# Force Active Plan for IRCTC Quick Tatkal ## 🧐 How I Discovered This Bug While looking at the **authentication checker code** of Chrome extension (IRCTC Quick Tatkal), I noticed that it verifies the active status from `chrome.storage.local`. This check could be **easily modified**, allowing me to **fool the authentication system** into thinking I had an active plan. However, as soon as I visited the IRCTC website, the extension would **reset my plan status to Inactive**, revealing a **Storage Overwrite Vulnerability**.  While using a Chrome extension (**IRCTC Quick Tatkal**) that interacts with `irctc.co.in`, I noticed that my **subscription plan status would revert to inactive** upon visiting the website. After inspecting `chrome.storage.local`, I found that the extension modifies the stored plan status when accessing IRCTC, effectively locking out users who should have active access. ## How It Works - **Intercepts tab updates** in Chrome. - **Detects** when a user opens `https://www.irctc.co.in/`. - **Automatically forces** the plan to `"A"` in `chrome.storage.local`, overriding any extension-imposed reset. ## Code Explanation The script utilizes Chrome’s `chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener()` method to **monitor tab updates**. When the IRCTC website fully loads, the script forces the `plan` value in `chrome.storage.local` to **"A"** (Active). This ensures the extension remains in an unlocked state, preventing it from disabling premium features. ### **Code Implementation** ```javascript chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener((tabId, changeInfo, tab) => { if (changeInfo.status === "complete" && tab.url.includes("irctc.co.in")) { console.log("🚨 IRCTC opened! Forcing Active Plan..."); chrome.storage.local.set({ plan: "A" }, () => { console.log("✅ Plan forced to Active!"); }); } }); ``` ## Usage ### 1️⃣ Open the Chrome Extension Console 1. **Go to** `edge://extensions/` (or `chrome://extensions/`). 2. Enable **Developer Mode**. 3. Click **"Inspect views" → "background page"**. 4. Open the **Console tab**. ### 2️⃣ Paste & Run the Script Copy and paste the script into the **background page console** and hit Enter. ### 3️⃣ Test It - Open the extension POPUP & click "Book". - Open the **Console of the extension** (`F12` → Console tab) and check for: ``` 🚨 IRCTC opened! Forcing Active Plan... ✅ Plan forced to Active! ``` > [!NOTE] > I keep mentioning Chrome though the extension vulnerability occurs on all browsers... so any would be fine.