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Last active February 23, 2017 04:05
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Form with Elm and Syncfusion Essential Studio
port module AdvancedForm exposing (..)
import AdvancedFormModel exposing (..)
import AdvancedFormView exposing (view)
import AdvancedFormUpdate exposing (update)
import Html exposing (..)
import Time exposing (..)
import Task exposing (..)
main : Program Never Model Msg
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
(initialModel, Task.perform CurrentTime
port setNumber : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg
port setPizza : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg
port setTopping : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg
port removeTopping : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg
port setSize : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
Sub.batch ([
setNumber InputOrderNumber
, setPizza InputPizza
, setTopping InputTopping
, removeTopping RemoveTopping
, setSize InputSize
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Example Syncfusion - Elm Form</title>
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<link href="static/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
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<link href="static/css/default-responsive.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="static/css/ej.responsive.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="static/css/advancedform.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="static/js/jquery-3.1.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"> </script>
<script src="static/js/ej.web.all.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
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<script src="static/js/jsrender.min.js"></script>
<script src="advancedform.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<div id="embeddedelm"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var elmapp = Elm.AdvancedForm.fullscreen();
elmapp.ports.updateLists.subscribe(function(itemlist) {
// window.dbitem =
// [
// { "text": "Calzone"},
// { "text": "Margherita"}
// ];
// $("#orders").ejListView({
// });
targetID: "pizzaddlist",
watermarkText: "Choose Pizza",
width: "100%",
change: function (args) {
targetID: "pizzanumber",
width: "40%",
value: 1,
minValue: 0,
maxValue: 10,
change: function (args) {
enableCheckMark: true,
mouseUp: function (args) {
if (args.isChecked) {
} else {
size: "small",
beforeChange: function (args) {
// elmapp.ports.setSize.send(args.value.toString());
size: "small",
change: function (args) {
// elmapp.ports.setSize.send(args.value.toString());
size: "small",
change: function (args) {
// elmapp.ports.setSize.send(args.value.toString());
size: "medium",
type: "button",
showRoundedCorner: true
// $("#orderlist").ejListView({
// });
size: "medium",
type: "button",
showRoundedCorner: true
size: "medium",
type: "button",
showRoundedCorner: true
module AdvancedFormModel exposing (..)
import Time exposing (..)
type alias PizzaOrder =
{ number: String
, pizza: String
, toppings: List String
, size: String
type alias Customer =
{ name: String
, address: String
, telephone: String
, ordered: List PizzaOrder
, selected: PizzaOrder
, time: String
, amount: Float
type alias Model =
{ temporder: Customer
, orders: List PizzaOrder
, currenttime: String
initialModel : Model
initialModel =
Model (Customer "" "" "" [] (PizzaOrder "1" "" [] "") "" 0.00) [] ""
type Msg
= NoOp
| AddOrder
| ConfirmOrder
| CancelOrder
| InputName String
| InputAddress String
| InputTelephone String
| InputOrderNumber String
| InputPizza String
| InputTopping String
| RemoveTopping String
| InputSize String
| CurrentTime Time
port module AdvancedFormUpdate exposing (update)
import AdvancedFormModel exposing (..)
import List.Extra exposing (..)
import Time.DateTime as DT exposing (..)
