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Last active March 22, 2024 01:56
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STOMP Implementation for Arduino Yun
// Libraries
#include <Bridge.h>
#include <YunClient.h>
// Defines
// Used for connectivity parameters
#define ENDPOINT ""
#define LOGIN " "
#define PASSCODE " "
#define PORT 61613
#define TOPIC "/topic/heart"
// Constants for STOMP
const int DISCONNECTED = 0;
const int CONNECTING = 1;
const int CONNECTED = 2;
const int WAITING = 3;
const int SUBSCRIBING = 4;
const int SUBSCRIBED = 5;
const int SENDING = 6;
const int SENT = 7;
const int DISCONNECTING = 8;
const int STOP = 9;
// Global
int counter;
int state;
String session;
YunClient client;
// Setup
void setup()
// Initially disconnected
// Serial for debugging
Serial.begin( 9600 );
// Start Yun bridge
// Used for network connectivity
// Wait until bridge is open
while( !Serial );
// Loop
void loop()
int start;
String body;
String frame;
String response;
// If disconnected
if( state == DISCONNECTED )
// Connect to server
if( client.connect( ENDPOINT, PORT ) )
// Set connecting state
Serial.println( "Connecting..." );
} else {
// Problem connecting
Serial.println( "Not connected" );
// Connected to server
} else if( state == CONNECTING ) {
// Initiate STOMP connection
client.println( "CONNECT" );
client.println( "accept-version:1.2" );
client.print( "host:" );
client.println( ENDPOINT );
client.print( "login:" );
client.println( LOGIN );
client.print( "passcode:" );
client.println( PASSCODE );
client.write( 0x0 );
// Waiting for response
Serial.println( "Connect header sent..." );
state = WAITING;
// Connected to STOMP broker
} else if( state == CONNECTED ) {
// Subscribe to specified destination
client.println( "SUBSCRIBE" );
client.print( "id:" );
client.println( session );
client.print( "destination:" );
client.println( TOPIC );
client.println( "receipt:subscribed" );
client.write( 0x0 );
// Subscribing to topic
Serial.println( "Subscribing to topic..." );
} else if( state == SUBSCRIBED ) {
counter = counter + 1;
body = String( counter );
client.println( "SEND" );
client.print( "destination:" );
client.println( TOPIC );
client.println( "content-type:text/plain" );
client.print( "content-length:" );
client.println( body.length() );
client.print( "receipt:message-" );
client.println( counter );
client.print( body );
client.write( 0x0 );
state = SENDING;
Serial.println( "Sending message..." );
} else if( state == SENT ) {
body = String( counter );
client.println( "DISCONNECT" );
client.print( "receipt:disconnect-" );
client.println( body );
client.write( 0x0 );
Serial.println( "Disconnecting..." );
// Incoming data from broker
if( client.available() > 0 )
response = client.readStringUntil( 0x0 );
Serial.print( "*** Response Start (" );
Serial.print( response.length() );
Serial.println( ") ***" );
Serial.println( response );
Serial.println( "*** Response End ***" );
if( response.length() > 0 )
frame = getValue( response, 0, "\n" );
if( frame == "CONNECTED" )
// Get session for later reference
session = getHeader( response, "session" );
Serial.print( "Session: " );
Serial.println( session );
// Set state
state = CONNECTED;
Serial.println( "Connected." );
} else if( frame == "MESSAGE" ) {
body = getValue( response, 1, "\n\n" );
Serial.print( "Message: " );
Serial.println( body );
} else if( frame == "RECEIPT" ) {
if( state == SUBSCRIBING )
Serial.println( "Subscribed." );
} else if( state == SENDING ) {
state = SENT;
Serial.println( "Sent." );
delay( 1000 );
} else if( state == DISCONNECTING ) {
Serial.println( "Disconnected." );
Serial.println( "Connection closed." );
state = STOP;
// Read last null byte;
// Count the number of parts in a string
// Used to help replace lack of split
int count( String content, String delimeter )
int count = 0;
int end;
int start = 0;
// Count occurances of delimeter
do {
end = content.indexOf( delimeter, start );
start = end + 1;
count = count + 1;
} while( end > 0 );
// Return occurance count
return count;
// Reads response for specific header
// Extracts and returns header value
String getHeader( String content, String header )
int parts;
int start;
String line;
String prefix;
String result;
// How many lines in response
parts = count( content, "\n" );
// Start on line after frame line
// Look for header prefix match
for( int p = 1; p < parts; p++ )
// Header line
// Split into parts
line = getValue( content, p, "\n" );
prefix = getValue( line, 0, ":" );
// If prefix matches
if( prefix == header )
// Get value for header
start = line.indexOf( ":" ) + 1;
result = line.substring( start );
// Return result
return result;
// Get a specific section of a string
// Based on delimeters
// Used to replace lack of split
String getValue( String content, int part, String delimeter )
int end;
int start = 0;
String result;
// Iterate past unwanted values
for( int count = 0; count < part; count++ )
end = content.indexOf( delimeter, start );
start = end + delimeter.length();
// Get next occurance of delimeter
// May return -1 if not found
end = content.indexOf( delimeter, start );
// If no more occurances
if( end == -1 )
// Must be last value in content
// Parse out remainder
result = content.substring( start );
} else {
// Otherwise parse out segment of content
result = content.substring( start, end );
// Clean off white space
// Return resulting content
return result;
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