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Last active December 21, 2015 19:59
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object Solution extends App {
val bf = Array.newBuilder[String]
(1 to Console.readLine().toInt)
.map(_ => Console.readLine())
.foreach(s => println(calc(s)))
def sum(n: Int, res: Int = 0): Int = if (n <= 0) res else sum(n - 1, res + n)
def calc(s: String): Int = {
if (s.toSet.size == 1) return sum(s.size)
val f = s(0)
s.foldLeft(0) { (i, c) =>
if (i > 0 && c == f) bf += s.substring(i)
i + 1
cnt(s, bf.result(), 0, s.size)
def cnt(s: String, sf: Array[String], n: Int, res: Int): Int =
sf.filter(c => c.size > n && c(n) == s(n)) match {
case e if e.isEmpty => res
case tail => cnt(s, tail, n + 1, res + tail.size)
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