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Created January 13, 2021 20:06
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#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <array>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
class UnionFindTree{
struct base_node{
int parent;
int rank;
int size;
vector<base_node> node;
UnionFindTree(int n){
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
int find(int x){ //return root node of x
if(node[x].parent == x) return x;
return node[x].parent = find(node[x].parent);
bool same(int x, int y){
return find(x) == find(y);
int size(int at){
return node[find(at)].size;
void unite(int x, int y){
x = find(node[x].parent);
y = find(node[y].parent);
if(x==y) return;
if(node[x].rank < node[y].rank){
node[x].parent = y;
node[y].size += node[x].size;
}else if(node[x].rank > node[y].rank){
node[y].parent = x;
node[x].size += node[y].size;
namespace max_flow{
using Integer = long long;
constexpr Integer INF = 1LL << 58;
typedef struct{
int to;
Integer cap;
int rev;
bool is_rev;
// node v : distance from s => level[v]
void bfs(vector<vector<edge>> &G, vector<int> &level, int s){
fill(level.begin(), level.end(), -1);
queue<int> q;
level[s] = 0;
int e=q.front(); q.pop();
for(int i=0; i<(int)G[e].size(); i++){
if(G[e][i].cap > 0 && level[G[e][i].to] < 0){
level[G[e][i].to] = level[e] + 1;
Integer dfs(vector<vector<edge> > &G, vector<int> &level, vector<bool> &used, vector<int> &iter, int s, Integer f, int t){
if(s==t) return f;
//iter[e] : done searching from v[0] to v[ iter[e]-1 ]
for(int &i=iter[s]; i<(int)G[s].size(); i++){
//distance from s to v[e][i].to must be longer than dist from s to v
if(G[s][i].cap > 0 && level[s] < level[ G[s][i].to ]){
Integer d = dfs(G, level, used, iter, G[s][i].to, min(f, G[s][i].cap), t);
G[s][i].cap -= d;
G[ G[s][i].to ][ G[s][i].rev ].cap += d;
return d;
return 0;
Integer dinic_maxflow(vector<vector<edge> > &G, int s, int t){
Integer flow=0;
vector<int> level(G.size(), -1);
vector<int> iter(G.size(), 0);
vector<bool> used(G.size(), false);
bfs(G, level, s);
if(level[t] < 0) return flow; //unable to achieve to t
Integer f = dfs(G, level, used, iter, s, INF, t);
if(f==0) break;
else flow += f;
void add_edge(vector<vector<edge> > &G, int from, int to, Integer cap){
G[from].push_back((edge){to, cap, (int)G[to].size(), false});
G[to].push_back((edge){from, 0, (int)G[from].size() - 1, true});
} // max_flow
// to burn or to bury problem solver
namespace burny {
struct Variable {
size_t id;
int x = 1;
Variable operator ~() {
Variable res; = id;
res.x = 1-x;
return res;
bool operator < (const Variable& v) const {
return ? x < v.x : id <;
enum class State {
ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const State& state){
if(state == State::INFEASIBLE) return os << "INFEASIBLE";
if(state == State::NOT_SOLVED) return os << "NOT_SOLVED";
if(state == State::OPTIMAL) return os << "OPTIMAL";
return os;
// minimize a + sum_i c_{i1} * x_i + c_{i0} * (1-x_i) + sum_{i,j} c_{i1,j0} x_i * (1-x_j)
// x_i = {0, 1}
template<class Integer>
class Model{
vector<Variable> variables;
Integer cost_d0;
using table_2 = array<Integer, 2>;
map<size_t, table_2> cost_d1;
using table_4 = array<Integer, 4>;
map<pair<size_t, size_t>, table_4> cost_d2;
State state = State::NOT_SOLVED;
Integer answer;
vector<int> assignments;
Variable add_variable(){
size_t id = variables.size();
Variable v; = id;
v.x = 1;
return variables.back();
void add_constraint(Variable x, Integer cost){
cost_d1[][x.x] += cost;
void add_constraint(Variable x, Variable y, Integer cost){
