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Last active July 6, 2022 04:37
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Original Source:
## Usage: heroku_env_copy [options] SOURCE TARGET
## NOTE: This script will only output the command, you should run it yourself.
## Options:
## -h, --help Display this message.
usage() {
[ "$*" ] && echo "$0: $*"
sed -n '/^##/,/^$/s/^## \{0,1\}//p' "$0"
exit 2
} 2>/dev/null
main() {
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
case $1 in
(-h|--help) usage 2>&1;;
(--) break;;
(-*) usage "$1: unknown option";;
(*) break;;
echo "Please choose the ENV variables you wish to copy from $SOURCE to $TARGET:"
echo ""
while read key value; do
read -p "Include: $key=$value ? [Y/n] (default yes) " -u 1 response
if printf "%s\n" "$response" | grep -Eq "$(locale noexpr)"
tput cuu 1 && tput el
echo -e "$(tput setaf 9)Copy: $key=$value ? No$(tput sgr0)"
tput cuu 1 && tput el
echo -e "$(tput setaf 2)Copy: $key=$value ? Yes$(tput sgr0)"
vars=$vars" $key=\"$value\""
done < <(heroku config --app "$SOURCE" | sed -e '1d')
echo ""
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "This script will not do your dirty work for you. Below is the script"
echo "you will need to run to update your heroku app instance. Good luck! "
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo ""
echo "heroku config:set$vars --app $TARGET"
echo ""
set -e # exit on command errors
main $@
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Thank you for this! It seems that exclamation point (!) if config value breaks the script.

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