g. DOM Element
type: T,
props: P,
rootContainerInstance: C,
hostContext: CX,
internalInstanceHandle: OpaqueHandle,
): I {
// e.g. DOM Element
appendInitialChild(parentInstance: I, child: I | TI): void {
// append child into parentInstance
parentInstance: I,
type: T,
props: P,
rootContainerInstance: C,
): boolean {
// set props
// ReactDOMFiber returns a flag whether a DOM should be focused or not.
instance: I,
type: T,
oldProps: P,
newProps: P,
rootContainerInstance: C,
hostContext: CX,
): null | PL {
// calculate the diff between oldProps and newProps
instance: I,
updatePayload: PL,
type: T,
oldProps: P,
newProps: P,
internalInstanceHandle: OpaqueHandle,
): void,
instance: I,
type: T,
newProps: P,
internalInstanceHandle: OpaqueHandle,
): void {
// If finalizeInitialChildren returns true, this method is called
shouldSetTextContent(type: T, props: P): boolean {
// whether having text content(e.g. children, dangerouslySetInnerHTML)
resetTextContent(instance: I): void {
// reset instance's text content
shouldDeprioritizeSubtree(type: T, props: P): boolean {
// ReactDOMFiber
// return !!props.hidden;
text: string,
rootContainerInstance: C,
hostContext: CX,
internalInstanceHandle: OpaqueHandle,
): TI {
// create a text instance
// ReactDOMFiber returns textNode
commitTextUpdate(textInstance: TI, oldText: string, newText: string): void {
// Update the textInstance
// ReactFiberFiber updates nodeValue of the textInstance
appendChild(parentInstance: I | C, child: I | TI): void {
// appendChild
appendChildToContainer(container: C, child: I | TI): void {
// appendChild to container
// container means HostContainer or HostRoot or HostPortal
insertBefore(parentInstance: I | C, child: I | TI, beforeChild: I | TI): void {
// insert child before beforeChild
container: C,
child: I | TI,
beforeChild: I | TI,
): void {
// insert child into container before beforeChild
removeChild(parentInstance: I | C, child: I | TI): void {
// remove child
removeChildFromContainer(container: C, child: I | TI): void {
// remove child from container
callback: (deadline: Deadline) => void,
): number | void {
// requestIdleCallback
prepareForCommit(): void {
// called before commit side effects
// disabled event listener temporary
resetAfterCommit(): void {
// called after commit
// restore event listener setting
// Optional hydration
canHydrateInstance?: (instance: I | TI, type: T, props: P) => boolean {
// Can instance be hydrated?
// ReactDOMFiber
// return instance.nodeType === 1 && type === instance.nodeName.toLowerCase();
canHydrateTextInstance?: (instance: I | TI) => boolean {
// Can text instance be hydrated?
// ReactDOMFiber
// return instance.nodeType === 3;
getNextHydratableSibling?: (instance: I | TI) => null | I | TI {
// return a next sibling node
getFirstHydratableChild?: (parentInstance: C | I) => null | I | TI {
// return a first child node
hydrateInstance?: (
instance: I,
type: T,
props: P,
rootContainerInstance: C,
internalInstanceHandle: OpaqueHandle,
) => null | PL {
// hydrate instance
hydrateTextInstance?: (
textInstance: TI,
text: string,
internalInstanceHandle: OpaqueHandle,
) => boolean {
// hydrate text instance
useSyncScheduling?: boolean, // sync by default?
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