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integerWithBytes Swift way
// Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import Foundation
typealias Byte = UInt8
protocol GenericIntegerType: IntegerType {
init(_ v: Int)
init(_ v: UInt)
init(_ v: Int8)
init(_ v: UInt8)
init(_ v: Int16)
init(_ v: UInt16)
init(_ v: Int32)
init(_ v: UInt32)
init(_ v: Int64)
init(_ v: UInt64)
protocol GenericSignedIntegerBitPattern {
init(bitPattern: UIntMax)
init(truncatingBitPattern: IntMax)
protocol GenericUnsignedIntegerBitPattern {
init(truncatingBitPattern: UIntMax)
extension Int:GenericIntegerType, GenericSignedIntegerBitPattern {
init(bitPattern: UIntMax) {
self.init(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingBitPattern: bitPattern))
extension UInt:GenericIntegerType, GenericUnsignedIntegerBitPattern {}
extension Int8:GenericIntegerType, GenericSignedIntegerBitPattern {
init(bitPattern: UIntMax) {
self.init(bitPattern: UInt8(truncatingBitPattern: bitPattern))
extension UInt8:GenericIntegerType, GenericUnsignedIntegerBitPattern {}
extension Int16:GenericIntegerType, GenericSignedIntegerBitPattern {
init(bitPattern: UIntMax) {
self.init(bitPattern: UInt16(truncatingBitPattern: bitPattern))
extension UInt16:GenericIntegerType, GenericUnsignedIntegerBitPattern {}
extension Int32:GenericIntegerType, GenericSignedIntegerBitPattern {
init(bitPattern: UIntMax) {
self.init(bitPattern: UInt32(truncatingBitPattern: bitPattern))
extension UInt32:GenericIntegerType, GenericUnsignedIntegerBitPattern {}
extension Int64:GenericIntegerType, GenericSignedIntegerBitPattern {
// init(bitPattern: UInt64) already defined
init(truncatingBitPattern: IntMax) {
extension UInt64:GenericIntegerType, GenericUnsignedIntegerBitPattern {
// init(bitPattern: Int64) already defined
init(truncatingBitPattern: UIntMax) {
func integerWithBytes<T: GenericIntegerType where T: UnsignedIntegerType, T: GenericUnsignedIntegerBitPattern>(bytes:[UInt8]) -> T? {
if (bytes.count < sizeof(T)) {
return nil
let maxBytes = sizeof(T)
var i:UIntMax = 0
for (var j = 0; j < maxBytes; j++) {
i = i | T(bytes[j]).toUIntMax() << UIntMax(j * 8)
return T(truncatingBitPattern: i)
func integerWithBytes<T: GenericIntegerType where T: SignedIntegerType, T: GenericSignedIntegerBitPattern>(bytes:[UInt8]) -> T? {
if (bytes.count < sizeof(T)) {
return nil
let maxBytes = sizeof(T)
var i:IntMax = 0
for (var j = 0; j < maxBytes; j++) {
i = i | T(bitPattern: UIntMax(bytes[j].toUIntMax())).toIntMax() << (j * 8).toIntMax()
return T(truncatingBitPattern: i)
let bytes:[UInt8] = [0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF]
integerWithBytes(bytes) as Int8?
integerWithBytes(bytes) as UInt8?
integerWithBytes(bytes) as Int16?
integerWithBytes(bytes) as UInt16?
integerWithBytes(bytes) as Int32?
integerWithBytes(bytes) as UInt32?
integerWithBytes(bytes) as Int64?
integerWithBytes(bytes) as UInt64?
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mplewis commented Mar 4, 2015

Thanks for this! Moving bytes between types of integers in Java is hard enough. Just having a reliable conversion module is incredibly helpful for any language.

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Thanks! this is more exercise than anything else, but yes It's worth to know how the things getting complicated when it comes to types.

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Hi Krzyzanowskim,
Great effort and useful area through!

I am doing some encryption algorithm and trying to do some shift operation using swift 2.0 like this but it always throws crash error (EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION). It is a signed number. How to solve this issue, please assist. In Java and C it gives me this number : -2147483646

let n : Int = 10
let s : Int = 2

let sh = (n >> s) | (n << -s) //error

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Hi @krzyzanowskim ,
I've found your gist and your blog article very useful, thanks!

While working on some bit representation, I think it's better to change the
T(bytes[maxBytes - j - 1])
because the input array does not represent the correct byte order of the returned integer IMHO.

For example, with a decimal number 43605, having this binary representation
1010 1010 0101 0101
I think the correct byte array that integerWithBytes should accept is
[170, 85]
and not the reversed one
[85, 170]

Thank you,

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lilyball commented Jan 4, 2016

This is ridiculous. You've apparently gone to great lengths to do this as complicated as possible. It's a hell of a lot simpler just to say

func integerWithBytes<T: IntegerType>(bytes: [UInt8]) -> T? {
    guard bytes.count >= sizeof(T) else { return nil }
    return bytes.withUnsafeBufferPointer({ UnsafePointer<T>($0.baseAddress).memory })

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@kballard , could you please elaborate on how to use that function with a practical example please?

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Nobody1707 commented Oct 18, 2017

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