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backend = "glx"
glx-no-stencil = true
glx-no-rebind-pixmap = true
xrender-sync-fence = true
vsync = true
kosorin / config.rasi
Last active January 31, 2023 17:18
Rofi config and theme for AwesomeWM rice.
configuration {
terminal: "alacritty";
modes: "combi,keys";
display-window: "window";
display-drun: "run";
display-windowcd: "windowcd";
display-run: "run";
display-ssh: "ssh";
kosorin / Crc32.cs
Created March 17, 2021 11:26
// with Span<T> support
using System;
internal static class Crc32
public const uint CheckHash = 0x2144DF1Cu;
public const int HashLength = sizeof(uint);
kosorin / trakt-csfd.js
Last active January 22, 2022 18:04
Trakt to ČSFD
// ==UserScript==
// @name Trakt to ČSFD
// @version 1.2
// @description Search current title on ČSFD
// @match *://*
// @author David Kosorin
// @source
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==
kosorin / CsfdExporter.csproj
Created February 27, 2021 00:22
ČSFD exporter (to IMDb format)
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<PackageReference Include="HtmlAgilityPack" Version="1.11.30" />
kosorin / serialzone-plus.user.js
Last active April 15, 2020 13:04 UserScript
// ==UserScript==
// @name PLUS
// @namespace
// @version 3.1.1
// @author David Kosorin
// @match*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
try {
kosorin / TcpSocket.cs
Last active November 12, 2020 01:51
TCP socket wrapper with stream parser
public class TcpSocket : IDisposable
private readonly ProtocolProcessor _protocolProcessor = new ProtocolProcessor();
private readonly Socket _socket;
private readonly AutoResetEvent _connectEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
private readonly SocketAsyncEventArgs _receiveToken;
private readonly IObjectPool<SocketAsyncEventArgs> _sendTokenPool;
public TcpSocket(InternetEndPoint remoteEndPoint)
public static class TimeConstants
public const int MillisecondsPerSecond = 1000;
public const int MillisecondsPerMinute = MillisecondsPerSecond * SecondsPerMinute;
public const int MillisecondsPerHour = MillisecondsPerMinute * MinutesPerHour;
public const int MillisecondsPerDay = MillisecondsPerHour * HoursPerDay;
public const int MillisecondsPerWeek = MillisecondsPerDay * DaysPerWeek;
public const int SecondsPerMinute = 60;
public const int SecondsPerHour = SecondsPerMinute * MinutesPerHour;
kosorin / ObjectActivatorFactory.cs
Created February 22, 2019 16:38
Fast instance creation with compiled lambda expressions.
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Reflection;
public static class ObjectActivatorFactory
public static Func<TObject> Create<TObject>()
return CreateAs<TObject>(typeof(TObject));
kosorin / ItemClickAction.cs
Created January 18, 2019 21:45
UWP behavior
public class ItemClickAction : DependencyObject, IAction
public ICommand Command
get { return (ICommand)GetValue(CommandProperty); }
set { SetValue(CommandProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty CommandProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register(nameof(Command), typeof(ICommand), typeof(ItemClickAction), new PropertyMetadata(null));