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Created December 16, 2023 22:36
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fortnite health/shield esp estimator (90% accurate)
// stripped off projectnino
// 14
const auto memes::etw_get_registered_shot_event[&] = ( {
this->registered_bullet.weapon_capacitor = reinterpret_cast< pawn* >( this->registered_bullet.sender )->current_weapon;
this->registered_damage = static_cast< float >( this->cached_estimated_health_and_shield - GET_DAMAGE_MULTIPLIER( ##this->registered_bullet.weapon_capacitor ) );
if ( this->cached_estimated_health_and_shield >= 205 )
this->event_register_count -= 5.0f;
return true;
} );
if( etw_get_registered_shot_event( this->target_actor ) )
this->cached_estimated_health_and_shield -= this->registered_taken_shield( -1 );
renderer::draw_health_and_shield_bar( e_rendering_types::engine, this->cached_estimated_health_and_shield );
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kuh4it commented Dec 16, 2023

this takes in account the registered projectiles/bullets handled by the game and by entities you know of.
if any shield/mushroom/health booster is taken, it will also be taken into account.
^ This is what it will look like once rendered (this is d3d11 rendering and not ImGui so we do direct polygon rendering calls and use stb_image to render the shield/health icons)

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