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Created March 15, 2013 11:00
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;; PING for newLISP (win32)
;; Usage:
;; > newlisp ping.lsp localhost
;; > newlisp ping.lsp -w 2000
;; License:
;; MIT License
(import "icmp.dll" "IcmpCreateFile")
(import "icmp.dll" "IcmpCloseHandle")
(import "icmp.dll" "IcmpSendEcho")
(import "ws2_32.dll" "inet_addr")
(import "ws2_32.dll" "inet_ntoa")
; typedef struct icmp_echo_reply {
; IPAddr Address;
; ULONG Status;
; ULONG RoundTripTime;
; USHORT DataSize;
; USHORT Reserved;
; PVOID Data;
; struct ip_option_information Options;
;; xxx: Why pack/unpack not have *void ?
(define icmp_echo_reply "lu lu lu u u lu lu")
(define (ping host (timeout 1000))
(letn ((data "SEND ICMP DATA")
(hIcmpFile (IcmpCreateFile))
;; replyBufferLength = sizeof(ICMP_ECHO_REPLY32) + strlen(data) + 1
(replyBufferLength (+ 29 (length data) 1))
(replyBuffer (dup "\000" replyBufferLength))
(status 0)
(setq host (or (net-lookup host true)
(throw-error (list (last (net-error)) host))))
(setq responseTime
(time (setq status
(IcmpSendEcho hIcmpFile
(inet_addr host)
data (length data)
replyBuffer (length replyBuffer)
(IcmpCloseHandle hIcmpFile)
(if (!= status 0)
(let ((reply (unpack icmp_echo_reply replyBuffer)))
(list (cons "Host" (get-string (inet_ntoa (reply 0))))
(cons "RTT" (reply 2))
(cons "Time" (mul responseTime 1000)) ; millisec to microsec
;; __main__
(setq $host (main-args -1))
(setq $timeout 1000) ; millisec
(when (<= (length (main-args)) 2)
(println (format "Usage: newlisp ping.lsp [-w TIMEOUT] TARGET"))
(exit 1))
(dolist (arg (main-args))
(case arg
("-w" (setq $timeout (int (main-args (+ $idx 1)))))
(println (ping $host $timeout))
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