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Created August 2, 2019 09:22
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get EXIF metadata fields
$path = 'c:\tmp\some_pic_from_camera.jpg'
$shell = New-Object -COMObject Shell.Application
$folder = Split-Path $path
$file = Split-Path $path -Leaf
$objShell = $shell.Namespace($folder)
$shellfile = $objShell.ParseName($file)
#0..287 | Foreach-Object { '{0} = {1}' -f $_, $objShell.GetDetailsOf($null, $_) }
$hash = @{
'Camera model' = 30;
'Date taken' = 12;
$meta = @{}
$hash.Keys | ForEach-Object {
$property = $_
$value = $objShell.GetDetailsOf($shellfile, $hash.$property)
Write-Host "$property is $value"
$meta.Add($property, $value);
Write-Host "camera: " $meta['Camera model']
Write-Host "date : " $meta['Date taken']
$date_str = $meta['Date taken'] -replace "[^0-9\.\-\:APM ]"
$pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm tt"
$pattern_en = "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm"
Write-Host "date string:"
Write-Host ($date_str | Format-Hex)
$date = New-Object DateTime
if(![datetime]::tryparseexact($date_str, $pattern,[System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture,[System.Globalization.DateTimestyles]::None, [ref]$date)) {
if(![datetime]::tryparseexact($date_str, $pattern_en,[System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture,[System.Globalization.DateTimestyles]::None, [ref]$date)) {
Write-Host "pizdez... i'm quit"
Write-Host "date as date:" $date
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