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Created October 26, 2021 10:57
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Start of little quickjs program that will generate a native quickjs wrapper for raylib
import { loadFile } from 'std'
const regexes = {
func: /^RLAPI ([\*A-Za-z0-9 ]+) ([\*A-Za-z0-9]+)\((.+)\);\W+(.+)/gm
// TODO: I need a lot more in/out types
// map of input-type to function that the function-body to convert it
const inputTypes = {
AudioStream: (p, i) => '',
bool: (p, i) => `bool ${} = JS_ToBool(ctx, argv[${i}]);`,
BoundingBox: (p, i) => '',
Camera: (p, i) => '',
Camera2D: (p, i) => '',
Camera3D: (p, i) => '',
char: (p, i) => `const char* ${} = NULL;\n ${} = JS_ToCString(ctx, argv[${i}]);\n if (title == NULL) return JS_EXCEPTION;`,
CharInfo: (p, i) => '',
Color: (p, i) => '',
'const char': (p, i) => `const char* ${} = NULL;\n ${} = JS_ToCString(ctx, argv[${i}]);\n if (title == NULL) return JS_EXCEPTION;`,
'const CharInfo': (p, i) => '',
'const unsigned char': (p, i) => '',
'const void': (p, i) => '',
float: (p, i) => `double ${};\n if (JS_ToFloat64(ctx, &${}, argv[${i}])) return JS_EXCEPTION;`,
Font: (p, i) => '',
Image: (p, i) => '',
int: (p, i) => `int ${};\n if (JS_ToInt32(ctx, &${}, argv[${i}])) return JS_EXCEPTION;`,
LoadFileDataCallback: (p, i) => '',
LoadFileTextCallback: (p, i) => '',
Material: (p, i) => '',
Matrix: (p, i) => '',
Mesh: (p, i) => '',
Model: (p, i) => '',
ModelAnimation: (p, i) => '',
Music: (p, i) => '',
NPatchInfo: (p, i) => '',
Ray: (p, i) => '',
Rectangle: (p, i) => '',
RenderTexture2D: (p, i) => '',
SaveFileDataCallback: (p, i) => '',
SaveFileTextCallback: (p, i) => '',
Shader: (p, i) => '',
Sound: (p, i) => '',
Texture2D: (p, i) => '',
TraceLogCallback: (p, i) => '',
'unsigned char': (p, i) => `int _${};\n if (JS_ToInt32(ctx, &_${}, argv[${i}])) return JS_EXCEPTION;\n unsigned char ${} = (unsigned char) _${};`,
'unsigned int': (p, i) => `unsigned int ${};\n if (JS_ToUint32(ctx, &${}, argv[${i}])) return JS_EXCEPTION;`,
Vector2: (p, i) => '',
Vector3: (p, i) => '',
Vector4: (p, i) => '',
void: (p, i) => '',
VrDeviceInfo: (p, i) => '',
VrStereoConfig: (p, i) => '',
Wave: (p, i) => ''
// return just the call-string: basically just a util to simplify outputTypes
function call (method) {
const params = =>
return `${}(${params.join(', ')})`
// map of output-type to function that generates return portion of function-body
const outputTypes = {
AudioStream: m => '',
bool: m => `return JS_NewBool(ctx, ${call(m)});`,
BoundingBox: m => '',
char: m => '',
CharInfo: m => '',
Color: m => '',
'const char': m => `return JS_NewString(ctx, ${call(m)});`,
double: m => '',
float: m => `return JS_NewFloat64(ctx, ${call(m)});`,
Font: m => '',
Image: m => '',
int: m => `return JS_NewInt32(ctx, ${call(m)});`,
long: m => '',
Material: m => '',
Matrix: m => '',
Mesh: m => '',
Model: m => '',
ModelAnimation: m => '',
Music: m => '',
Ray: m => '',
RayHitInfo: m => '',
Rectangle: m => '',
RenderTexture2D: m => '',
Shader: m => '',
Sound: m => '',
Texture2D: m => '',
TextureCubemap: m => '',
'unsigned char': m => '',
'unsigned int': m => '',
Vector2: m => '',
Vector3: m => '',
Vector4: m => '',
void: m => `${call(m)};\n return JS_UNDEFINED;`,
VrStereoConfig: m => '',
Wave: m => ''
// get info from raylib header
function getInfo (source) {
const functions = []
let m
while (m = regexes.func.exec(source)) {
const input = m[3]
.map(s => s.trim())
.map(s => {
const pointer = s.includes('*')
if (pointer) {
s = s.replace(/\*/g, '')
const p = s.split(' ')
const l = p.length - 1
let type = p.slice(0, l).join(' ').trim()
if (type === '') {
type = 'void'
return {
name: p[l],
const n = {
output: m[1],
name: m[2],
comment: m[4]
// console.log(JSON.stringify(n, null, 2))
return { functions }
const { functions } = getInfo(loadFile('/usr/local/include/raylib.h'))
const out = `// This was auto-generated. Run qjs generate-raylib.js
#include "stdio.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "quickjs/quickjs.h"
#include "quickjs/cutils.h"
#include "raylib.h"
#define JS_ATOM_length 48
${ => `
// ${method.comment}
static JSValue wrapped_${}(JSContext* ctx, JSValueConst this_val, int argc, JSValueConst* argv) {
${, i) => inputTypes[m.type](m, i)).filter(m => m !== '').join('\n ') + `\n ${outputTypes[method.output](method)}`}
static const JSCFunctionListEntry wrapped_js_funcs[] = {
${ => `JS_CFUNC_DEF("${}", ${method.input.filter(p => p.type !== 'void').length}, wrapped_${})`).join(',\n ')}
static int js_rl_init(JSContext* ctx, JSModuleDef* m) {
js_rl_init_classes(ctx, m);
return JS_SetModuleExportList(ctx, m, wrapped_js_funcs, countof(wrapped_js_funcs));
JSModuleDef* js_init_module(JSContext* ctx, const char* module_name) {
JSModuleDef* m = JS_NewCModule(ctx, module_name, js_rl_init);
if (!m) return NULL;
JS_AddModuleExportList(ctx, m, wrapped_js_funcs, countof(wrapped_js_funcs));
js_rl_init_module_classes(ctx, m);
return m;
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