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Last active August 3, 2020 03:44
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# upload a file to neuropoly's wiki's filestore at
# public domain
# author:
# TODO: be fully scp compatible: we should be able to specify the target filename, disambiguating between DESTs ending in / or not
set -eo pipefail # crash on sub-errors; pipefail is a bashism, but sooo useful
set -u # crash on missing vars
usage() {
echo "NEUROPOLY_USERNAME=user NEUROPOLY_PASSWORD=pass $0 file [file2 file3 ...] dest"
echo "dest is a folder path like datasets/mri"
if [ -z "${NEUROPOLY_USERNAME+x}" -o -z "${NEUROPOLY_PASSWORD+x}" ]; then
echo "error: NEUROPOLY_USERNAME and NEUROPOLY_PASSWORD must be defined. These should be credentials for the wiki at" >&2
exit 1
if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then
echo "error: not enough arguments" >&2
exit 1
set -- "${@:1:$(($#-1))}" # shift the path off
# at this point: "$@" is @FILES which has at least one element and DEST is the destination
namespace=$(echo "$DEST" | sed 's|/|:|g' | sed 's|:|%3A|g') # translate to namespace form, and urlencode it; TODO: use a more complete urlencoder.
# throw away credentials when we're done with them
trap 'rm -f cookies.txt' EXIT
# log in
# if the password is wrong, -f will make the script quit
curl -f -b cookies.txt -j -c cookies.txt -X POST '' --data-raw 'u='"${NEUROPOLY_USERNAME}"'&p='"${NEUROPOLY_PASSWORD}"
extract_sectokens() {
# using [pup]( `go get; export PATH=~/go/bin:$PATH`
#pup 'input[type=hidden][name=sectok] attr{value}'
# or, this is almost equally good and avoids the dependency:
egrep -o '<input type="hidden" name="sectok" value=".*" />' | awk -F " " '{print $4}' | awk -F "=" '{print $2}' | sed 's|"||g'
# get the CSRF token
sectok=$(curl -s -b cookies.txt | extract_sectokens | head -n 1)
# upload the files
for file in "$@"; do
curl -f -b cookies.txt -X POST '''&'"sectok="${sectok}""'&'"ns=${namespace}"'&'"qqfile="$(basename "$file")"" --data-binary @"$file"
# TODO: this returns json, either:
# {"success":true,"link":...,"id":...,"ns":"downloads:sct"}
# {"error": msg, "ns":"downloads:sct"}
# integrate `jq` here to detect these cases and print something reasonable to stdout
# Alternately instead of Wiki credentials + `curl`, use {VPN,SSH,sudo} credentials + `scp`:
#echo -n "$VPN_PASS" | sudo openconnect -b -u "$VPN_USER" --authgroup "$VPN_GROUP" --passwd-on-stdin
#scp "$@""${DEST}"
#<somehow auto-kill openconnect here>
# Maybe harder to get set up the first time but scp is probably reliable than some sketchy curl commands.
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