port updateLists : String -> Cmd msg
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
NoOp ->
(model, Cmd.none)
AddOrder ->
t = model.temporder
to = model.temporder.ordered
t_ = {t | ordered = t.selected :: to}
p = toFloat ((List.length t_.ordered))*19.95
m = Model {t_ | time = model.currenttime, amount = p} model.orders model.currenttime
itemlist = calculateOrder model.temporder.selected
(m, updateLists itemlist)
ConfirmOrder ->
(model, Cmd.none)
CancelOrder ->
(initialModel, Cmd.none)
InputName name ->
t = model.temporder
m = Model {t | name = name} model.orders model.currenttime
(m, Cmd.none)
InputAddress address ->
t = model.temporder
m = Model {t | address = address} model.orders model.currenttime
(m, Cmd.none)
InputTelephone telephone ->
t = model.temporder
m = Model {t | telephone = telephone} model.orders model.currenttime
(m, Cmd.none)
InputOrderNumber n ->
t = model.temporder
s = t.selected
s_ = {s | number = n}
m = Model {t | selected = s_} model.orders model.currenttime
(m, Cmd.none)
InputPizza p ->
t = model.temporder
s = t.selected
s_ = {s | pizza = p}
m = Model {t | selected = s_} model.orders model.currenttime
(m, Cmd.none)
InputTopping topping ->
t = model.temporder
s = t.selected
s_ = {s | toppings = topping :: s.toppings}
m = Model {t | selected = s_} model.orders model.currenttime
(m, Cmd.none)
RemoveTopping topping ->
t = model.temporder
s = t.selected
s_ = {s | toppings = remove topping s.toppings}
m = Model {t | selected = s_} model.orders model.currenttime
(m, Cmd.none)
InputSize size ->
t = model.temporder
s = t.selected
s_ = {s | size = size}
m = Model {t | selected = s_} model.orders model.currenttime
(m, Cmd.none)
CurrentTime time ->
t = model.temporder
currentplus = addMinutes (((List.length t.ordered)+1)*40) (fromTimestamp time)
s = toString (DT.hour currentplus) ++ ":" ++ toString (DT.minute currentplus)
({model | currenttime = s}, Cmd.none)
-- helper functions
calculateOrder : PizzaOrder -> String
calculateOrder order =
o = order.number ++ "x " ++
""" [{"text":" """ ++ o ++ """ "}] """
module AdvancedFormView exposing (view, amount2CurrencyFormatter)
import AdvancedFormModel exposing (..)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (..)
import Formatting as F exposing (..)
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div [class "container"] [
div [ class "jumbotron", style [("background-color","lightblue")] ] [
h1 [] [ text "Pizza Ordering System" ]
, span [style [("font-size","1.4em")]] [text "Example for Syncfusion Blog. First published "]
, a [href "#", style [("font-size","1.4em")]] [text "here."]
, div [class "container-fluid"] [
div [class "row"][
div [class "col-md-5"] [
div [class "frame"] [
div [class "control"] [
Html.form [class "form-horizontal"] [
div [class "form-group"] [
label [for "pizzanumber", class "col-sm-2 control-label", style [("background-color","ghostwhite"),("padding-bottom","3px")]] [
text "Number:"
, input [id "pizzanumber", value (toString model.temporder.selected.number), class "form-control"][]
, div [class "form-group"][
label [for "pizzadd", class "col-sm-2 control-label", style [("background-color","ghostwhite")]] [
text "Pizza:"
, input [id "pizzadd"][]
, div [id "pizzaddlist"] [
ul [] [
li [] [text "Calzone"]
, li [] [text "Margherita"]
, div [class "form-group"][
label [for "pizzadd", class "col-sm-2 control-label", style [("background-color","ghostwhite")]] [
text "Toppings:"
, div [id "toppingslist"] [
ul [] [
li [] [text "Cheese"]
, li [] [text "Ham"]
, div [class "row", style [("padding-left","10px"), ("display","none")]][
div [class "col-lg-3"] [
label [for "pmedium", class "", style [("background-color","ghostwhite"),("padding-right","10px")]] [
text "Medium"
, input [id "pmedium", type_ "radio", name "pizzasize"] []
, div [class "col-lg-3"] [
label [for "plarge", class "", style [("background-color","ghostwhite"),("padding-right","10px")]] [
text "Large"
, input [id "plarge", type_ "radio", name "pizzasize"] []
