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Created January 15, 2016 03:07
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julia> Pkg.status()
4 required packages:
- Gadfly 0.4.0 fcb24969 (dirty)
- HTTPClient 0.2.0
- JSON 0.5.0
- Jewel 1.0.8
47 additional packages:
- ArrayViews 0.6.4
- BinDeps 0.3.19
- Calculus 0.1.14
- Codecs 0.1.5
- ColorTypes 0.2.0
- Colors 0.6.0 83093643 (dirty)
- Compat 0.7.8 6de3fbaa (dirty)
- Compose 0.4.0 7861bc86 (dirty)
- Contour 0.0.8
- DataArrays 0.2.20
- DataFrames 0.6.10 712e3876 (dirty)
- DataStructures 0.3.13
- Dates 0.4.4
- Distances 0.2.1
- Distributions 0.8.7
- Docile 0.5.19
- DualNumbers 0.1.5
- FactCheck 0.4.2
- FixedPointNumbers 0.1.1
- GZip 0.2.18
- Grid 0.4.0
- Hexagons 0.0.4
- ImmutableArrays 0.0.11
- Iterators 0.1.9
- JuliaParser 0.6.3+ master (dirty)
- KernelDensity 0.1.2
- LNR 0.0.2
- Lazy 0.10.1
- LibCURL 0.2.0
- LibExpat 0.1.0
- Loess 0.0.6
- MacroTools 0.2.0
- Measures 0.0.1
- NaNMath 0.1.1
- Optim 0.4.4
- PDMats 0.3.6
- Reexport 0.0.3
- Requires 0.2.1
- SHA 0.1.2
- Showoff 0.0.6
- SortingAlgorithms 0.0.6
- StatsBase 0.7.4 cf943919 (dirty)
- StatsFuns 0.2.0
- URIParser 0.1.1
- WinRPM 0.1.13
- WoodburyMatrices 0.1.2
- Zlib 0.1.12
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