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Created May 24, 2016 14:23
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//Credits go to SNV
#include "common.h"
typedef struct { // Total: 24 bytes
u1 Id[4]; // SPR\0
s4 Size; // size of the whole file
u4 U1; // 0x4 for all creatures and tilesets
// 0x2 for interf64.spr LOGO.spr magico64.spr magico80.spr
// overlay.spr scanner.spr Scrollbutt.spr
u4 Frames; // number of Frames
u4 NPals; // number of palettes
u4 U2; // 0 for battlebuttons.spr border.spr Buttons.spr
// CheckBox.spr interf64.spr magico80.spr markers.spr
// overlay.spr radiobuttons.spr scrollbar.spr selbut.spr
// slider.spr SplIcons.spr spotIcons.spr timer.spr
// LOGO.spr, scanner.spr, Scrollbutt.spr have it 0xbf000000
// magico64.spr has it 0xe3000000
// u1 Palette[256*3*NPals];
// u4 FrameOffsets[Frames];
} __attribute__ ((packed)) header;
typedef struct {
u4 Deltas; // offset into Deltas
u4 Pixels; // offset int Pixels
} __attribute__ ((packed)) row;
typedef struct {
u4 Size;
u4 W; // width
u4 H; // height
s4 CX; // center X
s4 CY; // center Y
u1 Name[8]; // Name of the file, this frame belongs to.
u4 P; // index of palette, this sprite uses
u4 T1; // unknown offset 1
u4 T2; // unknown offset 2
//line Lines[Height];
//u4 Deltas[];
//u1 Pixels[];
// sometimes, (when header->U1 != 2) there are two tables at the end,
// pointed by T1 and T2. their purpose is unknown to me and without using them
// output image is garbled.
// their size seems has no relation to image size, being
// somewhere between 80-84
//u1 Table1[];
//u1 Table2[];
} __attribute__ ((packed)) frame;
typedef struct {
s4 X;
s4 Y;
u1 Name[8]; // Frame name in associated .spr file
u4 U1;
u4 U2;
s4 X2;
u4 U3;
s4 Y2;
u4 U4;
u4 U5;
} __attribute__ ((packed)) aniFrame;
typedef struct {
u1 Id[4]; // ANI\0
u4 Size; // size of whole file
u4 U1;
u4 U2;
u4 U3;
u4 NAnis; // number of animations
u1 SprName[24]; // Name of associated .spr file;
// u4 Offsets[NAnis]; // animation offsets
} __attribute__ ((packed)) aniHeader;
static void sprDecompile(char *Output, char *Input) {
int I, J, K, X, Y, C;
char Tmp[1024], Name[16];
u4 *Lens, *Offs, *CU;
int CTOffset; // Frame table offset
char *LastName = "NIL Name, unused name";
pic *P, *B;
row *R;
int L = fileSize(Input);
header *H = (header*)readFile(0, L, Input);
memset(Name, 0, 16);
if (!H || memcmp(H->Id, "SPR\0", 4)) {
printf("Invalid SPR file: %s\n", Input);
printf("NFrames=%d NPals=%d U1=%d U2=#%x\n"
, H->Frames, H->NPals, H->U1, H->U2);
CTOffset = sizeof(header) + 256*3*H->NPals;
if (H->U1 == 2) CTOffset -= 4;
Offs = (u4*)((u1*)H+CTOffset);
Lens = ns(u4, H->Frames);
times (I, H->Frames) Offs[I] += CTOffset+4*H->Frames;
times (I, H->Frames) Lens[I] = (I==H->Frames-1?H->Size:Offs[I+1])-Offs[I];
times (I, H->Frames) {
frame *F = (frame*)((u1*)H + Offs[I]);
memcpy(Name, F->Name, 8);
printf("%d,%s: O=#%x L=#%x W=%d H=%d CX=%d CY=%d P=%d, T1=#%x T2=#%x S1=%d S2=%d\n"
, I, Name, Offs[I], Lens[I], F->W, F->H, F->CX, F->CY, F->P
, F->T1, F->T2, F->T2 - F->T1, Lens[I]-F->T2);
P = picNew(F->W?F->W:1, F->H?F->H:1, 8);
if (H->NPals) {
if (F->P >= H->NPals) F->P=0;
u1 *Pal = (u1*)H+sizeof(header) + F->P*256*3;
times (J, 256) {
P->P[J*4+0] = Pal[J*3+0];
P->P[J*4+1] = Pal[J*3+1];
P->P[J*4+2] = Pal[J*3+2];
P->P[J*4+3] = 0;
} else {
times (J, 256) {
P->P[J*4+0] = J;
P->P[J*4+1] = J;
P->P[J*4+2] = J;
P->P[J*4+3] = 0;
CU = ns(u4,256);
P->K = 0x253;
if (H->U1 == 2) L--;
R = (row*)(F+1);
for(Y=0; Y < F->H; Y++) {
u1 *Deltas = (u1*)F + R[Y].Deltas;
u1 *Pixels = (u1*)F + R[Y].Pixels;
for(X=0, K=0; X < F->W; K=~K) {
C = *Deltas++;
unless (K) {X += C; continue;}
while (C-- && X < F->W) {X++; CU[*Pixels++]++;}
times (J, 256) if (!CU[J]) P->K = J;
picClear(P, P->K);
for(Y=0; Y < F->H; Y++) {
u1 *Deltas = (u1*)F + R[Y].Deltas;
u1 *Pixels = (u1*)F + R[Y].Pixels;
for(X=0, K=0; X < F->W; K=~K) {
C = *Deltas++;
unless (K) {X += C; continue;}
while (C-- && X < F->W) picPut(P, X++, Y, *Pixels++);
sprintf(Tmp, "%s/%s_%04d.png", Output, Name, I);
pngSave(Tmp, P);
int sprInit(format *F) {
F->Name = "spr";
F->Description = "Magic & Mayhem sprites";
F->Decompile = sprDecompile;
return 1;
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