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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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「MCMC のデバッグ」
"Debugging MCMC"
nuget install -x FsRandom
fsi 4216.fsx
fsi --define:DEBUG 4216.fsx
#r "FsRandom/lib/net40/FsRandom.dll"
open FsRandom
open FsRandom.Statistics
module Seq =
open Checked
open LanguagePrimitives
/// Takes elements by specified number.
let takeBy n (source:seq<_>) = seq {
use e = source.GetEnumerator ()
while e.MoveNext () do
yield e.Current
let skip = ref (n - 1)
while !skip > 0 && e.MoveNext () do
decr skip
/// Addtion version of pown.
let inline private sumn (x : ^a) (n : int) : ^a =
let rec loop x n result =
if n <= 0 then
elif n % 2 = 0 then
loop (x + x) (n / 2) result
loop x (n - 1) (result + x)
loop x n LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero<(^a)>
/// Calculates variance.
let inline var (samples : seq<(^a)>) : ^a =
let count = ref 0
use enumerator = samples.GetEnumerator ()
if enumerator.MoveNext () then
let mutable sum = GenericZero<(^a)>
let mutable v = GenericZero<(^a)>
incr count
sum <- sum + enumerator.Current
while enumerator.MoveNext () do
incr count
let c = enumerator.Current
sum <- sum + c
let d = sumn c !count + (-sum)
v <- v + DivideByInt<(^a)> (d * d) (!count * (!count - 1))
if !count = 1 then
invalidArg "samples" "Should contain at least 2 elements."
DivideByInt<(^a)> v (!count - 1)
invalidArg "samples" "Empty list."
let pi = System.Math.PI
// log-density of normal distribution.
let logNormal mu sd x =
let u = x - mu
let v = 2.0 * sd * sd
-u * u / v - 0.5 * log (v * pi)
// The mean value of the prior.
let priorMean = 0.0
// The standard deviation of the prior.
let priorSd = 2.0
// Constructs Metropolis-Hastings algorithms using the prior N(0, 2^2) and the proposal N(0, 1^2).
// Small variance is favorable condition for debugging.
let sampler y =
// Log density of the prior.
let logPrior mu = logNormal priorMean priorSd mu
// Log likelihood.
let logLikelihood mu = Array.sumBy (logNormal mu 1.0)
// Proposes the next state.
let propose current = normal (current, 1.0)
let chain = Seq.markovChain (fun (current, y) -> random {
let! candidate = propose current
let alpha =
// Since the proposal distribution is symmetric, the ratio of the movement is always 1 (0 in log-scale), thus omittable.
let p mu = logLikelihood mu y + logPrior mu
exp <| p candidate - p current
let! u = uniform (0.0, 1.0)
let next = if u <= alpha then candidate else current
let! y = Array.randomCreate 5 (normal (next, 1.0))
return (next, y)
// Set the initial value of mu as 0 (no matter which one we take).
chain (0.0, y)
// The initial condition of the problem (see the blog).
let y = [|2.9; 4.5; 5.7; 3.9; 4.0|]
let state = createState xorshift (123456789u, 362436069u, 521288629u, 88675123u)
let samples =
sampler y state
|> Seq.skip 500 // Burn-in period.
|> Seq.takeBy 10 // To avoid autocorrelation.
|> Seq.take 1000 // Sample size.
|> fst
|> Seq.cache
printfn "Prior"
printfn "* Mean = %.3f" <| priorMean
printfn "* S.D. = %.3f" <| priorSd
printfn "Sample"
printfn "* Mean = %.3f" <| Seq.average samples
printfn "* S.D. = %.3f" <| sqrt (Seq.var samples)
printfn "Posterior (theory)"
let varTheory = 1.0 / (float (Array.length y) + priorSd ** (-2.0))
let meanTheory = varTheory * Array.sum y + priorMean
printfn "* Mean = %.3f" <| meanTheory
printfn "* S.D. = %.3f" <| sqrt varTheory
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