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krakjoe /
Last active January 30, 2020 19:22


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This extension wraps the very excellent libui to provide PHP 7 with an API for the creation of cross platform native look-and-feel interfaces.


  • queue for pthreads
use UI\App;
use UI\Window;
use UI\Point;
use UI\Size;
use UI\Area;
use UI\Controls\Box;
use UI\Draw\Pen;
use UI\Draw\Brush;
use UI\Draw\Path;
krakjoe@fiji:/usr/src/php-src$ sapi/cli/php -n prop.php
empty_loop 0.060
write_prop1() 0.085 0.025
write_prop2() 0.070 0.010
write_prop3() 0.058 -0.002
Total 0.274
krakjoe@fiji:/usr/src/php-src$ sapi/cli/php -n prop.php
empty_loop 0.059
write_prop1() 0.086 0.027
krakjoe / datetimeabstract.patch
Created July 21, 2015 12:01
diff --git a/ext/date/php_date.c b/ext/date/php_date.c
index 2f52353..930c9f1 100644
--- a/ext/date/php_date.c
+++ b/ext/date/php_date.c
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ ZEND_END_ARG_INFO()
ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_timezone_offset_get, 0, 0, 2)
ZEND_ARG_OBJ_INFO(0, object, DateTimeZone, 0)
- ZEND_ARG_OBJ_INFO(0, datetime, DateTimeInterface, 0)
+ ZEND_ARG_OBJ_INFO(0, datetime, DateTimeAbstract, 0)
> It's just terrible to use the opcodes could be hidden, maybe toggle with a verbosity level flag e.g -v2.
They are hidden by default, you are shown opcodes when it's appropriate to show you opcodes or on request, if there's a bug, please report it.
> It's not smooth like pdb in python - having to 'eval' everything doesnt feel right.
You appear to be complaining that this isn't like some other software you have used, I'm not sure what to do with that.
Having to eval everything makes sense from the perspective that not all input is code, this is not a REPL, this is a debugger. What for example do we do with the input "run" if there is a run constant defined !? The answer is; nothing that makes sense in all situations. What does make sense, is eval'ing code.
krakjoe /
Last active January 30, 2020 12:33

Easy pthreads Pools

The final solution !!

Since the first version of pthreads, PHP has had the ability to initialize Worker threads for users. Onto those Worker threads are stacked objects of class Stackable for execution concurrently.

The objects stacked onto workers do not have their reference counts changed, pthreads forces the user to maintain the reference counts in userland, for the extremely good reason that this enables the programmer to keep control of memory usage; and so, execute indefinitely.

This is the cause of much heartache for newcomers to pthreads; if you do not maintain references properly you will, definitely, experience segmentation faults.

krakjoe /
Last active October 8, 2015 08:53
mandel pthreads

This is a rather extreme test ... still, was fun ...

[joe@fiji pthreads]$ time php-zts ../php-src/mandrel.php 0 128

real	0m11.441s
user	0m11.386s
sys	0m0.043s
[joe@fiji pthreads]$ time php-zts ../php-src/mandrel.php 1 128
krakjoe / workers.php
Created February 26, 2014 17:12
using workers
define("SECOND", 1000000);
class Task extends Stackable {
public function run() {
/* some random data */
$this->data = md5(
mt_rand() * microtime());
krakjoe / generics-parser.patch
Last active January 3, 2016 11:39
diff --git a/Zend/zend_language_parser.y b/Zend/zend_language_parser.y
index 752e27f..989296d 100644
--- a/Zend/zend_language_parser.y
+++ b/Zend/zend_language_parser.y
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ static YYSIZE_T zend_yytnamerr(char*, const char*);
-%expect 3
+%expect 5
krakjoe /
Last active September 11, 2020 17:05

Arrayof Performance

function arrayof_foo(Foo[] $fooze) {
    foreach ($fooze as $foo) {