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Created February 13, 2014 18:29
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OpenOffice macros. Makes all images in .odt file available offline.
Sub Main
'Inspect ThisComponent.getDrawPage()
End Sub
Sub ConvertAllLinkedGraphics(Optional aDoc)
Dim oDoc ' Working document
Dim oDP ' Draw page
Dim i% ' Index counter
Dim oGraph ' Graph object in the draw page
Dim iLinked% ' Number of linked graphics
Dim iEmbedded% ' Number of embedded graphics
Dim iConverted% ' Linked graphics converted to embedded
Dim s1$ ' Graphic service name
Dim s2$ ' Graphic service name
REM Only know how to convert these types
s1 = ""
s2 = ""
If IsMissing(aDoc) OR IsNull(aDoc) OR IsEmpty(aDoc) Then
oDoc = ThisComponent
oDoc = aDoc
End If
REM Get the document draw page and then enumerate the graphics.
oDP = oDoc.getDrawPage()
For i=0 To oDP.getCount()-1
oGraph = oDP.getByIndex(i)
If oGraph.supportsService(s1) OR oGraph.supportsService(s2) Then
If InStr(oGraph.GraphicURL, "vnd.sun") <> 0 Then
iEmbedded = iEmbedded + 1
iLinked = iLinked + 1
If EmbedLinkedGraphic_2(oGraph, oDoc) Then
iConverted = iConverted + 1
End If
End If
End If
Print "Found " & iLinked & " linked and " & iEmbedded & _
" embedded graphics and converted " & iConverted
End Sub
' oDoc - document to contain the image.
' oCurs - Cursor where the image is added
' sURL - URL of the image to insert.
' sParStyle - set the paragraph style to this.
Sub EmbedGraphic(oDoc, oCurs, sURL$, sParStyle$)
Dim oShape
Dim oGraph 'The graphic object is text content.
Dim oProvider 'GraphicProvider service.
Dim oText
oShape = oDoc.createInstance("")
oGraph = oDoc.createInstance("")
oProvider = createUnoService("")
Dim oProps(0) as new
oProps(0).Name = "URL"
oProps(0).Value = sURL
REM Save the original size.
Dim oSize100thMM
Dim lHeight As Long
Dim lWidth As Long
oSize100thMM = RecommendGraphSize(oProvider.queryGraphicDescriptor(oProps))
If NOT IsNull(oSize100thMM) AND NOT IsEmpty(oSize100thMM) Then
lHeight = oSize100thMM.Height
lWidth = oSize100thMM.Width
End If
oShape.Graphic = oProvider.queryGraphic(oProps())
oGraph.graphicurl = oShape.graphicurl
oGraph.AnchorType =
oText= oCurs.getText()
oText.insertTextContent(oCurs, oGraph, false)
If lHeight > 0 AND lWidth > 0 Then
Dim oSize
oSize = oGraph.Size
oSize.Height = lHeight
oSize.Width = lWidth
oGraph.Size = oSize
End If
' Set the paragraph style if it is in the document.
Dim oStyles
oStyles = oDoc.StyleFamilies.getByName("ParagraphStyles")
If oStyles.hasByName(sParStyle) Then
oCurs.ParaStyleName = sParStyle
End If
End Sub
Function EmbedLinkedGraphic_2(oGraph, oDoc) As Boolean
REM Author: Andrew Pitonyak
Dim sGraphURL$ ' External URL of the graphic.
Dim oGraph_2 ' Created graphic.
Dim oCurs ' Cursor where the graphic is located.
Dim oText ' Text object containing graphic.
Dim oAnchor ' Anchor point of the image
Dim s1$ ' Graphic service name
Dim s2$ ' Graphic service name
EmbedLinkedGraphic_2 = False
If InStr(oGraph.GraphicURL, "vnd.sun") <> 0 Then
REM Ignore an image that is already embedded
Exit Function
End If
s1 = ""
s2 = ""
If oGraph.supportsService(s1) Then
REM I only know how to convert a GraphicObjectShape.
REM I do not know how to convert a TextGraphicObject,
REM but it is probably related to the ImageMap attribute.
oAnchor = oGraph.getAnchor()
oText = oAnchor.getText()
oGraph_2 = ThisComponent.createInstance(s)
oGraph_2.GraphicObjectFillBitmap = oGraph.GraphicObjectFillBitmap
oGraph_2.Size = oGraph.Size
oGraph_2.Position = oGraph.Position
oText.insertTextContent(oAnchor, oGraph_2, False)
EmbedLinkedGraphic_2 = True
ElseIf oGraph.supportsService(s2) Then
Dim oBitmaps
Dim sNewURL$
Dim sName$
sName$ = oGraph.LinkDisplayName
oBitmaps = oDoc.createInstance( "" )
If oBitMaps.hasByName(sName) Then
Print "Link display name " & sName & " already exists"
Exit Function
End If
'Print "Ready to insert (" & sName & ") with URL " & oGraph.GraphicURL
oBitmaps.insertByName( sName, oGraph.GraphicURL )
'Print "inserted " & sName
'Inspect oBitMaps
'MsgBox Join(CHR$(10), oBitmaps.getElementNames())
sNewURL$ = oBitmaps.getByName( sName )
'Print "inserted URL " & sNewURL
oGraph.GraphicURL = sNewURL
EmbedLinkedGraphic_2 = True
End If
End Function
Function RecommendGraphSize(oGraph)
Dim oSize
Dim lMaxW As Double ' Maximum width in 100th mm
Dim lMaxH As Double ' Maximum height in 100th mm
lMaxW = 6.75 * 2540 ' 6.75 inches
lMaxH = 9.5 * 2540 ' 9.5 inches
If IsNull(oGraph) OR IsEmpty(oGraph) Then
Exit Function
End If
oSize = oGraph.Size100thMM
If oSize.Height = 0 OR oSize.Width = 0 Then
' 2540 is 25.40 mm in an inch, but I need 100th mm.
' There are 1440 twips in an inch
oSize.Height = oGraph.SizePixel.Height * 2540.0 * TwipsPerPixelY() / 1440
oSize.Width = oGraph.SizePixel.Width * 2540.0 * TwipsPerPixelX() / 1440
End If
If oSize.Height = 0 OR oSize.Width = 0 Then
'oSize.Height = 2540
'oSize.Width = 2540
Exit Function
End If
If oSize.Width > lMaxW Then
oSize.Height = oSize.Height * lMaxW / oSize.Width
oSize.Width = lMaxW
End If
If oSize.Height > lMaxH Then
oSize.Width = oSize.Width * lMaxH / oSize.Height
oSize.Height = lMaxH
End If
RecommendGraphSize = oSize
End Function
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