, div [class "col-lg-3"] [
label [for "pxlarge", class "", style [("background-color","ghostwhite"),("padding-right","10px")]] [
text "X-Large"
, input [id "pxlarge", type_ "radio", name "pizzasize"] []
, div [class "pull-right", style [("padding-top","15px")]] [
button [id "addtoorder", onClick AddOrder, class ("btn btn-default" ++ (defineAddOrderButtonState model.temporder.selected))] [text "Add to Order"]
, br [] []
, br [] []
, br [] []
, div [class "frame"] [
div [class "control"] [
label [for "orderlist"] [text "Ordered"]
, div [id "orderlist"] [
, br [] []
, Html.form [class "form-horizontal"] [
div [class "form-group"] [
label [for "fname", class "col-sm-2 control-label", style [("background-color","ghostwhite")]] [
text "Name:"
, input [id "fname", type_ "text", value, class "ejinputtext", style [("width","70%")], onInput InputName ] []
, div [class "form-group"] [
label [for "faddress", class "col-sm-2 control-label", style [("background-color","ghostwhite")]] [
text "Address:"
, input [id "faddress", type_ "text", value model.temporder.address, class "ejinputtext", style [("width","70%")], onInput InputAddress][]
, div [class "form-group"] [
label [for "ftel", class "col-sm-2 control-label", style [("background-color","ghostwhite")]] [
text "Telephone:"
, input [id "ftel", type_ "text", value model.temporder.telephone, class "ejinputtext", style [("width","70%")], onInput InputTelephone][]
, div [class "form-group"] [
label [class "col-sm-5 control-label", style [("background-color","ghostwhite"),("padding-top","0.7em")]] [
text "Estimated Delivery Time:"
, p [id "fdeltime", class "form-control-static", style [("background-color","ghostwhite"),("font-size","1.5em"),("font-weight","bold")]] [text model.temporder.time]
, div [class "form-group"] [
label [class "col-sm-5 control-label", style [("background-color","ghostwhite"),("padding-top","0.7em")]] [
text "Price:"
, p [id "fprice", class "form-control-static", style [("background-color","ghostwhite"),("font-size","1.5em"),("font-weight","bold")]] [text (amount2CurrencyFormatter model.temporder.amount)]
, div [class "pull-right", style [("padding-top","15px"),("padding-left","15px")]] [
button [id "cancelorder", onClick CancelOrder, class "btn btn-default"] [text "Cancel Order"]
, div [class "pull-right", style [("padding-top","15px")]] [
button [id "confirmorder", onClick ConfirmOrder, class ("btn btn-default" ++ (defineConfirmOrderButtonState model.temporder))] [text "Confirm Order"]
, br [] []
, br [] []
, div [class "col-md-5"] [
div [style [("padding-left", "30px")]] [
h2 [style [("margin-top", "0px")]] [ text "All Orders"]
, div [id "orders"] [
ul [] [
li [] [text "2x Margherita -> 6:15"]
-- helper functions
renderList : List PizzaOrder -> Html msg
renderList l =
( (\item -> li [] [ text ]) l)
amount2CurrencyFormatter : Float -> String
amount2CurrencyFormatter =
print (F.s "$ " <> float)
defineAddOrderButtonState : PizzaOrder -> String
defineAddOrderButtonState selected =
case String.isEmpty of
True -> " disabled"
False -> ""
defineConfirmOrderButtonState : Customer -> String
defineConfirmOrderButtonState customer =
pname = String.isEmpty
paddress = String.isEmpty customer.address
ptelephone = String.isEmpty customer.telephone
predicate = pname || paddress || ptelephone
case predicate of
True -> " disabled"
False -> ""
"version": "1.0.0",
"summary": "Syncfusion example with Elm",
"repository": "",
"license": "BSD3",
"source-directories": [
"exposed-modules": [],
"dependencies": {
"elm-community/elm-time": "1.0.1 <= v < 2.0.0",
"elm-community/list-extra": "6.0.0 <= v < 7.0.0",
"elm-lang/core": "5.1.1 <= v < 6.0.0",
"elm-lang/html": "2.0.0 <= v < 3.0.0",
"krisajenkins/formatting": "4.2.0 <= v < 5.0.0"
"elm-version": "0.18.0 <= v < 0.19.0"
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kujua commented Feb 23, 2017

See Blog Syncfusion for explanations

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