Pre release
check there are no SNAPSHOT dependencies
verify all issues for staged version are marked as resolved
(optional) verify that staged artifact matches commit/tag by building from source
this might not be available for every build tool
send a "signoff" to aerogear-dev list
Post release
verify that release was tagged and pushed upstream
verify that release was pushed upstream (Maven Central, Bintray, Cocoapods, etc)
verify that upstream artifact matches tag by building from source
verify that JIRAs are closed
verify documentation uses latest available version
Pre release
run UnifiedPush unit tests
run UnifiedPush Server Admin UI tests (using Jenkins CI) using staged WAR
run UnifiedPush Server integration tests (using Jenkins CI) using staged WAR
register (any) application installation on UnifiedPush Server and verify message is delivered
Post release (empty)
Pre release
create OpenShift cartridge using UPS cart tool and repository/commit that contains new WAR
run UnifiedPush Server Admin UI tests (using Jenkins CI) using Non Deploying OpenShift Container againsts created cartridge
try migration path from a cartridge created by previous version
Post release (empty)
Pre release
verify update of plugin via Cordova CLI
deploy a Cordova application on Android device (using Jenkins CI) and check successful registration and message delivery
deploy a Cordova application on iOS device (manually) and check successful registration and message delivery
verify that project can be imported in JBDS
Post release (empty)