if(y < x) swap(x, y);
assert( !=;
int t = (x.x<<1) | (y.x<<0);
cost_d2[{,}][t] += cost;
pair<Integer, State> solve(){
assert(state == State::NOT_SOLVED);
cost_d0 = 0;
int n = variables.size();
UnionFindTree uft(n * 2);
for(auto& c: cost_d2){
size_t i, j;
tie(i, j) = c.first;
const auto& t = c.second;
Integer s = - t[0b00] + t[0b01]
+ t[0b10] - t[0b11];
if(s < 0){ // must flip
uft.unite(i, j+n);
uft.unite(i+n, j);
}else if(s>0){
uft.unite(i, j);
uft.unite(i+n, j+n);
// s = 0, any flip
// find feasible flip
vector<int> flip(n, -1);
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
if(uft.same(i, i+n)){
state = State::INFEASIBLE;
return {0, State::INFEASIBLE};
map<int, vector<int>> s;
for(int i=0; i<n+n; i++)
for(auto& w: s){
int r = w.first;
if(flip[r%n] != -1) continue;
for(auto v: w.second){
flip[v%n] = v >= n;
for(auto& c: cost_d2){
size_t i, j;
tie(i, j) = c.first;
auto& t = c.second;
swap(t[0b00], t[0b10]);
swap(t[0b01], t[0b11]);
swap(t[0b00], t[0b01]);
swap(t[0b10], t[0b11]);
// j=0 j=1
// i=0 | a b = a + 0 0 + 0 (d-c) + 0 (c+b-a-d)
// i=1 | c d (c-a) (c-a) 0 (d-c) 0 0
Integer s = - t[0b00] + t[0b01]
+ t[0b10] - t[0b11];
cost_d0 += t[0b00];
cost_d1[i][flip[i] == 0 ? 1 : 0] += t[0b10] - t[0b00];
cost_d1[j][flip[j] == 0 ? 1 : 0] += t[0b11] - t[0b10];
t[0b01] = s;
t[0b00] = t[0b10] = t[0b11] = 0;
assert(s >= 0);
for(auto& c: cost_d1){
size_t id = c.first;
auto& t = c.second;
swap(t[0], t[1]);
if(t[1] >= t[0]){
cost_d0 += t[0];
t[1] -= t[0];
t[0] = 0;
cost_d0 += t[1];
t[0] -= t[1];
t[1] = 0;
assert(t[0] >= 0);
assert(t[1] >= 0);
// make graph
vector<vector<max_flow::edge>> g(n+2);
int source = n + 0;
int sink = source + 1;
for(auto& c: cost_d1){
size_t id = c.first;
auto& t = c.second;
if(t[1] > 0){
max_flow::add_edge(g, id, sink, t[1]);
if(t[0] > 0){
max_flow::add_edge(g, source, id, t[0]);
for(auto& c: cost_d2){
size_t i, j;
tie(i, j) = c.first;
const auto& t = c.second;
if(t[0b10] > 0){
max_flow::add_edge(g, i, j, t[0b10]);
if(t[0b01] > 0){
max_flow::add_edge(g, j, i, t[0b01]);
// solve max flow (min cut)
Integer cut = max_flow::dinic_maxflow(g, source, sink);
answer = cut + cost_d0;
state = State::OPTIMAL;
// assignment
assignments = vector<int>(n, 0);
// find S set
set<int> visit;
queue<int> q;
int v = q.front(); q.pop();
for(auto& e: g[v]){
if(e.is_rev) continue;
if(e.cap == 0) continue;
if(visit.count( continue;
assignments[] = 1;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
assignments[i] = 1 - assignments[i];
return {answer, state};
} // namespace burny
int main(){
burny::Model<long long> model;
vector<burny::Variable> vars(2);
for(int i=0; i<vars.size(); i++){
vars[i] = model.add_variable();
// example
auto& x = vars[0];
auto& y = vars[1];
model.add_constraint(~x, 35); // x を埋めるコスト
model.add_constraint( x, 15); // x を燃やすコスト
// model.add_constraint(~y, 0); // y を埋めるコスト (指定しなければコスト 0)
model.add_constraint( y, 10); // y を燃やすコスト
model.add_constraint(~x, ~y, 30); // x を埋めて y も埋めたときのコスト
model.add_constraint(~x, y, -20); // x を埋めて y を燃やすときのコスト
model.add_constraint( x, ~y, 10); // x を燃やし y を埋めるときのコスト
model.add_constraint( x, y, -10); // x を燃やし y も燃やすときのコスト
// end example
cout << model.answer << endl;
cout << model.state << endl;
for(auto v: model.assignments){
cout << v;
cout << endl;
return 0;
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koyumeishi commented Jan 13, 2021

burn or bury -> burny (ネーミングセンス…)


model.state == burny::State::INFEASIBLE

になります。 (最大流にならないってだけで infeasible と言うのは違う気もするけど)

(dinic が古すぎて long long 固定なので burny::Model<__int128> とかやっても無意味)

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