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Last active May 19, 2022 12:38
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import Cocoa
// for-in
func checkForIn(array: [Int], dict: [Int: String]) {
for num in array where dict[num] != nil {
checkForIn([1,2,3,4], dict: [1:"one", 2:"two"])
// do-catch
enum ResponseError: ErrorType {
case HTTP(Int)
func errorProne() throws {
throw ResponseError.HTTP(404)
do {
try errorProne()
} catch ResponseError.HTTP(let code) where code >= 400 && code % 2 == 0 {
print("400 Bad Request") // match
} catch ResponseError.HTTP(let code) where code >= 500 && code < 600 {
print("Internal Server Error")
// while
func checkWhile(inout array: [Int]?) {
while let arr = array where arr.count < 5 {
var mutableArray:[Int]? = []
// if
func checkIf(string: String?) {
if let str = string where str == "checkmate" {
print("game over")
print("let's play")
// guard
func checkGuard(string: String?) {
guard let str = string where str != "checkmate" else {
print("game over")
print("let's play")
// switch-case
var value = (1,2)
switch value {
case let (x, y) where x == 1:
// match 1
case let (x, y) where x / 5 == 1:
// not-match
// generics
func genericFunction<S where S: StringLiteralConvertible>(string: S) {
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// partial type extension

protocol SomeProtocol {}

protocol MyProtocol {}  
extension MyProtocol where Self: SomeProtocol {  

    func foo () {
       // do something

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In the switch case blocks you do not need the 'break' when in the first two since swift will not automatically flow through them.

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@darren102 break is required here for noop.

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@krzyzanowskim another way to write noop could look like this default: ()

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